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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Rules - Fees, Charges and Sanctions

Section 1 - Authorisation

(1) The Vice-Chancellor of Southern Cross University makes the following Rule under section 30(1) of the Southern Cross University Act 1993 ('Act'), pursuant to section 53 of the Southern Cross University By-Law 2005.

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Section 2 - Purpose and Scope

(2) The purpose of this Rule is to establish approved principles for the administration of fees and charges.


(3) This Rule applies to:

  1. commencing and continuing fee paying students;
  2. all Commonwealth Supported Students, Domestic Students, International Students, Offshore Students and staff.
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Section 3 - Definitions

(4) Census Date means the date prescribed by the University in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 as the date on which a student's enrolment is taken to be finalised. Students cannot enrol or withdraw from units after Census Date without significant academic and financial penalties.

(5) Commonwealth Supported means a student whose place in the course is Commonwealth Supported. A Commonwealth supported place is a subsidised enrolment at university. The Australian Government subsidises a Commonwealth supported place by paying part of the fees for the place directly to the university and the student pays the remainder of the fees through a 'student contribution' amount. Commonwealth supported places are only available to domestic students.

(6) Domestic student means:

  1. Australian citizens;
  2. New Zealand citizens (including a diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative); or
  3. holders of an Australian permanent visa who are residing in Australia.

(7) HECS-HELP is an Australian Government loan program to help eligible Commonwealth Supported students to pay their student contribution amounts. Before 2005 this was known as 'HECS';

(8) Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) is an Australian Government loan program that assists eligible students pay their student contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP), overseas study expenses (OS-HELP) and student services and amenities fee (SA-HELP). All HELP loans are repaid through the Australian tax system.

(9) FEE-HELP is an Australian Government loan program to help eligible fee paying students pay their tuition fees.

(10) Offshore Student is a student studying a University Course through an collaborating institution, located in a country other than Australia, that has a third party agreement with the University.

(11) International Student means:

  1. a student who, for the purposes of this Rule, is a citizen of another country and is studying in Australia on a temporary visa; or
  2. a student studying independently from an offshore location.

(12) SA-HELP is a loan scheme that assists eligible students to pay for all or part of their Student Services and Amenities Fee.

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Section 4 - Rules

(13) The University sets student tuition fees and receives student fee payments within the parameters of Commonwealth legislation for both domestic and international students in research degrees, coursework award courses and non-award programs.

(14) Different financial arrangements may apply to Commonwealth supported students, Domestic Students, International Students and Offshore Students.

(15) The University reviews and revises its fees and charges on an annual basis.

(16) To be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place and Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP and SA-HELP), students must provide their valid Unique Student Identifier prior to census date. 

(17) Commonwealth Supported, Domestic, and International students will pay the applicable fees and charges as set out on the Tuition Fees and Charges webpage.

(18) Offshore students will pay the applicable, advertised fees and charges as agreed (and varied from time to time) by SCU and the relevant third party provider.

(19) Changes to tuition fees must be approved by the relevant delegated authority before they are published or used to calculate student liabilities.

(20) Students will be advised of their applicable tuition fees each study period, except commencing International Students who will be advised in their letter of offer. Payment of applicable fees is a pre-requisite for the confirmation of enrolment by the University.

(21) Any student who is indebted to the University may be subject to the imposition of student sanctions.

(22) The University will not receive fee payments from any person, entity or country listed at the Australian Sanctions Law Schedule in order to ensure compliance with Australian sanctions and money laundering law.

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Section 5 - Procedures

Calculating Fees and Charges

(23) The Director, Admissions will calculate monies owing by the student or the University in accordance with the provisions of this Rule and Procedures and where necessary:

  1. require payment; or
  2. authorise a refund in accordance with the Refunds and Remissions Procedures.

(24) Fees payable  will be levied each study period on the basis of the student's enrolment, or intended enrolment, for that study period.

(25) Subject to clause (38), no change in amount of fees payable will occur after Census Date of the relevant study period.

Time for Payment

(26) Unless the Director, Admissions otherwise directs, fees will be paid in full on or before the advertised due date for the relevant study period unless a later date is specified on the relevant invoice.

Director, Admissions – Powers if Fees Unpaid

(27) If any fee (including special or administrative charges) payable by a student remains unpaid after the Time for Payment date, the Director, Admissions  may sanction, cancel or refuse the student's enrolment at any time thereafter (for International Students these powers are subject to adherence to the provisions of the Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students).

(28) If an International Student fails to pay in full by the relevant Census date, their enrolment may be cancelled by the Executive Director, Global in accordance with the Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students.

(29) Where enrolment has been cancelled or refused, a student may be reinstated upon payment of all outstanding fees and administrative charges before the final date for reinstatement.

