Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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1. Use this to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.
2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) The purpose of this Policy is to ensure a coordinated approach to the management of Research Data and Primary Materials. (2) The Policy sets out the principal responsibilities to ensure Research Data and Primary Materials are managed according to legal, statutory, ethical, funding body and publisher requirements. (3) Research Data - means data as facts, observations, computer results, measurements or experiences on which an argument, theory or test is based. Research Data may be numerical, descriptive or visual. Research Data may be durable records derived from Primary Materials such as assays, test results, transcripts, and laboratory and field notes. Research Data may be raw or analysed, experimental or observational. Research Data includes information necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of results of research. (4) Primary Materials means physical or virtual items that are collected or generated through the research from which Research Data can be developed, such as biological samples, questionnaires and recordings. (5) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the University’s Research Quality Standards and Integrity Policy, the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 (the Code) and the NHMRC/ARC Management of Data and Information in Research Guide. (6) Familiarise themselves with relevant legislative, regulatory and contractual requirements in relation to data management prior to undertaking research; (7) Maintain accurate records of research materials and data, and ensure that these records and the Research Data and Primary Materials are safely stored; (8) Use internal storage solutions wherever possible; (9) Use third-party storage solutions only after consultation with the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and Technology Services (10) Understand the risks and limitations of third-party storage solutions and, where appropriate, take the necessary action to protect Research Data and Primary Materials stored on these services; (11) Report circumstances where a suspected or known security breach might have resulted in the unauthorised access, unintended disclosure, loss, theft, destruction or alteration of data, in accordance with the Information Technology Conditions of Use Policy and Privacy Management Plan; (12) Make Research Data available for use by other researchers unless prevented by ethical, privacy, legal, and Intellectual Property (IP) or confidentiality matters; (13) Retain the Research Data and Primary Materials according to legal, statutory, funding body and publisher requirements; (14) Plan for and execute the handover of Research Data and Primary Materials at the conclusion of the research or when a researcher leaves the University, including information about access to and potential re-use of data collections; and (15) If lead researcher (first-named researcher from the University), the development of a research data management plan which can be made available upon request from the University. (16) Understand the relevant policy, contracts, regulation and licensing considerations that relate to research data management within their respective discipline; and (17) Take joint responsibility with their research students for the management of the Research Data and Primary Materials. (18) Ensure that there is appropriate communication and organisational awareness of Research Data and Primary Materials management issues. (19) Provide enterprise-level storage services and solutions, such as localised hardware/software solutions, networked storage, collaboration tools, file sharing utilities; (20) Provide technical support for centrally provided storage services and solutions; and (21) Ensure centrally-provided storage services and solutions are appropriately backed up, maintained, and secure. (22) Maintain and disseminate research data management best practice guidelines; (23) Provide training and support for researchers, research supervisors, Associate Dean (Research)s and College Deans in collaboration with the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor; and (24) Provide advice on access and re-use of research data under the appropriate conditions.Research Data Management Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Responsibilities
Research Supervisors
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Associate Dean (Research)and College Deans
Technology Services
University Library