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(1) This Rule is made by the Council of the University, under section 30(1) of the Southern Cross University Act 1993 ('Act') for the purposes of the Southern Cross University By-Law 2005. (2) This Rule defines Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct, sets out the procedures for investigating and determining Allegations of Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct, and prescribes the penalties and or orders that may be imposed and subsequent rights of appeal. (3) Subject to clause (4), this Rule applies to all University Students in respect of any alleged Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct whilst enrolled or registered as a Student of the University, regardless of where the misconduct occurs. This includes Academic Misconduct by students undertaking coursework units, or a coursework unit with a research component, or the thesis component of an Honours or Masters course. (4) This Rule does not apply to breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 by higher degree by research candidates, which are managed in accordance with the Research Integrity Procedures – Higher Degree Researchers (Students). (5) The lawful exercise by a University Student of the principles of academic freedom or freedom of speech as set out in the University’s Code of Conduct will not give rise to an allegation of Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct. (6) Nothing in this Rule precludes the University from initiating any form of legal action against a Student in connection with an Allegation of Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct. (7) This Rule should be read in conjunction with the University's Academic Integrity Guidelines, Work Integrated Learning Procedures and Research Quality Standards and Integrity Policy and applies in conjunction with principles of procedural fairness, existing rules, policies and other instruments of the University dealing with Allegations of Student Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct. (8) For the purposes of this Rule: (9) In this Rule, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to an officer of the University includes any person acting in that position. (10) An Allegation of Academic Misconduct must be referred in the Academic Integrity Managment System (AIMS) to the Academic Integrity Officer of the Faculty or College responsible for the unit in which the Student is enrolled. (11) An Allegation involving both Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct must be referred promptly to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality), in accordance with Section 4. (12) Any person can make an Allegation if they reasonably suspect actual or potential Academic Misconduct. (13) An Allegation of Academic Misconduct should, where reasonably practicable, be made in writing. (14) When an (15) No person may investigate an Academic Misconduct allegation where they have a perceived or actual conflict of interest (refer Section 9 - of this Rule). (16) Upon making a determination to hear and determine the Allegation directly the Academic Integrity Officer must notify the Student in writing of that determination giving reasons for the determination. (17) The Academic Integrity Officer will liaise with the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) for advice if necessary regarding the alleged misconduct to allow for notification of it to any regulatory body if required. (18) The Academic Integrity Officer will notify a student of an Allegation of Academic Misconduct normally within five days of receipt of an Allegation. (19) The Academic Integrity Officer will determine an Allegation by way of a hearing or directly by means of oral or written submission or argument by sending the Student a written notice that advises: (20) Once the deadline specified in a notice given under clause (19) expires (and regardless of whether the Student responds to that notice or attends any proposed hearing), the Academic Integrity Officer must determine, normally within five working days, whether there is sufficient evidence to establish the Allegation, and: (21) The Academic Integrity Officer must, normally within five working days of determining an Allegation under clause (20), notify the Student of the determination, and give a statement of reasons for that determination. The notice must include the website link to these Rules and specify: (22) The Academic Integrity Officer who determines an Allegation of Academic Misconduct will refer to the Academic Integrity Guidelines in determining to impose one or more of the following penalties: (23) A Student may Appeal to the Executive Dean or College Dean responsible for the unit in which the Student is enrolled, against a determination made by the Academic Integrity Officer on one or more of the following grounds: (24) No person may hear an appeal where they have a perceived or actual conflict of interest (refer Section 9 - of this Rule). (25) The Executive Dean or College Dean will hear, consider and determine an Appeal against a determination made by the Academic Integrity Officer or Dean, Graduate School subject to that Appeal being received within 20 working days of the date of the Academic Integrity Officer determination notice and subject to the grounds of Appeal at clause (24). (26) The process of determining any Appeal must commence within 10 working days of the formal lodgement of the Appeal and all reasonable measures should be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. (27) The Executive Dean or College Dean must determine: (28) The Executive Dean or College Dean must, once a determination is made in relation to an Appeal, notify the Student normally within five working days. The notice must advise: (29) An Allegation of Non-Academic Misconduct or an Allegation involving both Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct must be referred