Bulletin Board

SCU Policy Library Bulletin Board

Below you will see two lists.  The first displays policies, procedures and guidelines that have been approved and/or came into effect in the last two months. The second displays drafts that are currently available for comment.  The Protected Document indicates that a document is currently only available for comment by members of a small reference group as development is in the preliminary stages.  Accordingly a password will be needed to access these documents. Passwords are issued by the author.

Note that non-policy documents are posted to the Discussion Board for comment.

Recent Approvals

Document Title Status Effective Date
Corporate Credit Card Policy Current 25th July 2024
Terms of Reference - Research Quality and Impact Committee Current 22nd July 2024
Course Review Procedures Current 22nd July 2024
Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy Current 22nd July 2024
Terms of Reference - Academic Standards and Quality Committee Current 22nd July 2024
Research Integrity Procedures - Higher Degree Researchers (Students) Current 22nd July 2024
Research Integrity Procedures - Staff Current 22nd July 2024
Terms of Reference - Admissions Committee Current 22nd July 2024
Research Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy Current 22nd July 2024
Complaints Policy - Students and Members of the Public Current 22nd July 2024
Prizes and Medals Policy Current 22nd July 2024
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy Current 22nd July 2024
Research Publications, Dissemination and Authorship Procedures Current 22nd July 2024
Joint Doctoral Enrolments (Cotutelle) Policy Current 18th July 2024
Work Integrated Learning Procedures Current 18th July 2024
Higher Degree Research Register of Supervisors Policy Current 18th July 2024
Grade Description Guidelines Current 18th July 2024
Fraud And Corruption Prevention Policy Current 19th June 2024
Naming of University Facilities and Programs Policy Current 13th June 2024
Fundraising Strategy, Priority Setting and Management Policy Current 13th June 2024
Fitness For Study Policy Current 12th June 2024
Corporate Credit Card Procedures Current 4th June 2024
Timetable Policy Current 3rd June 2024
Social Media Policy Current 30th May 2024
Social Media Procedures Current 29th May 2024

Draft Documents for Comment

Document Title Date Due for Comment Document Author
[PROTECTED]External Referencing - Peer Review of Assessment Standards Procedure (Version 1 Draft 1) 31st July 2024 Vicky Baxter-Wright
[PROTECTED]Research Integrity Advisors Procedures (Version 1 Draft 1) 16th August 2024 Brenda Gradwell