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WHSMP16: WHSMS Management Review

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of this procedure is to outline the responsibilities and actions to establish a Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) review program at Southern Cross University (SCU). 

(2) The purpose of this procedure is to ensure Southern Cross University’s management, employees, contractors, students, visitors and others are aware of the responsibilities and actions to establish a Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) review program in the workplace. 

(3) All employees, students and others including both independent contractors and contractors under SCU control are to be made aware of and follow this procedure. 

(4) This Procedure applies to all SCU Work Units and sites. The procedure aligns with WHS legislation in the relevant jurisdictions SCU operates in. 

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Section 2 - Definitions 

An action raised in response to an identified deficiency. 
RiskWare is part of SCU’s cloud-based online safety management system.  The audit module in RiskWare is used to design audits, checklists and inspections, schedule them to be conducted, and create corrective actions for non-conformances 
Workplace Health & Safety Committee 
A consultation committee on all matters relating to work, health and safety. 
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Section 3 - General Principles 

Frequency of WHSMS Management Review 

(5) The WHSMS Management Review is programmed to be conducted bi-annually.  

(6) Review frequency may be extended to a maximum of every three years and the format may be reviewed in accordance with the practice. 

(7) The review shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Management Team to demonstrate top management's commitment. 

Review Preparation 

(8) The WHS Manager schedules the review meeting and ensures that all key stakeholders are available. An agenda is prepared and distributed to participants in advance. See Appendix A for a sample agenda.  

(9) Additional considerations for planning could include: 

  1. Involve all Health and Safety Representatives in a meeting to seek their involvement and input in gathering feedback on the University’s WHSMS 

WHSMS Management Review Documentation 

(10) The following documents should be collated and prepared and distributed to participants in advance:

  1. End-of-year summary of the WHS Plan objectives and targets, key performance measures and the extent to which they have met. 
  2. Any internal audit and result reports. 
  3. External audit result summary if applicable. 
  4. Corrective actions summary from RiskWare (e.g. how many were assigned and how many were completed on time, anything overdue). 
  5. Changes in hazards and risk profiles and changes in resourcing or organisational structure that would impact the implementation and maintenance of the WHSMS. 
  6. Key legislative and other requirements change during the year, their influences on the University’s operation and the University’s action in responding to the changes. 
  7. Status of actions arising from the previous management review, if any. 
  8. Resourcing requirements for adequately implementing and maintaining the WHSMS. 
  9. HSR comments and feedback. 

(11) These documents should be analysed and reviewed by the WHS Manager and submitted to the attendees for the review. These documents and aspects form the documentation component of the WHS Management Review. 


(12) The Vice-Chancellor should monitor the completion of corrective actions arising from the last Management Review annually in the WHSMS Management Review. 

(13) Any corrective actions not completed by the next WHSMS Management Review, strategic or operational directions should be discussed to resolve outstanding actions. 

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

University Council  

(14) The SCU Council has the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Demonstrate commitment to WHS and set examples for employees. 
  2. Ensure regulatory compliance with standards and procedures. 
  3. Maintain WHS management systems meeting policy, legal, and regulatory requirements. 
  4. Review WHS risks periodically and consider implications in decisions. 
  5. Oversight of the development and alignment WHS strategy with university objectives. 
  6. Agree on and monitor WHS objectives, targets, and performance. 
  7. Provide adequate WHS training and resources for roles. 
  8. Review and learn from WHS incidents and trends and ensure corrective actions. 
  9. Ensure  crisis management processes for incidents are implemented. 
  10. Cooperate with regulators and WHS Manager on legislative requirements. 
  11. Monitor and report WHS performance, maintain relevant records, and track progress against objectives. 

Operational Responsibilities 

(15) The SCU Vice Chancellor has the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Foster a positive WHS culture with continuous improvement and leading by example. 
  2. Appoint competent resources for WHS roles based on risk profile, including an advisor for WHS duties. 
  3. Allocate resources for WHS systems and training for direct reports. 
  4. Manage key stakeholder and regulatory relationships. 
  5. Comply with WHS legislative requirements and collaborate with authorities. 
  6. Ensure compliance with WHS policy and legal requirements is monitored through plans and reviews. 
  7. Take actions to achieve WHS objectives and address deficiencies. 
  8. Implement disciplinary measures for WHS breaches as needed. 

Vice Presidents/Pro/Deputy Vice-Chancellor 

(16) Vice Presidents/Pro/Deputy Vice Chancellors have the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Be aware of, monitor and control critical hazards and controls applicable to their work unit 
  2. Ensure compliance with WHS policies, procedures by persons involved in their work unit’s undertaking. 
  3. Incorporate WHS risks in the Enterprise risk register and apply controls. 
  4. Provide oversight of Work Unit WHS performance, reporting, and sharing lessons from incidents. 
  5. Appoint and allocate appropriate WHS resources for risk management and training. 
  6. Foster a positive WHS culture, promote continuous improvement, and lead by example. 
  7. Cooperate with Regulators/Authorities and WHS to meet legislative requirements. 
  8. Review safety performance, discuss with management, and take corrective actions as needed, including disciplinary measures for WHS breaches. 

