Associated Information

Associated Information

This page contains links to legislation, Rules, Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and other material identified as having a direct association with this document. The list is not intended to be exhaustive and individuals should seek out other related references relevant to their circumstances.

Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 2 - Coursework Awards - General Provisions

( View Historic Versions )

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Higher Education Support Act 2003
Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth)
Privacy Act 1988
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011
ELICOS Standards 2018
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
  Advanced Standing and Recognition of Prior Learning Procedures
  Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy
  Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Procedures
  Definitions (Academic) Policy
  Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students
  International Admissions Genuine Temporary Entry Procedures
  International Security Sanctions and Compliance Policy
  International Student Transfer Request Policy
  Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
  Refunds and Remissions Procedure
  Rules - Fees, Charges and Sanctions
  Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules
  Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 10 - Awards
  Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 4 - Coursework Awards Specific Award Rules
  Welfare Arrangements of International Students Aged Under 18 Policy
Website Links
  English Language Proficiency Pathways
  Southern Cross University English Language Proficiency Pathways webpage
Other Electronic Publications
  ADE Template Notices - Excluded and Not Excluded  (3.54 MB)
  Exclusion - Rule 2 - Advice to ADEs from APO  (108.17 KB)
  Exclusion Process - Rule 2 - Flowchart  (156.46 KB)