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Enrolment Load and Course Duration Procedures - International Students

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) The University is required by Standard Nine of the National Code of the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework to monitor the enrolment load of international students to ensure they complete their course of study within the expected duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and do not exceed the allowable portion of enrolment in online or distance education units.

(2) A student's failure to complete a course within the expected duration, without good cause, may have unfavourable implications for the renewal of their student visa. The purpose of this document is to outline the University's requirements of students in this area and to detail the procedures it will use to monitor and manage enrolment load and progress towards completion within the expected duration, and to manage students who are unlikely to complete the course within the expected duration. These procedures are to be read in conjunction with, and use the same definitions as are used in, the University rules relating to awards.

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Section 2 - Procedures

Part A - Enrolment Load

(3) International students are required to complete their course of study within the expected duration as specified in the CoE.

(4) Students are required to enrol in sufficient units in each study period to ensure that the total number of units required to complete the course will be completed within the expected duration.

(5) If an International Office Student Adviser (IOSA) is of the opinion that a student is enrolling without good cause in a load that is less than that required to enable completion of the course within the expected duration they may notify the student in writing to increase their unit enrolment in a current study period, up to the end of week two, or in a future study period.

(6) Failure to enrol in increased load as directed will be grounds for refusal by the University to extend course duration through the issuing of a new CoE and the bringing of charges under the University's misconduct rules for failing to comply with an order lawfully given by University staff. The latter may in turn result in suspension or cancellation of enrolment.

(7) Students are required to make up for failed units by increasing load in a future study periods where possible and appropriate including y enrolment in non-compulsory study periods e.g. a Summer School at this University or by cross-institutional study.

(8) A student may, at their discretion, vary their enrolment load in a study period below that nominally required each study period to complete the course within the expected duration, provided that they do not vary their enrolment load in a study period below .375 of an Effective Full-time Student Load (EFTSL), normally 3 units, and provided also that they undertake additional units in future study periods, or in non-compulsory study periods e.g. a Summer School, to ensure course completion within the expected duration.

(9) Students who wish to vary their enrolment load to less than .375 EFTSL in a study period can only do so with the written permission of the Director, International Office. Prior to seeking the Director, International Office's approval a student must first attend a meeting with an International Office Student Adviser to outline their enrolment plans.

(10) The IOSA will assess whether the plan is appropriate and likely to enable the student to finish the course within the expected duration. They will also assess whether the student is experiencing learning or other difficulties and if they require an Intervention Strategy to be implemented (refer International Students Course Progress and Intervention Strategies Procedures for explanation) which may include a reduction in enrolment load. If appropriate the IOSA will recommend and seek the Director, International Office's approval for the significantly reduced load.

Part B - Monitoring Enrolment Load and Completion within Expected Duration

(11) At the end of each study period after notification of final grades the IOSA on each campus will use Student Records System reports to identify those students whose course progress to date is not consistent with completion within the expected duration.

(12) The report will detail, for each student, the number of units successfully completed (including advanced standing), the number of units remaining to be completed, and the total number of units required to complete the course, the number of study periods the student has been enrolled in to date, the total number of study periods required to complete the course within the expected duration [the normal duration in study periods as recorded on Student One and consistent with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered duration], and the number of study periods remaining to complete the course within the expected duration. A number will be derived by dividing the number of units remaining to be completed by the number of study periods remaining to complete the course within the expected duration.

(13) Where the number so derived is greater than four (i.e. greater than 4 units to be studied in each of the remaining study periods), and the student has not previously indicated a need for an extension of course duration, the IOSA will investigate the students enrolment plans and need for an extension of duration, through the issuing of a COE. The IOSA may notify the student in writing of their status and the possible consequences and advise they attend a meeting with the IOSA to review the student's enrolment plans.

(14) At the end of each study period after notification of final grades the IOSA on each campus also uses Student Records System reports to identify those students who have failed one unit only in the study period. Each student is informed in writing by the relevant campus IOSA:

  1. of the University's requirement that the student complete the course within the expected duration;
  2. that the student is required to make up for the failed unit by increasing load in a future study period or enrolling in a non-compulsory study period e.g. a Summer School;
  3. detail of the support services and assistance that is available to the student to assist them, and how to access it, if they are experiencing learning or other difficulties;
  4. that the student must notify the IOSA in writing as soon as they become aware that they cannot complete the course by the completion date specified on their CoE; and
  5. that the University may not approve an extension of course duration if the IOSA has not received advice of the need for an extension of course duration within 4 weeks of it becoming apparent, or should have been apparent, that the student cannot complete the course by the completion date specified on their CoE.

(15) The IOSA on each campus is responsible for ensuring that any documents generated in the process of advising a student on enrolment load or course duration matters are placed on the students file.

