
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

1. Use this Protected Document to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.

2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


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English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Admissions Policy

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy sets out the University's admission requirements and processes for its ELICOS programs.


(2) This Policy applies to: 

  1. applicants to ELICOS programs;
  2. staff members who assess, process, manage or approve applications to the University’s ELICOS programs. 
Top of Page

Section 2 - Admission 

Admission Requirements

(3) Applicants seeking entry into an ELICOS program must provide evidence of English language proficiency by completing:

  1. an external international English language proficiency test taken less than two years prior to planned enrolment; or 
  2. a Southern Cross University English Language Program Placement Test (SCU Placement Test).

(4) The applicant’s results achieved in the English language proficiency tests, as set out in clause 3, are used to propose the most appropriate program duration for that applicant.

(5) On arrival at Southern Cross University, all applicants are required to complete the Southern Cross University English Language Program Intake Test (SCU ELP Intake Test).

(6) Where the results of of the post-arrival and pre-arrival English language proficiency tests differ by more than one IELTS band, the Director, English Language Programs may require the student to commence their ELICOS study at a different program level to that proposed in the Letter of Offer. In these circumstances, a revised Letter of Offer will be issued.

Application Process

(7) Applications for entry into an ELICOS program can be made by applicants themselves or via a registered representative by completing the International Application for Admission Form. 

(8) All documentary evidence attached to an application must be:

  1. original; or 
  2. certified as true copies of the originals by a certified contractual agent, notary public or justice of the peace. 

(9) Where original documents are not provided, or the documentation is not certified by an appropriate authority, a conditional offer of admission may be made subject to the provision of appropriate documentation prior to program commencement.

(10) Applications to ELICOS program are processed by the Admissions Team, Student Administration Services. Where the application is successful, the Admissions Team issue a Letter of Offer to the applicant.

(11) Applicants issued with a Letter of Offer for an ELICOS program of more than three months duration will be required to hold a valid Australian Government Student Visa.

(12) Applicants must also:

  1. have financial capacity to pay the full cost of their tuition and all other expenses associated with their education and living in Australia.
  2. satisfy Genuine Temporary Entry student requirements in accordance with International Admissions Genuine Temporary Entry Procedures; and
  3. have capacity to undertake the compulsory study periods for the program's duration as stipulated in the Letter of Offer.

Applicants Aged Under 18

(13) Applicants aged under 18 are assessed by the Director, English Language Programs prior to their submission to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) for approval.

(14) Applicants under 18 who are to be accompanied by a legal guardian may be offered entry into an ELICOS program where they meet the admission requirements set out in clause (3) and provide:

  1. a signed, completed Guardian Declaration Form; and
  2. evidence  the Student Guardianship Arrangements (157N) Form has been submitted with their visa application to Department of Home Affairs.

(15) Applicants aged under 18 with no accompanying legal guardian may be offered entry into an ELICOS program where they meet the admission requirements set out in clause (3) and agree to:

  1. provide a signed, completed Guardian Declaration Form;
  2. undertake (and satisfy) a welfare assessment conducted by the Manager, International Student Support Services;
  3. provide a signed contract to reside in accommodation arranged by Australian Homestay Network until the age of 18; and
  4. provide a signed undertaking to attend weekly welfare meetings with International Student Support Services until the age of 18.

(16) Applicants who who satisfy the requirements under clause (15) will be issued with a Letter of Offer and Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare.

Offer Acceptance Process

(17) To accept their offer, applicants must read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions set out in the Letter of Offer, by:

  1. completing and signing the offer acceptance form; unless applicant is under the age of 18 and the offer acceptance form must be signed by a parent or guardian;
  2. making the total deposit payment via the link provided in the Letter of Offer; and
  3. returning the completed and signed offer acceptance form, together with the proof of payment.

(18) Once students have accepted an offer, SCU College will contact students with pre-arrival information which supports their relocation to Australia and is relevant to their study program.