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(1) For the purpose of this Policy: (2) The Naming of University Facilities and Programs Policy will give clear guidance to the University community about how it determines the name of any building, facility, academic entity, program and any of their component parts. This Policy addresses naming as it relates to functional use, honorary and philanthropic naming as well as the designated authority and process for decision-making. (3) Southern Cross University welcomes the opportunity to name buildings, parts of buildings, endowed Chairs, and other things to honour distinguished contributions to Australia, to New South Wales, to the Northern Rivers region, campus regions and to the University. It also welcomes the opportunity to honour individuals whose generous benefactions make possible the construction and renovation of buildings, the establishment of endowed Chairs, and other things. This policy sets out the process for recognising truly outstanding contributions to the University's mission in ways that protect and celebrate the core values of the University. (4) This Policy applies to the naming of: (5) This Policy applies to donors to Southern Cross University and its commercial entities. (6) Southern Cross University will name facilities, facility components or academic entities for functional purposes or to recognize philanthropic gifts or honour eminent persons or personal contributions to the University. (7) A naming may be time limited or subject to regular review. (8) Sponsorships which include naming rights associated with it must conform with the guidelines set forth by this Policy. (9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Policy, no naming will be approved or (once approved) continued that will call into serious question the public respect of the University or that will cause confusion as to University branding and ownership of an entity. (10) No name will be approved that will imply the University's endorsement of a partisan political or ideological position or of a commercial product. This does not preclude a naming with the name of an individual who has at one time held public office or with the name of an individual, a company that manufactures or distributes commercial products or an organisation that serves the community in a particular way. (11) The administration of naming will be subject to certain established institution-wide procedures to be developed, administered and reviewed from time to time as follows: (12) A decision to construct or renovate a building, establish a Chair, or begin a program is to be taken on the basis of established academic and other operational criteria and approved in keeping with the University's established practices and academic mission. (13) Naming will be independent of all appointment, admission and curriculum decisions, which the University will continue to make in keeping with its established practices and academic mission. Naming in association with a particular facility or endowment will not preclude further naming with the facility, program or Faculty. (14) When name recognition has been extended for a gift received, it will be honoured in accordance with the agreement that was entered into. In the event of changed circumstances, the University reserves the right to determine the form of name recognition, in consultation with the donor when possible. (15) Naming may be offered to those whose generosity or accomplishments advance the academic mission of the University; further the capacity of the University to meet its teaching and scholarly objectives and to serve its community; and enhance the growth and reputation of the University. (16) Facilities or activities supported by gifts may be named after a donor, or a third party at the wish of a benefactor, provided that the donation represents a significant part of the cost or is regarded as central to the completion of the facility or activity. (17) The Office of the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach) will maintain a schedule of opportunities and recognition criteria for attributing names of physical assets to benefactors and sponsors. (18) Only in exceptional circumstances will facilities or activities be named to honour outstanding service to members of faculty or staff while the honouree remains in the full-time employ of the University. (19) This Policy does not apply to any arrangements that are in existence at the date the Policy is adopted, nor to arrangements that may be made pursuant to discussions with donors that had commenced at the date this Policy was adopted, even though the arrangements may not conform to the Policy. (20) All information and related discussions on donors, their contributions and proposals for naming must be held in the strictest confidence. (21) The naming of Physical Assets of the University falls into four classes: (22) The approval of the Vice-Chancellor must be obtained for any name which, in the opinion of the Executive member whose area will benefit from a gift or of the Senior Manager, Engagement, could call into serious question the public respect of the University. (23) Where it is appropriate to do so, the Vice-Chancellor may vary elements of the policy within the Approved Authority. (24) Criteria for functional naming will generally include: (25) The Vice-Chancellor may approve the name of a physical asset, or parts thereof, by the name of a distinguished person, an organization or a corporation: (26) The naming request may be originated by: (27) Funding arrangements for the establishment of Chairs, lectureships and fellowships are subject to relevant policy (28) The establishment of a named Chair, lectureship or fellowship shall normally not be tied to the appointment of a particular individual. (29) The Vice-Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor's Groups must ensure that: (30) In bringing forward a proposal for the naming of an academic entity, the Vice-Chancellor shall secure the support of the members of that entity including the relevant Executive member charged with its oversight. (31) Academic or administrative units shall develop, in conjunction with the Office of the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach), a Naming Opportunities Plan (NOP) when seeking private sector contributions for naming facilities, facility components and academic entities. (32) For recognition by naming, it will be expected that the benefactor, or other contributors wishing to honour a benefactor, will provide all or a substantial part of the cost of the entity. "Substantial" is deemed to mean either a significant majority of the cost or a contribution which, while not being a significant majority, is regarded as central to the completion of the project. (33) In the establishment of objectives for a major fundraising campaign, the Office of the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach) may establish in advance naming opportunities and the level of benefaction required for each, and may advise potential benefactors that the benefaction will be recognized by naming, subject to approvals and decisions being consistent with this policy. (34) Individuals representing the University will make clear to potential benefactors that naming is subject to the following: (35) In developing a Naming Opportunities Plan, the following criteria will apply: (36) All new names shall be filed with the Secretary to University Council and Vice President (Future Students and Outreach) and Senior Manager, Partnerships and Advancement. The Office of the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach) shall be responsible for informing the University community of such new names and ensuring that new names are integrated into the nomenclature of the University in all forms of publications. (37) Property Services will form a working group to make recommendations. The group will be Chaired by the Director, Property Services, or a designate, and may include a representative of the primary user group, the Head of Work Unit and others as deemed necessary. (38) A Naming Opportunities Plan will be established by the Senior Manager, Partnerships and Advancement, within the Office of the Vice President (Future Students and Outreach), in consultation with the Vice Chancellor's Group, subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, and reviewed regularly. (39) The Naming Opportunities Plan must include a list of available opportunities detailing minimum ask amounts based on this Policy and criteria. (40) Approval of the Naming Opportunities Plan does not constitute approval of the actual naming opportunities contained therein. (41) Once academic or administrative units secure private sector contributions for a naming opportunity, they shall submit a Naming Request Proposal to the Vice Chancellor's Group and the Senior Manager, Partnerships and Advancement for review and endorsement. The Naming Request Proposal must include: (42) Named gift proposals which are judged to have campus-wide implications will be brought forward to the Vice Chancellor's Group for consideration. (43) Individual named gift proposals which are time sensitive or which may not be listed in the Naming Opportunities Plan may be brought forward at any time to the Vice-Chancellor for approval.Naming of University Facilities and Programs Policy
Section 1 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy Statement
Part A - Policy Declaration
Part B - Policy Description
Part C - Content and Implementation
Part D - Authority to Approve Naming
Recommending Authority
Approving Authority
Functional Naming:
Physical Assets:
Vice President (Future Students and Outreach)
Academic Entities and Chairs:
Executive Dean, College Dean or Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Honorific or Philanthropic Naming
Class 1 Physical Assets:
Vice Chancellor's Group
Class 2 Physical Assets:
Vice Chancellor's Group
Class 3 Physical Assets:
Vice Chancellor's Group
Class 4 Physical Assets:
Executive member or the Senior Manager, Engagement
Lectureships, Fellowships, Major Awards and Publications:
Vice Chancellor's Group
Scholarships, Prizes & Awards, Publications:
Executive member, Senior Manager, Engagement or Chief Marketing Officer
Part E - Naming of Physical Assets
Names indicating Functional Use
Honorific and Philanthropic Naming of Physical Assets
Part F - Naming of Chairs, Lectureships, Fellowships
Part G - Naming of Academic Entities
Part H - Recognising Benefactors
Top of Page
Section 3 - Procedures
Part I - General
Part J - Functional Naming of Facilities
Part K - Honorific and Philanthropic Naming Facilities After Individuals or Organisations