Part C - Extensions of Course Duration

(16) Extensions to a student's course duration through the issuing of a further CoE are only permitted in limited circumstances.

(17) The University is under no obligation to issue a student a new CoE unless the student has clearly requested such an extension in writing.

(18) An IOSA may after investigation determine that a student:

  1. has not maintained a sufficient unit enrolment load to date without proper cause e.g. an intervention strategy permitting reduced load;
  2. has not without demonstrable good cause utilised available opportunities to make up for failed units e.g. by completing units in Summer School;
  3. has not advised the University in a sufficiently timely manner of the need for an extension;
  4. has not provided sufficient cooperation to the IOSA in their investigation of the students enrolment load issues; or
  5. has otherwise not demonstrated a bona fide intention to complete the course within the expected duration.

(19) An IOSA who makes such a determination should advise the student in writing of their status, advise of the possible unfavourable consequences for extension of course duration, request that they rectify the situation by enrolling in additional units, and request the student attend a meeting with the IOSA to discuss the situation.

(20) Failure to enrol in increased load as directed may result in a refusal to extend course duration through the issue of a new CoE.

(21) Where the University refuses to extend a student's course duration by issuing a new CoE the IOSA will provide written advice to the student of the grounds for the refusal, and notify the student of the right to appeal and how to activate the appeals process.

(22) The University may extend the duration of a student's course if the extension is as the result of:

  1. compassionate or compelling circumstances;
  2. the implementation of the provider's intervention strategy for students at risk of not making satisfactory course progress under Standard 10;
  3. deferment or suspension of study granted under Standard 13.

(23) Compassionate or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student's course progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:

  1. serious illness or injury, where a medical doctors letter advises that the student was unable to attend classes;
  2. bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents;
  3. major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel when this has impacted on the student's studies; or
  4. a traumatic experience which could include:
    1. involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident;
    2. witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.
      1. when this has impacted on the student. (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists' reports)
  5. where the registered provider was unable to offer a prerequisite unit; or
  6. inability to begin studying on the course commencement date due to delay in receiving a student visa.

(24) When determining whether compassionate or compelling circumstances exist, the IOSA should consider documentary evidence provided to support the claim, and should keep copies of these documents in the student's file.

(25) Please note that, for the purposes of Standard 9, the following additional situations would be considered 'compelling' circumstances and could support the granting of an extension of the duration of a student's study:

  1. if the student had failed occasional units throughout the course, but had not done so poorly as to be picked up by the University's intervention strategy for course progress. (In this case, the IOSA would need to document the findings of the monitoring process and the decision to extend the student's duration of study in order to complete the course.); or
  2. if a student's course progress or University-approved study load prior to 1 July 2007 would lead to the student being unable to complete within the expected duration. (The IOSA will need to have evidence that the student was following the provider's course advice.).

(26) When it becomes apparent to the IOSA that a student cannot complete the course within the expected duration, and grounds exist to extend the course duration, then the IOSA will determine the minimum extension required to complete the course and report the student on PRISMS by issuing a new CoE.

Part D - Online or Distance Education Enrolment

(27) A student cannot study more than 25 percent of the total course by online or distance learning. In every compulsory study period there must be at least one unit that is not taught by online or distance learning.

(28) The IOSA uses Student Records System reports to identify those students who have not enrolled in any face to face units in a study period. Students so identified are immediately to be advised by the IOSA to enrol in a unit which is not delivered online or by distance education.

(29) A request for enrolment in online or distance education units by an International Student is not actioned by the Student Services Directorate unless it is approved by the Director, International Office, or nominee. Approval is only given after confirmation that an ESOS compliant program of study is proposed.

(30) The 25 percent limit to online or distance study only applies to student visa holders. If a student returns to their home country and their student visa is cancelled then they can study as much by online or distance education as they wish. While the student visa remains in force the 25% limit applies.

(31) Units studied Online or by Distance Education in non-compulsory study periods e.g. Summer Schools are counted for the purposes of the 25% limit.

(32) If a student is in the last study period of a course, with only one subject to complete the course, the student must not study this unit online or by distance education in Australia unless the period in which the student will complete the course is a non-compulsory study period.

(33) If a student has only one unit to complete in a compulsory study period, and the unit is available by distance or online, the student may ask for the CoE to be cancelled (thus no longer requiring a student visa) and return to his or her home country to study the final unit of the course by distance or online study.

Part E - Accelerated Progress

(34) Students who complete their studies early as a result of overload enrolment or units studies in non-compulsory study periods will be reported by the IOSA to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship through PRISMS as having completed their studies, as soon as practicable after the release of final grades.