promptly to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality). (30) Any person can make an Allegation if they reasonably suspect actual or potential Non-Academic Misconduct. (31) An Allegation of Non-Academic Misconduct should, where reasonably practicable, be made in writing. (32) No person may investigate a Non-Academic Misconduct Allegation where they have a perceived or actual conflict of interest (refer Section 9 - of this Rule). (33) When the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) receives an Allegation of Non-Academic Misconduct or an Allegation involving both Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct they must cause an investigation to be carried out to establish whether the Allegation involves possible misconduct; and: (34) Upon making a determination to dismiss or hear and determine the Allegation directly the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) must notify the Student in writing of that determination giving reasons for the determination. (35) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may, if appropriate, and before dismissing an Allegation or hearing and determining an Allegation: (36) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) will liaise with the University’s Legal Office if necessary and advise the relevant Faculty or College of the alleged misconduct to allow for notification of it to any regulatory body if required. (37) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) will notify a student an an Allegation of Non-Academic Misconduct normally within ten working days of receipt of an Allegation. (38) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may determine an Allegation by way of a hearing or directly by means of oral or written submission or argument, by sending the Student a written notice that advises: (39) Once the deadline specified in the Allegation notice given under clause (39) expires (and regardless of whether the Student responds to that notice or attends any proposed hearing), the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) must determine, normally within five working days, whether there is sufficient evidence to establish the Allegation, and: (40) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) must, normally within five working days of determining an Allegation, notify the Student of the determination, and give a statement of reasons for that determination. The notice must include the website link to these Rules and specify: (41) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) in determining an Allegation of Non-Academic Misconduct or an Allegation involving both Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct may impose one or more of the following penalties or orders: (42) If imposing suspension or permanent expulsion for onshore international Students the Decision-Maker must apply the Enrolment, Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students. (43) A Student may Appeal to the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee on the following grounds, against a determination made by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) subject to that Appeal being received by written notice within 20 working days of the determination notice: (44) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will hear, consider and determine: (45) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will consist of the following members, who are appointed on a case-by-case basis: (46) No person may sit on the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee to determine a matter in which they have a perceived or actual conflict of interest (refer Section 9 - of this Rule). (47) A quorum for the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee is three members, one of whom must be the Chair. (48) If, after the hearing of an Appeal has commenced but the Appeal has not yet been determined, a member of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee: (49) The Chair shall determine: (50) Any determination of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee (except for a determination made by the Chair under clause (51)) shall be determined by at least a majority of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee. If there is an equality of votes, then the Chair shall have a second or casting vote. (51) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee may designate a University staff member, such as the Academic Integrity Support Officer (but not a legal representative or the Student Advocate) to assist with any investigation or present evidence or submissions about an Appeal. That person may at that hearing: (52) The process of determining any Appeal must commence within 10 working days of the formal lodgement of the Appeal and all reasonable measures should be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. (53) When the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee receives an Appeal against a Non-Academic Misconduct determination or an Appeal against a determination involving both Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct it must: (54) If the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee determines to dismiss an Appeal it must normally within five working days of determining that, notify the Student of the determination. The notice must include the website link to these Rules, and specify: (55) If the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee determines to hear an Appeal by way of oral or written submission it must, normally within five working days of determining that, notify the Student in accordance with clause (62) or (63). (56) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee may, if appropriate, and before dismissing or hearing and determining an Appeal cause an internal or external investigation to be conducted. The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee is required to notify the Student regarding a determination