
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Recognition of Prior Learning - Assessment of Applications - Procedures

Section 1 -  Purpose and Scope Purpose 


(1) These Procedures give effect to the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy by setting out the responsibilities and actions required for the assessment of applications for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the purpose of granting Credit.


(2) These Procedures apply to applications for Credit for coursework awards offered by Southern Cross University.

Top of Page

Section 2 - Definitions

(3) Refer to the definitions set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

Top of Page

Section 3 - Procedures

(4) These Procedures require actions by the following:

  1. Students/Prospective Students (Applicants)
  2. Student Administration Services
  3. Admissions
  4. Course Coordinators
  5. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)

Application for RPL and Related Time Frames

(5) Information is available to students/prospective students on the Credit for prior study or experience webpages. Student Administration Services are responsible for maintaining the accuracy and currency of the information.

(6) Prospective and current students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning:

  1. As part of an application for admission;
  2. During their course; or
  3. Prior to a Southern Cross University outbound international learning abroad program.

(7) Where not applying for RPL at the point of application for admission, students are required to submit their applications at least four weeks prior to their commencement of the Term of the unit for which RPL is being sought.

(8) Where RPL requests are referred to the Faculty/College for assessment, the Course Coordinator may take into account the particular circumstances of the student and waive the requirement to submit an application four weeks prior to commencement of Term.

(9) For students embarking on Southern Cross University outbound international learning abroad programs, Credit applications must be submitted during the academic approval stage of the mobility process by completing the International Exchange Enquiry Form

Evidence to Support the Application

(10) Unless the prior learning was completed at Southern Cross University, applicants must provide evidence that their prior learning demonstrates attainment of the learning outcomes for the unit or course at Southern Cross University.

Formal or non-formal learning, where a Precedent exists for Recognition of Prior Learning for Credit

(11) Applicants must provide, as relevant:

  1. Official testamur/certificate for the completed accredited qualification/course;
  2. Official transcript/statement of results/statement of attainment for the completed or partially completed accredited qualification/course;
  3. Official statement/certificate of attendance/participation for the non-accredited completed or partially completed course/program. Alternatively, a detailed history of attendance and participation via a professional development register (or similar document), which is signed by an authorised representative of the issuing authority.

Formal or non-formal learning, where no Precedent exists for Recognition of Prior Learning

(12) Applicants must provide, as relevant:

  1. Official testamur/certificate for the completed accredited qualification/course;
  2. Official transcript/statement of results/statement of attainment for the completed or partially completed accredited qualification/course, including a document that explains the marking/grading system;
  3. Official statement/certificate of attendance/participation for the non-accredited completed or partially completed course/program. Alternatively, a detailed history of attendance and participation via a professional development register (or similar document), which is signed by an authorised representative of the issuing authority;
  4. a detailed outline of the learning outcomes and attributes taught/assessed within each unit of the prior accredited or non-accredited qualification/course/program.

Informal learning

(13) Applicants must provide, as relevant:

  1. Cover letter, including a personal competency statement outlining how the applicant fulfills the learning outcomes and graduate attributes of the relevant units of study in the SCU course, and why credit should be granted;
  2. Current Resume with relevant life, work and voluntary activities and dates;
  3. Position descriptions and/or copies of performance reviews listing duties, responsibilities and key performance indicators;
  4. Detailed statements of professional/voluntary services from current and/or previous employer(s), supervisor(s) or trainer(s). This document must be on letterhead, contain the contact details of the organisation, display the date of issue, identify and be signed by the authorised person, detail the length and breadth of service (full or part time capacity) and list complete duties and responsibilities; and
  5. where applicable, the following may be required:
    1. A diary or journal depicting daily events/performance, for example a record of clinical/service hours;
    2. Work samples such as a professional or creative portfolio, completed projects, research, articles, blogs and wikis, designs, presentations, correspondence and reports;
    3. Performance observations such as videos, photographs or recorded conversations.

(14) Non-English documents must be submitted in the original language, accompanied by an authorised English translation in accordance with the Translation of Non-English Documents.   

Assessing Requests for Recognition of Prior Learning

Student Administration Services/Admissions

(15) On receipt of a request for RPL, Student Administration Services or Admissions (as relevant) will:

  1. Review the request and seek further information or clarification from the applicant or issuing authority of documents, as required.
  2. Assess the applicant's request for RPL for Credit, based on approved RPL decisions recorded in the Recognition of Prior Learning Credit Database.
  3. Direct all other requests for RPL to the Course Coordinator responsible for the course for which Credit is being sought.
  4. Ensure the total Credit yield does not exceed the Minimum Study Requirements at Southern Cross University, as set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
  5. Record the outcome of the assessment on the Student Management System.
  6. Notify the student of any RPL granted/not granted and provide reasons where the request has not been approved.

Course Coordinators

(16) The Course Coordinator will:

  1. Map prior learning outcomes to requested unit or course learning outcomes;
  2. Seek advice from colleagues with relevant disciplinary expertise, if required;
  3. Determine appropriate Credit; and
  4. Notify Student Administration Services/Admissions, as relevant, of their determination.

(17) A Course Coordinator may recommend to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) that an applicant be awarded Credit in excess of the Minimum SCU Study Requirements set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. The recommendation is to be supported by a mapping to unit learning outcomes and a clear justification for the recommendation. 

(18) Each request for Credit in excess of the SCU Minimum Study Requirements is considered on a case-by-case basis and any resulting approval does not set a precedent.


(19) Assessments are made with reference to the Australian Qualifications Framework  and, as relevant:

  1. The Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)
  2. Country Education Profiles - for prior learning undertaken overseas.
  3. Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

International Students

(20) Where assessing requests for RPL from an international student on a student visa, the student must be informed that the determination may impact on student visa conditions and that they should contact the Department of Home Affairs for further information.  Continuing international students on a student visa are required to complete the International Post Commencement Credit Acceptance Form.

Record Keeping

(21) All records relating to the assessment and determination of requests for Credit are managed in accordance with the University's Records Management Policy and Records Management Procedures

(22) Student Administration Services are responsible for:

  1. updating student records relating to the award of recission of Credit; and
  2. maintaining the RPL Credit Data Base.  

(23) Course Coordinators are required to keep records of determination of requests for Credit and the rationale for the determination.