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Prizes and Medals Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy establishes a standard for the implementation and determination of academic prizes and university medals across the University.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(2) For the purpose of this Policy refer to the Academic Board's Definitions Policy.

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Section 3 - Academic Prizes

(3) Faculty Boards are responsible for setting the eligibility and selection criteria for prizes within their Faculty or College. 

(4) Prize winners are approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Education). Confirmation of prize winners is provided to Student Administration Services (Prizes) following approval by the relevant Associate Dean (Education). All annual prize winners are to be reported at the first appropriate Faculty Board and Academic Board of the calendar year for noting.

(5) Academic Board endorses the introduction of an annual 'prizes' event into the University event calendar to recognize prize winners, prize donors and strengthen University relationships with industry and the local community. This event (for both graduating and non-graduating prize winners) should be at Graduation time, but remain as a separate event.

(6) Authority for approval of all new prizes, and of changes to existing prizes, lies with the Faculty Board following consultation with Student Administration Services. The following information is to be provided:

  1. Title of Prize
  2. Eligibility for Prize
  3. Source of Prize
  4. Number and Frequency of Prizes
  5. Benefits of Prize
  6. Criteria for Selection
  7. Responsibility for Administration of Prize.

(7) Confirmation of new prizes or changed prizes is to be provided to Academic Board and Student Administration Services following approval by Faculty Board. All approvals notified to the Academic Board, will also require the information outlined above.

(8) Where a donor advises that a prize is no longer available, the prize is to be discontinued. 

(9) Confirmation of discontinued prizes is to be provided to Academic Board and Student Administration Services by the Associate Dean (Education).

(10) Academic Board strongly encourages Faculties and Colleges to explore ways of increasing the number and financial value of prizes for students.

(11) Student Administration Services will maintain a register of all prizes on its website.

(12) The minimum value for all new prizes should be $250, and prizes should normally range in value between $500 and $1000.

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Section 4 -  University Medal

(13) University Medals are awarded to students who have completed the requirements of a Bachelor Honours degree with first class honours, and who have demonstrated an exceptional standard of academic achievement.

(14) A University medal may be awarded to a graduating student who has:

  1. completed the requirements for a Bachelor degree of the University or other accredited higher education provider; and
  2. been awarded a Bachelor Honours degree with first class Honours by the University; and
  3. completed at least one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent at the University in the course leading to the award of Honours, including all unit comprising the research component of the Honours award; and
  4. achieved a Grade Point Average of at least 6.5 for the units comprising the non-research component of the Honours award, including those in the associated Bachelor award, whether studied at the University or another institution; and
  5. achieved a grade of High Distinction in all the units comprising the research component of the Honours award; and
  6. not received a fail grade in any unit in the award relevant to the nomination, except in documented exceptional circumstances.

(15) If a student studies more than one award they are eligible to be considered for a University Medal for each.

(16) A student is ineligible for the award of a University Medal if the student has been found guilty of academic or non-academic misconduct pursuant to the Rules – Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules.

(17) Subject to clauses (18) and (19), the student’s Grade Point Average will be calculated in accordance with Rule 3 – Coursework Awards – Student Assessment and Examinations.

(18) The results of a student's first 0.5 years full time study (or part time equivalent) of the relevant degree may be excluded from the Grade Point Average calculation if it benefits the student's eligibility for the award of the University Medal.

(19) For the avoidance of doubt clause (18) does not apply if a student has been awarded advanced standing for the relevant degree.

(20) In cases where a student has completed more than the required number of units for the award for which they have been nominated, the highest grades will be used in the calculation of Grade Point Average.

(21) The decision of Academic Board Executive Committee for award of the University Medal is final within the University.

Process for awarding University Medals

(22) After the grade publication date for each teaching period, Student Administration Services (Prizes) provides a report of students eligible to receive the University Medal to the relevant Faculty or College Associate Deans (Education).

(23) The Associate Deans (Education) review the report and, after consultation with Faculty/College colleagues as relevant, advise their nominees to Student Administration Services (Prizes).

