
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Outgoing Sponsorship Policy

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This policy sets out how University funds may be used for outgoing sponsorships so as to maximise opportunities and benefits to the University.  


(2) This policy applies to all:

  1. University staff members;
  2. University Council and other University committee members;
  3. Contractors or third parties acting on behalf of the University; and
  4. Sponsorship activities that include the use of University funds, assets, brand, name, authorised logo or images.

(3) This policy does not apply to sponsorships, gifts or bequests to the University, which are covered in the Gift Acceptance Policy.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) For the purposes of this policy, Sponsorship means the provision of a financial payment or in-kind support by the University to an outside body, corporate or otherwise, in return for an identified benefit or value, tangible or intangible in accordance with the University’s strategic objectives.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(5) The University views its sponsorships as strategic commercial investments in a partnership that has shared vision, supports the strategic objectives of the University, and has potential for mutual benefit and impact.

(6) Sponsorships provide a foundation from which to amplify engagement by the University for maximum mutual benefit. The underlying objective of all sponsorships is  that they deliver a return on investment benefitting the University directly through one or more of the following areas to:

  1. Build the University's reputation in accordance with its vision and values;
  2. Engage current and prospective students;
  3. Enhance academic offerings or research impact;
  4. Make positive impact within identified communities (local and global) by supporting initiatives which align with the University's values and strategic objectives;
  5. Pursue opportunities for business development by supporting organisations which align with the University's values and strategic goals;
  6. Benefit the University and one or more of the following:
    1. The community;
    2. Students (past, current or future);
    3. Staff (past, current or future).

(7) All sponsorship arrangements are managed in strict accordance with the University's Code of Conduct, and specifically the requirements relating to Conflicts of Interest.

Types of Sponsorship

(8) Sponsorship is an expression of the University’s culture of giving and can take a variety of forms, including:

  1. Financial contribution for events such as festivals, expos, awards programs and conferences;
  2. Promotional or advertising opportunities;
  3. Access to University facilities and associated support services such as room hire, catering, audio visual and event promotion;
  4. University branded merchandise;
  5. Expertise – academic or professional;
  6. Funding a performance or participation at an event.

Guiding Principles

(9) The University does not normally sponsor:

  1. Individuals (students, staff members or people external to the University);
  2. Arrangements that directly subsidise or fund academic or research costs. These are the responsibility of Academic Units;
  3. Sports, cultural or other types of club-level activities;
  4. Requests related to events or activity within the next six months, due to required lead time and budget planning.

(10) The University considers sponsorship of the following kinds of activity, pending the criteria and requirements for return on investment being met:

  1. Groups or events that align with University values and priorities and present a return on investment based on recruitment, reputation or research outcomes;
  2. Activity that champions equity principles;
  3. Activity that promotes the recognition and contribution of First Nations people;
  4. Activity involving local high schools or registered training organisations which present opportunities for the University outside of normal funding models;
  5. Significant regional, community-based events in the localities around the University’s main campuses;
  6. Appropriate evidence-based environmental and climate-related endeavours.
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Section 4 - Sponsorship Criteria

(11) The Sponsorship Evaluation Tool allows an initial assessment of the suitability of a sponsorship proposal.  These arrangements are commercial ventures and therefore require a designated return on investment and appropriate accountability for that return being realised.

(12) A sponsorship proposal should address core/overarching criteria, such as:

  1. Being consistent with the University’s strategic direction, core values and brand attributes;
  2. Providing identifiable and actionable promotional opportunities for the University;
  3. Providing opportunities to engage with prospective students;
  4. Providing alignment with relevant research initiatives;
  5. Providing opportunities for student or staff participation;
  6. Being able to deliver return on investment and appropriate reporting on the sponsorship key performance indicators in a timely and proficient manner.
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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities

The Office of Engagement

(13) The Office of Engagement will:

  1. Provide guidance to staff on sponsorship funding proposals and renewals, including meeting set criteria, return on investment, leveraging opportunities, risk management and appropriate documentation of arrangements.
  2. For sponsorship arrangements valued at more than $5,000 (cash or in-kind) per annum, assess, evaluate, negotiate with proposed partners and consult with relevant internal Work Units on leveraging opportunities, risk management, resource requirements and timeframes.   
  3. Where required, seek advice from the University Legal Office regarding the documentation of sponsorship arrangements.   
  4. Oversee the University's sponsorship arrangements and maintain the central database of all sponsorship funding arrangements.

Heads of Work Units

(14) Heads of Work Units (and other staff with financial delegations) will:

  1. Seek guidance from the Office of Engagement on all sponsorship proposals and renewals under consideration including advice on leveraging opportunities, risk assessment and consideration of alignment across other existing sponsorship commitments. The Sponsorship Evaluation Tool can be used to make an initial assessment.  
  2. Approve sponsorship expenditure (new proposals and renewals) only after endorsement by the Office of Engagement following consideration of criteria and agreeing return on investment.
  3. Consult with other Work Units that may be called upon to provide resources, ensuring that any resource requirements and time frames planned are achievable, agreed upon and documented.
  4. Ensure that any use of the University logo is in accordance with the Corporate Identity Policy.
  5. Ensure arrangements, including the value of financial and in-kind support are documented appropriately and consult with the University Legal Office regarding formal Sponsorship Agreements, where required.
  6. Activate and manage the arrangement in accordance with the Sponsorship Checklist.
  7. Report all funded sponsorship arrangements to the Office of Engagement.
  8. Monitor the sponsorship arrangement and obtain reporting whether return of investment or other deliverables were realised.

Disputes and Policy Breaches

(15) Where disputes arise regarding sponsorship arrangements, the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach) is the final decision maker.

(16) Breaches of this policy are to be reported to the relevant Executive Member.

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Section 6 - Associated Documents

(17) This policy should be read in conjunction with:

  1. Sponsorship Evaluation Tool
  2. Sponsorship Checklist
  3. Code of Conduct
  4. Gift Acceptance Policy
  5. Corporate Identity Policy