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(1) This Policy governs the design and development of courses and units at Southern Cross University. (2) This Policy applies to all award and non-award courses and units offered by Southern Cross University. (3) The Definitions (Academic) Policy applies to this Policy. (4) As a self-accrediting higher education provider, the University designs, develops and accredits award courses: (5) Courses and units will be designed and developed in accordance with the curriculum design principles described in this policy by staff with suitable expertise in curriculum design, pedagogical expertise, and disciplinary knowledge. (6) A principal feature of the University’s course design is that learning activities and assessment tasks align directly with Learning Outcomes set at unit and course levels, leading to students achieving the University’s Graduate Attributes at the conclusion of a course of study. The course information materials provided to students clearly describes this key design feature. (7) The award title, abbreviated award title, and volume of learning associated with an accredited course will satisfy the requirements of the AQF as specified in the Course Nomenclature and Volume of Learning Schedule. (8) The University may also design and develop non-award courses including pathway programs and professional development courses: (9) Non-award courses must not be represented as leading to an accredited or AQF qualification. (10) Accredited courses and units are designed according to the following principles: (11) Accredited courses will specify Course Learning Outcomes that: (12) The University's Graduate Attributes will be explicitly developed and aligned with Course Learning Outcomes in all accredited courses as specified in the Graduate Attributes Schedule. (13) Requirements for a student to be admitted to a course: (14) Notwithstanding clause (13), Academic Board may approve stipulation of additional admission requirements in the Specific Award Rules for a course if required to ensure that all admitted students are equipped to succeed in the course. (15) Inherent Requirements for undertaking a course, or parts of a course, will be clearly stipulated, especially when an associated award may lead to registration as a professional practitioner. (16) Coursework courses will provide students, where possible, with a choice of minors, majors or specialisations, and a choice of elective units, including where possible shared majors, minors and elective units, and opportunities to study in other disciplines. (18) Units will only have a pre-requisite, co-requisite or other enrolment restriction requirement if necessary due to: (19) Notwithstanding clause (18), units will normally have no more than one pre-requisite, co-requisite or other enrolment restriction requirement. (20) Courses will be designed, where possible, to maximise opportunities for students to enter and exit at different stages, such as through use of nested courses and opportunities for recognition of prior learning. (21) For the avoidance of doubt, nested courses must individually meet the requirements of this Policy, specifically including the requirement that all students must be able to achieve the Course Learning Outcomes regardless of the point of entry into and pathway through a course. (22) General requirements for a student to successfully complete a course are specified in the University's Rules Relating to Awards for the appropriate type of course. (23) Additional requirements for a student to successfully complete a coursework course will be stipulated in the Specific Award Rules, and will: (24) Courses, units, and unit clusters will have learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve from completing the course, unit, or cluster of units. (25) Course Learning Outcomes will be designed to be achieved through the combination of Unit Cluster Learning Outcomes and Unit Learning Outcomes of unit clusters and core units that comprise the course. (26) Unit Cluster Learning Outcomes will be designed to be achieved through the combination of Unit Learning Outcomes for units that comprise the unit cluster. (27) Achievement of Unit Learning Outcomes will be validated through implementation of assessment tasks designed in accordance with the Assessment, Teaching and Learning Policy. (28) Learning activities and unit content will be designed in accordance with clauses (34) and (35) to facilitate student achievement of Unit Learning Outcomes. (29) Accredited courses will engage with advanced knowledge and inquiry at a level appropriate to the AQF level of the course and Course Learning Outcomes, including: (30) Course design will be informed by, and respond to, graduate destinations in industry, the professions, the community, or further study as appropriate. (31) Course design will enable accreditation by a professional body where this is required for registration to practice. (32) Honours courses will be designed to enable students to choose a study pathway that would enable them to meet the academic requirements for admission to the University’s PhD programs after successful completion of the course at the required standard, unless design of the course in this manner would prevent accreditation by a professional body where such accreditation is required for registration to practice. (33) Courses should, where appropriate, include opportunities for Work Integrated Learning through contextualised and experiential learning activities, either within a single unit or distributed throughout the course, that: (34) Courses and units will be designed to ensure that students have equivalent opportunities to achieve the intended learning outcomes irrespective of their study location or mode of participation. (35) Courses and units will include content and learning experiences that are relevant to, and meet the learning needs of, the University's student profile, which includes Indigenous Australians, international students regardless of cultural background, mature age students, school leavers, and students who are the first in their family to study at university. (36) Courses and units will be designed to develop learning