
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

1. Use this Protected Document to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.

2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


Important Information

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  4. DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.


Alumni Communication Policy

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope


(1) This Policy sets out the University's approach and methods of communication with its alumni.  


(2) This Policy applies to communications to alumni from the University's staff members, students, educational partners, and other external organisations except for:

  1. Staff members conducting discipline specific personal enquiries,
  2. The Graduate Outcomes Survey,
  3. Media and Communications researching news stories and testimonials,
  4. Graduation arrangements,
  5. Career opportunities for alumni registered in CareerHub, and
  6. Marketing and SCU Global for return to study opportunities.
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Section 2 - Definitions

(3) Alumnus/Alumni means the graduate/s of any undergraduate or postgraduate course offered by Southern Cross University or its predecessor institutions.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) The University values its relationship with alumni and seeks to provide a mutually beneficial value proposition.

(5) Alumni are invited to remain connected to world class learning resources and offered ongoing professional support and networks. They are provided with access to useful information such as entitlements, upcoming events, mentoring and professional development opportunities, as well as University activities, initiatives and news.

(6) Communications are co-ordinated and quality-assured by the Alumni Team to ensure a coherent, strategic approach and prevent alumni from receiving multiple, concurrent University communications and experiencing survey fatigue or information overload.

(7) The University offers an 'unsubscribe from communications' option to alumni. No communications are sent to alumni who have unsubscribed from the service.

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Section 4 - Communication Channels

(8) The University uses digital and hard copy methods of broadcast and individual communication to alumni.  

(9) The official method of communication is by email to the alumnus’ preferred email account. Alumni will be considered contactable only when they have a nominated email address on record and have not unsubscribed from communications from the University.

(10) Other acceptable methods of communication are

  1. via email to an alternative account,
  2. social media,
  3. the Southern Cross website and engagement platforms,
  4. hard-copy communications to a nominated mailing address,
  5. or instant message (SMS) notifications to a nominated mobile phone number.

(11) The University may send hard-copy communications to alumni when deemed in the best interests of the University-alumni relationship by the Director, Customer Experience, Marketing and Digital. 

(12) The University may use SMS to communicate with alumni in the following circumstances, unless the alumnus has expressly unsubscribed from SMS communications:

  1. to draw attention to an email requiring a response,
  2. to remind or update alumni about an event they have indicated they are attending as a guest or contributor,
  3. where the alumnus has given express consent (for example, as part of a queue management system),
  4. where deemed business-critical by the Director, Customer Experience, Marketing and Digital. 

(13) The University may elect to use alternative push communication channels, instead of electronic direct mail such as:

  1. special interest newsletters (discipline-specific, region-specific, or other grouping),
  2. social media, in accordance with the Social Media Policy and recognising that recipients may not all be alumni.

(14) The University may use pull communication channels to support and deliver communications as follows:

  1. University website,
  2. electronic noticeboards and screensavers located on University premises, 
  3. noticeboards and other locations on University premises where hard copy material is posted.
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Section 5 - Responsibilities

The Alumni Team

(15) The Alumni Team is responsible for:

  1. coordinating communication to alumni on behalf of the University,
  2. ensuring the quality of University communication with alumni,
  3. providing guidance and advice to staff members wishing to contact alumni,
  4. ensuring all communications and digital and print media conform to the University Brand Guidelines, and all posts to social media with the Social Media Policy, and
  5. the collection, maintenance and integrity of information relating to alumni in accordance with the Records Management Policy and Procedures; Information Asset Classification Policy;  and the Privacy Policy.

Staff Members

(16)  Staff members are required to: 

  1. seek guidance from Alumni Team when considering contacting alumni, and
  2. notify the Alumni Team (via when an alumnus advises:
    1. a change of address or contact details,
    2. a change of employment, or
    3. any significant achievements or milestones.