(24)  Student Administration Services(Prizes) collates a list of University Medal nominees and provides it to the Secretary, Academic Board.

(25) The Secretary, Academic Board presents the University Medal nominees to the Academic Board Executive Committee for consideration and approval.

(26) The Academic Board Executive Committee assesses the nominations against the criteria set out in clauses (13) to (20) and determines the University Medal recipients.

(27) Once awardees are approved by the Academic Board Executive Committee, the Secretary, Academic Board will:

  1. notify Student Administration Services (Prizes) of the names of University Medal recipients; and
  2. report the University Medal recipients to the next scheduled Academic Board meeting.

(28) Following notification of the University Medal recipients, Student Administration Services (Prizes) are responsible for:

  1. a. updating student academics transcript and AHEGS statements;
  2. notifying the Graduation Office of University Medal recipients; and
  3. providing names and relevant details to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for congratulatory letters to be sent to the recipients. Copies of the congratulatory letters are provided to Student Administration Services (Prizes) and the Graduation Office.

(29)  The Graduation Office are responsible for:

  1. including University Medal recipients in graduation programs and scripts;
  2. contacting University Medal recipients regarding their graduation plans; and
  3. ordering University Medals.

(30) Where the Academic Board Executive Committee does not approve awarding a University Medal to a nominee, the Secretary, Academic Board will inform Student Administration Services (Prizes) of that determination.

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Section 5 -  Chancellor’s Medal

(31) The Chancellor's Medal for Outstanding PhD Thesis is awarded to a candidate whose thesis makes a significant contribution to the field of research. There may be more than one Chancellor’s Medal awarded each year, or none awarded in any particular year. Normally no more than five percent of theses reach this level of attainment.

(32) In order to be eligible for consideration the thesis will need to have received an A Grading from both examiners at the first round of examination. 

(33) Where examiners comment that the thesis makes an outstanding contribution of scholarship in its discipline, the examiners are requested to provide the following information:

  1. the number of PhD theses they have examined to date; and 
  2. the reasons for their assessment in terms of the international significance of the work and its level of excellence.

Process for awarding the Chancellor's Medal

(34) Where the criteria set out in clause (32) is met the following will be considered by the Dean, Graduate School:

  1. the examiners’ comments and information provided as per clause (33);
  2. the quality and nature of publications resulting from the thesis;
  3. recommendations from the relevant Associate Dean of Research and Director, Higher Degree Research; and 
  4. If the Associate Dean of Research or Director, Higher Degree Research do not support the nomination, written reasons for that decision must be provided to the Dean, Graduate School. 

(35) The Dean, Graduate School reviews the nomination and determines whether to recommend the nomination to the Academic Board Executive Committee for approval.

(36) The Graduate School provides the Dean, Graduate School recommendations to the Secretary, Academic Board, who seeks approval from Academic Board Executive Committee.  

(37) The Academic Board Executive Committee assesses the nomination against the criteria set out in clause (32) and information provided as per clause (33) and determines whether to award a Chancellor's Medal.

(38) Once an awardee is approved, the Secretary, Academic Board will:

  1. notify the Graduate School, and provide a copy of the confirmed minute;
  2. report the Chancellor Medal recipient to the next scheduled Academic Board meeting.

(39) The Graduate School will:

  1. notify Student Administration Services (Prizes) of the determination so that relevant academic records can be updated.
  2. provide contact details of the recipient to the Council Secretary; and
  3. notify the Graduation Office.

(40) The Council Secretary will issue the congratulatory letter on behalf of the Chancellor to the recipient and copy that correspondence to the Graduation Office and the Graduate School.

(41) The Graduation Office is responsible for:

  1. contacting Chancellor Medal recipients regarding their graduation plans;
  2. including Chancellor Medal recipients in graduation programs and scripts; and
  3. ordering Chancellor Medals.

(42) Where the Academic Board Executive Committee does not approve awarding a Chancellor's Medal to a nominee, the Secretary, Academic Board will inform the Dean, Graduate School of that determination.