outcomes and disciplinary expertise at a comparable level to, and consistent in scope and volume of learning with, similar courses and units offered by other higher education providers in Australia and overseas, except if explicitly designed otherwise for justifiable pedagogical, intellectual and strategic reasons. (37) Pathway programs will consist of one or more units, which may be award units or non-award units. (38) Pathway programs and their associated units will be designed according to the following principles: (39) Professional development courses and other similar non-accredited courses will be designed according to the following principles: (40) Approval from the University Council is required prior to the University: (41) Creation, amendment or removal of accredited courses, unit clusters or units must be approved in accordance with the Course and Unit Approval Authorities. (42) For the avoidance of doubt, a person or committee authorised to approve an item specified in the Course and Unit Approval Authorities may only do so if all persons or committees authorised to recommend approval have done so, unless the Academic Board explicitly authorises otherwise. (43) All activities associated with the creation, amendment and removal of accredited courses, unit clusters and units, including associated approvals, must be documented and recorded in the University's Unit and Course Management System (UCMS), or as otherwise specified by Governance Services. (44) UCMS records will clearly and comprehensively document all curriculum elements required to ensure compliance with the curriculum design principles specified in this policy and associated procedures. (45) The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) will publish a Curriculum Planning Timeline annually. Approval from the Vice President (Students) and Registrar is required before creating, amending or removing accredited courses, unit clusters or units outside of the Curriculum Planning Timeline. (46) A new accredited course may only be delivered when: (47) Accredited courses will remain accredited for a maximum of seven years after: (48) When it is proposed to substantially amend an accredited course, unit cluster or unit to the extent that the amendment would fundamentally change the expected outcomes, or representation of expected outcomes, for students or the broader (academic and non-academic) community: (49) When creation, amendment or removal of an accredited course, specialisation, major, minor or unit results in consequential changes to another accredited course, each consequential change will be approved and administered as described in the Consequential Changes Schedule. (50) Amendment of courses will not normally be permitted for a period of two years following accreditation of the new course, unless otherwise determined by the Chair, Accreditation Committee on the basis of one or more of the following: (51) All amendments to accredited courses, unit clusters or units must meet the curriculum design principles set out in Section 4 of this Policy. (52) Removal of a course, unit cluster or unit means the process undertaken to permanently remove its accreditation and availability for students and, for courses and unit clusters, consists of: (53) The University may consider removing a course or unit cluster for one or more of the following reasons: (54) Removal of a course or unit cluster, or any amendment to the curriculum that has the potential to disadvantage current students, impact expected outcomes, or impact the representation of expected outcomes for students or the broader community, requires development and approval of the following in accordance with the Curriculum Amendment and Removal Procedures and the Course and Unit Approval Authorities. (55) Transitional arrangements must be made for all students affected by amendments or removal of accredited courses or unit clusters to ensure they are not disadvantaged by the amendment or removal, as set out in the Curriculum Amendment and Removal Procedures. (56) Courses and unit clusters in teach out must remain accredited and continue to meet the requirements set out in this Policy. (57) Creation, amendment and removal of pathway programs and their constituent units will be approved and administered in the same manner as for accredited courses and units, as specified in clauses (40) to (55). (58) Creation, amendment and removal of professional development and other similar non-accredited courses will be approved by the Executive Dean or College Dean of the administering Faculty or College and administered as described in the Professional Development Courses Procedures. (59) All amendments to pathway programs and their constituent units must meet the curriculum design principles set out in Section 5 of this Policy. Curriculum Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Award Courses
Non-award Courses
Section 4 - Curriculum Design Principles for Accredited Courses and Units
Design Principle 1: Course Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes aligned with the AQF
Design Principle 2: Clear and flexible course and unit requirements
Design Principle 3: Constructive alignment of learning outcomes with content, learning activities and assessment
Design Principle 4: Advanced knowledge and inquiry
Design Principle 5: Relevance to industry, the professions or other graduate destinations
Design Principle 6: Opportunities for Work Integrated Learning
Design Principle 7: Relevant and equitable learning experiences for the University's student profile
Design Principle 8: Externally referenced against similar courses and units
Section 5 - Curriculum Design Principles for Non-Accredited Courses and Units
Pathway Programs and ELICOS
Professional development courses and other similar non-accredited courses
Top of PageSection 6 - Approval and Administration
Approval to commence or cease offering curriculum in a Broad Field of Education
Approval and administration of accredited courses, unit clusters and units
Creation of new accredited courses
Amendment or removal of accredited courses, unit clusters or units
Creation, amendment and removal of non-accredited courses and units
Section 7 - Associated Documents