(30) A student whose enrolment remains cancelled or refused after the final date for reinstatement or whose enrolment is cancelled pursuant to clause (26):

  1. will not be permitted to be enrolled unless and until:
    1. authorised by the Director, Admissions in special circumstances; and
    2. the student has complied with any condition imposed by, and at the discretion of, the Director, Admissions;
  2. will not attend any class or be entitled to sit for any examinations or be awarded any assessment grade; and
  3. will, unless the Director, Admissions otherwise directs, remain liable for any administrative charges imposed prior to the date of the notice of cancellation, but may at the discretion of the Director, Admissions be granted a refund of any amount which may have been paid in excess thereof.

Student Sanctions

Failure to Pay Charges

(31) A student who is sanctioned will be issued with a sanction notice requesting that the student take immediate action to resolve the outstanding obligations. Failure to resolve the outstanding obligations by the date specified on the sanction notice may result in cancellation of enrolment.

Student Sanctions

(32) Student sanctions may be imposed by the Director, Admissions following consultation with appropriate staff. Student sanctions may take the form of one or more of the following:

  1. preventing enrolment;
  2. withholding final grades;
  3. non-issue of a Transcript of Academic Record, Australian Higher Education Statement (AHEGS) or Testamur.

Special Consideration

(33) In exceptional circumstances, where the imposition of student sanctions would be inappropriate having regard to the circumstances, the Director, Admissions may direct that:

  1. student sanctions not be imposed;
  2. student sanctions be removed or varied; or
  3. conditions for discharging the student's indebtedness to the University be renegotiated.

(34) An application for special consideration, setting out the facts upon which the student relies and any corroborative evidence, will be made in writing to the Director, Admissions normally within 10 working days of the date of formal notification to the student of the imposition of student sanctions.

(35) The Director, Admissions will respond to the application for special consideration, normally within 10 working days of the receipt of the application.


(36) A student may appeal against any decision made under this Rule. An appeal will be made in writing to the Vice President (Students) and Registrar normally within 20 working days of notification of the relevant decision.

(37) The Vice President (Students) and Registrar will rule on the appeal and inform the student in writing of the ruling, normally within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal.

(38) The decision of the Vice President (Students) and Registrar will be final (subject to provisions of the Complaints Framework. 

Special Cases to be Determined by the Director, Admissions

(39) The Director, Admissions has authority to resolve, at his or her discretion, any fee related matter where special circumstances apply or where not specifically provided for in this Rule and Procedure.

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Section 6 - Fees and Charges 

Part A - Commonwealth Supported Fees

Tuition Fees

(40) Domestic students undertaking courses that are funded by the Commonwealth Government will pay the relevant fee set out on the Student Contribution Amounts webpage. 

Part B - Domestic Student Fees

Tuition Fees

(41) Domestic Students undertaking courses that are not funded by the Commonwealth Government will pay the relevant fee as set out in the Domestic Student fee information webpage.

Part C - International Student Fees

Pre-paid Tuition Deposit

(42) International Students will pay the (non-refundable) Pre-paid Tuition Deposit as defined within the offer of admission.

(43) The Executive Director, Global has discretion to determine the Pre-paid Tuition Deposit amount for each International Student.

(44) The Pre-paid Tuition Deposit will be credited towards tuition fees once the student has enrolled and commenced the SCU course.

Tuition Fees - International Students

(45) International Students will pay the relevant charge set out on the International Fee Information webpage, applicable at the time of undertaking studies with SCU (less any Pre-paid Tuition Deposit).

Health Insurance Cover

(46) All International Students must have Overseas Health Cover prior to commencing study. The cover must be for the entire duration of the course.

Part D - English Language Program Fees

(47) English Language Program students, whether domestic or international students, will pay the applicable fees set out on the English Language Programs webpage. 

Part E - Student Services and Amenities Fees

(48) The Student Services and Amenities Fees are set out in the Student Services and Amenities Fees webpage


(49) A student will normally be exempt from payment of fees in this Part if during the period of enrolment for which the fee is payable they are:

  1. enrolled in one of the following courses: SCU Scholars, English Language Courses, Preparing for Success, Incoming Cross Institutional Study, Doctor of Philosophy, Masters by Research, Professional Doctorate;
  2. an inmate of a correctional institution; or
  3. an Offshore Student.

Part F - Offshore Students

(50) Offshore Students will pay the relevant fees, and under the conditions, prescribed by the respective collaborating institution as defined within the Third Party Collaborating Agreement with the University.

Part G - Study Tour Fees

(51) Students participating in Study Tours will pay the relevant fees, and under the conditions, prescribed by the respective collaborating institution as defined within the Study Tour Agreement with the University.