
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Terms of Reference - Educational Partnerships Oversight Committee

Section 1 - Purpose 

(1) The Educational Partnerships Oversight Committee is the principal advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor's Group on issues relating to Educational Collaborations. The Committee will

  1. consider and monitor the University’s strategic approach to Education Collaborations, domestically and internationally.
  2. consider proposals to establish or discontinue Educational Collaboration Arrangements and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and Council as appropriate.
  3. develop, monitor, review and advise the Vice-Chancellor on University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to Educational Collaborations.
  4. oversee the development and use, and monitor the effectiveness of Educational Collaboration Agreements.
  5. oversee and monitor the University’s register of Educational Collaboration Arrangements. 
  6. monitor and advise the Vice Chancellor's Group on the management and operation of Educational Collaborations including:
    1. the financial viability of the Educational Collaborations.
    2. outcomes for the University in relation to student experience and enrolments for Educational Collaborations.
    3. the safety and wellbeing of students studying with the University pursuant to an Educational Collaboration Arrangement.    
    4. standardisation and consistent delivery of University services to students studying with the University under Educational Collaboration Arrangement.
    5. student recruitment and marketing activities undertaken by the Educational Collaborations.
    6. work health and safety management commensurate to each provider.
    7. complaints concerning Educational Collaboration activities, including complaints from students studying with the University pursuant to an Educational Collaboration Arrangement.
  7. benchmark and develop key performance indicators for the Educational Collaborations and monitor their performance against those targets on a regular basis. 
  8. receive the minutes and reports from the Chairs for each Educational Collaboration Management Committee meetings and recommend appropriate actions where required.
  9. develop and monitor a material risk register for Educational Collaboration activity, and escalate material risks which are out of appetite to the Vice Chancellor's Group and Audit and Risk Management Committee where appropriate.
  10. monitor compliance with:
    1. Educational Collaboration Agreements
    2. the Educational Partnership Policy and other University’s Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to Educational Collaborations
    3. legislative and regulatory obligations relevant to the Educational Collaborations.
  11. review and monitor responses to significant findings and recommendations from reviews of Educational Collaboration Arrangements. 
  12. consider and report any matters referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or Academic Board.
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Section 2 - Composition

(2) The membership of the Educational Partnerships Oversight Committee is:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) (Co-Chair)
  2. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) (Co-Chair)
  3. Vice President (Finance)
  4. Vice President (Students) and Registrar
  5. Chief Marketing Officer
  6. Executive Director, Global
  7. Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  8. Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

(3) The Co-Chairs will chair alternate meetings of the Educational Partnerships Oversight Committee.


(4) The following are observers to the Educational Partnership Oversight Committee:

  1. Manager, Education Partnerships
  2. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality (or nominee)
  3. Manager, Insurance and Risk
  4. Director, Workplace Relations
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Section 3 - Meetings

(5) The Committee will normally meet at least four times a year and may be held in person or via videoconference.  All members are expected to attend each meeting, in person or via videoconference.

(6) Secretariat support for Committee meetings will be provided by the Academic Portfolio Office.

(7) At the commencement of each year, the Committee Secretary will publish the Committee meeting dates for the year.

(8) Agendas and supporting papers must be provided to the Committee Secretary at least 10 business days before each meeting. 

(9) So far as practicable, the agenda and agenda papers will be provided to each member of the Committee at least five business days prior to the meeting.  The Committee Secretary will provide each Committee member with a written notice of the meeting via email

(10) A quorum will consist at least half of the Committee members.

(11) A Committee member who has an interest, personal, business or otherwise, in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a meeting must disclose the nature and extent of the interest at the commencement of the meeting.

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Section 4 - Reporting

(12) The Chair will provide:

  1. a report on the business considered at each Committee meeting at the next Vice Chancellor's Group meeting.
  2. an annual report to the Audit and Risk Management Committee on:
    1. the University’s framework for Educational Collaborations.
    2. material risks associated with Educational Collaborations with additional reporting provided when a material risk is out of appetite.
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Section 5 - Urgent Business

(13) The Chair may determine that urgent matters requiring the Committee's consideration between meetings be conducted by flying minute.

(14) Flying minutes require a simple majority of the total number of members for the time being of the Committee and must be evidenced by the members' signatures, which may include electronic signatures, or email confirmation sent from the email account which the Committee Secretary is satisfied belongs to the Committee member concerned.