Head of Work Unit 

(17) The Head of the Work Unit has the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Ensure compliance with WHS policies, procedures, and controls. 
  2. Ensure WHS compliance, communication, and risk management. 
  3. Provide oversight for Work Unit WHS performance. 
  4. Promote a positive WHS culture and competency. 
  5. Manage WHS incidents and reporting. 
  6. Obtain and follow WHS professional advice. 
  7. Coordinate with regulators and WHS teams. 
  8. Conduct audit and assurance activities and ensure action on findings. 
  9. Engage with stakeholders on WHS matters. 
  10. Report accidents and incidents promptly. 
  11. Enforce disciplinary measures for WHS breaches. 

Managers and Supervisors 

(18) Managers and Supervisors have the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Ensure compliance with WHS policies, procedures, and controls. 
  2. Ensure access to competent WHS advice and training. 
  3. Provide resources and approval for safe activities. 
  4. Cooperate with regulators, WHS Manager, and Partners. 
  5. Monitor and act on regulatory visits and incidents. 
  6. Conduct assurance activities. 
  7. Engage stakeholders on safety matters as needed. 
  8. Report and record all WHS incidents promptly. 
  9. Review Work Unit WHS performance regularly. 
  10. Enforce disciplinary measures for WHS breaches. 


(19) All employees have the following WHS responsibilities: 

  1. Complete required WHS training and stay updated. 
  2. Prioritise health and safety for oneself and others. 
  3. Ensure compliance with WHS policies, procedures, and control  
  4. Report WHS concerns promptly to relevant personnel. 
  5. Cooperate with SCU on WHS matters. 
  6. Understand and adhere to WHS procedures and risk assessments. 
  7. Notify relevant management of unsafe conditions or practices. 
  8. Work within established safety controls and systems. 
  9. Support WHS objectives and targets. 
  10. Use equipment only with proper training. 
  11. Wear issued PPE correctly. 
  12. Request additional WHS training if needed. 
  13. Follow instructions from authorities and supervisors. 
  14. Report accidents, defects, or hazards promptly. 
  15. Participate in audits and reviews as required. 
  16. To cease work if there is a reasonable concern of a serious risk or an immediate or imminent hazard poses serious risk to health and safety 
  17. To inform supervisor if work is ceased. 

WHS Team 

WHS Manager 

(20) The WHS Manager has the following responsibilities: 

  1. Develop and lead the University's health and safety strategy. 
  2. Implement and maintain WHS policies, procedures, and controls. 
  3. Provide oversight and reporting on WHS performance. 
  4. Develop and maintain WHS management systems. 
  5. Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory WHS requirements. 
  6. Assess and 1manage WHS risks effectively. 
  7. Promote visible leadership in WHS. 
  8. Communicate progress against WHS plans and objectives. 
  9. Ensure adequate WHS resources and training. 
  10. Provide WHS advice to management and maintain relationships with regulators. 
  11. Investigate and report accidents/incidents, sharing lessons learned. 
  12. Develop and monitor a WHS compliance assurance program. 
  13. Support SCU in new research, sites, and acquisitions. 
  14. Maintain accurate WHS data and reporting. 
  15. Regularly review and address WHS incidents and performance. 

WHS Business Partners  

(21) WHS Business Partners have the following responsibilities: 

  1. Assist work units with the application of procedures.  
  2. Support understanding and compliance with SCU standards and regulations. 
  3. Assist in WHS risk assessments and controls implementation. 
  4. Actively promote WHS culture and plans. 
  5. Maintain skills and stay updated on legal requirements. 
  6. Advise on WHS training needs. 
  7. Cooperate with regulators and WHS Manager on legal requirements. 
  8. Report incidents and support investigations. 
  9. Support WHS inspections, audits, and corrective actions. 
  10. Ensure accurate WHS data in RiskWare and meet reporting requirements. 
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Section 5 - Records of Documentation  

(22) All relevant documentation will be recorded and kept in accordance with WHS Legislation and other legislative obligations. 

  1. WHSMS Management Review Summary. 
  2. WHSMS Management Review Documentation. 
  3. Corrective actions arising from WHSMS Management Review and completion evidence. 
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Section 6 - Revision and approval history 

(23) This procedure will be reviewed as per nominated review dates or because of other events, such as: 

  1. Internal and external audit outcomes. 
  2. Legislative changes. 
  3. Outcomes from management reviews. 
  4. Incidents. 
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Section 7 - References 

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
Work Health and Safety Regulation in applicable jurisdiction that SCU operates  
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Section 8 - Related Documents 

WHSMS Overview Manual