to undertake an internal or external investigation and will do so, normally within five working days of receipt of the Allegation. (57) In allowing an Appeal under clause (55), the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will determine any one or more of the following: (58) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must, normally within five working days of determining an Appeal, notify the Student and the Decision-Maker of that determination. The notice must include the website link to these Rules, and specify: (59) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will hear the Appeal by means of oral or written submissions or argument. (60) If an Appeal is to be conducted by way of oral submissions or argument then the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must notify the Student. The notice must include the website link to these Rules and specify: (61) If an Appeal is to be conducted by way of written submissions or argument, then the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must notify the Student. The notice must include the website link to these Rules and specify: (62) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee in determining an Appeal may impose any one or more of the following penalties or orders: (63) If imposing suspension or permanent expulsion for onshore international Students the Decision-Maker must apply the Enrolment, Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students. (64) A Decision-Maker (under clause (67)) may immediately and temporarily suspend a Student in circumstances where: (65) A determination to suspend a Student immediately and temporarily in respect of any misconduct may only be made by: (66) The Decision-Maker in determining an immediate and temporary suspension may impose: (67) If imposing immediate and temporary suspension for onshore international Students the Decision-Maker must apply the Enrolment, Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students. (68) If a Decision-Maker determines to suspend a Student immediately and temporarily they must notify the Student in writing to that effect or, if it is impracticable to do so (for example, if there is an emergency or if the circumstances require urgent action), by telling that Student orally (either in person or by telephone). The Decision-Maker must tell the Student: (69) If a Decision-Maker notifies a Student of suspension orally, that Decision-Maker must also send the Student a notice in writing to that effect in accordance with clause (68) within 24 hours of suspending that Student. (70) A failure by a Student to receive or acknowledge an oral or written notice of suspension does not: (71) A Decision-Maker must immediately notify the Director, Student Administration Services, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) and Security of any determination to impose immediate and temporary suspension under this Rule. (72) A Decision-Maker (other than the Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)) must also notify the Vice-Chancellor within 24 hours of any determination to impose an immediate and temporary suspension under this Rule. (73) The Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) must, if an immediate and temporary suspension imposed under this Rule remains in force while an Allegation or an Appeal is being considered and determined, inform the relevant Decision-Maker of that fact. (74) A determination to extend, renew or expand an immediate and temporary suspension or impose permanent expulsion may only be made by: (75) The Decision-Maker in determining to extend, renew or expand suspension may impose: (76) If imposing suspension or permanent expulsion for onshore international Students the Decision-Maker must apply the Enrolment, Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students. (77) If a Decision-Maker determines to extend, renew or expand suspension or impose permanent expulsion they must notify the Student in writing to that effect or, if it is impracticable to do so (for example, if there is an emergency or if the circumstances require urgent action), by telling that Student orally (either in person or by telephone). The Decision-Maker must tell the Student: (78) If a Decision-Maker notifies a Student of his or her further suspension or permanent expulsion orally, that Decision-Maker must also send the Student a notice in writing to that effect in accordance with clause (77) within 24 hours of further suspending that Student. (79) A failure by a Student to receive or acknowledge an oral or written notice of a further suspension or permanent expulsion does not: (80) A Decision-Maker (other than the Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)) must notify the Vice-Chancellor within 24 hours of any determination to extend, renew or expand suspension or impose permanent expulsion under this Rule. (81) The Vice-Chancellor or Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) must, if a further suspension or permanent expulsion is imposed under this Rule remains in force while an Allegation or an Appeal is being considered and determined, inform the relevant Decision-Maker of that fact. (83) A Decision-Maker must, in relation to the hearing and determination of an Allegation or Appeal: (84) A Decision Maker has those powers conferred by this Rule. Subject to this Rule, they may act on their own initiative or in response to an Allegation. (85) Frivolous or vexatious Allegations or Allegations without substance will not proceed beyond preliminary investigation. Any person making frivolous or vexatious Allegations may be subject to an action under these Rules. (86) A Decision-Maker must not delegate a function or a power conferred under this Rule. However, a Decision-Maker may seek assistance or advice for the purpose of exercising functions as such (for example, directing Staff to carry out an investigation and to provide a report). (87) A Decision-Maker may hear and determine one or more different Allegations at the same time. (88) If, before a final determination is made, a fresh Allegation is made against a Student that arises out of or relates to the same conduct that is the subject of the previous Allegation, then the Decision-Maker may hear the fresh Allegation together with the original Allegation, but subject to the procedures prescribed in this Rule. (89) Subject to this Rule and principles of procedural fairness, a Decision-Maker has power to: (90) All Students are entitled to procedural fairness in the investigation and determining of any Allegation against them. (91) Procedural fairness includes: (92) Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times and not disrupt or prejudice the hearing or deciding of an Allegation or an Appeal. They are to observe the processes in place (including those about confidentiality) and to behave in a courteous and reasonable manner towards University Staff who investigate or decide those Allegations. (93) If a Student disrupts or prejudices any hearing or determination of an Allegation or an Appeal, the relevant Decision-Maker will have the power to require them to leave and to continue hearing or determining the Allegation or Appeal in the absence of the Student. (94) Clauses (93) and (94) applies to any support person (which may be a Student Advocate) chosen by the Student. (95) A Decision-Maker shall be disqualified from making a determination or exercising any other power conferred by this Rule if there is any actual or perceived bias or conflict of interest. A conflict of interest includes: (96) If a Decision-Maker or a member of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee has a conflict of interest or there is a reasonable perception of bias, then the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) (or Vice-Chancellor if it relates to the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee) must appoint another person to replace that Decision-Maker or member. (97) A Decision-Maker may, when imposing a penalty or order under this Rule, suspend its operation on such conditions as that Decision-Maker considers appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. (98) If a Student lodges an Appeal, the operation of a penalty or order imposed under this Rule (except a determination to suspend that Student) is placed on hold pending the outcome or withdrawal of that Appeal. (99) The Vice-Chancellor may at any time nominate a person or establish a committee or working party to review this Rule and report to him, and the Vice-Chancellor may recommend any necessary changes for consideration and approval by the University Council. (100) Decision-Makers will refer to the University's Academic Integrity Guidelines and Research Quality Standards and Integrity Policy and supporting Procedures for guidance in determining the appropriate penalty or order under this Rule. (101) The Chair, Academic Board, with the support of the University's Academic Integrity Support Officer, will monitor the University's consistent interpretation and implementation of this Rule. (102) The Academic Integrity Support Officer will coordinate the centralised reporting of Study Term and Annual Academic Integrity reports in accordance with the Academic Integrity Procedures and the University’s Academic Integrity Reporting Framework.Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules
Section 1 - Citation, Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Academic Misconduct
Making Allegations
Who May Make Allegations
Procedure Upon Receipt of Academic Misconduct Allegation
Notifying the Student of the Allegation
Determining the Allegation
Notifying the Student of the Determination
Penalties or Orders that May Be Imposed by the Academic Integrity Officer
Appeal Against Determination made by the Academic Integrity Officer
Top of PageSection 4 - Non-Academic Misconduct
Making Allegations of Non-Academic Misconduct
Who May Make Allegations of Non-Academic Misconduct
Procedure Upon Receipt of Non-Academic Misconduct Allegation
Notifying the Student of a Non-Academic Misconduct Allegation
Determining the Non-Academic Misconduct Determination
Notifying the Student of a Non-Academic Misconduct Determination
Penalties or Orders that May Be Imposed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)
Appeal Against Non-Academic Misconduct Determination or Determination involving both Non-Academic and Academic Misconduct made by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)
Top of PageSection 5 - Appeals to the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
What Can Be Dealt With by the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
Appointment of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
Presentation of Evidence on Behalf of University
Procedure Upon Receipt of Appeal
Procedure for Student Misconduct Appeals Committee Determining an Appeal
Procedure for Student Misconduct Appeals Committee Hearing an Appeal
Penalties or Orders that may be Imposed by the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
Section 6 - Suspension of Students
When Suspension Can Occur
Who May Immediately and Temporarily Suspend a Student
Immediate and Temporary Suspension Orders
Procedure for Immediate and Temporary Suspension of a Student
Who May Extend, Renew or Expand Suspension and Impose Permanent Expulsion
Extending, Renewing or Expanding Suspension Orders
Procedure for Extending, Renewing or Expanding Suspension or imposing Permanent Expulsion
Allowance for Academic Disadvantage
Top of PageSection 7 - Responsibilities and Powers of Decision-Makers
Responsibilities and Powers of Decision-Makers
Top of Page
Section 8 - Rights and Responsibilities of Students
Rights and Responsibilities of Students
Section 9 - Conflicts of Interest or Bias
Conflicts of Interest or Bias
Section 10 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Suspension of Penalties
Monitoring and Reporting