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Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 2 - Coursework Awards - General Provisions

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Section 1 - Admission Principles


(1) For the purposes of this Rule, the following definitions apply:

  1. Adjustment Factors are additional points that may be used in combination with an applicant's ATAR to derive a person's course selection rank.
  2. ATAR means Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.
  3. Census Date means the date prescribed by the University in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 after which a student's enrolment is taken to be finalised. This date will be published on the University's website for each teaching period.
  4. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) means, in relation to an application for a student visa, confirmation that:
    1. the applicant is enrolled in a Registered Course; and
    2. is created by the University through a computer system (PRISMS) under the control of the Education Minister to:
      1. a diplomatic, consular or migration office maintained by or on behalf of the Commonwealth outside Australia; or
      2. an office of a visa application agency that is approved in writing by the Minister for the purpose of receiving applications for a student visa; or
      3. any office of Immigration in Australia;
  5. Department means the Department of Home Affairs or their successor.
  6. Early Offer means an offer of enrolment that is made to a recent secondary school student prior to the release of ATARs or equivalent. Such offers may be conditional upon other requirements being met, such as successful completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or achievement of a specified Minimum ATAR.
  7. International student means a student who is not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia.
  8. International onshore student means an international student who is required to hold a student visa in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019 (Cth).
  9. Minimum ATAR means the threshold minimum ATAR which must be achieved for an applicant to be considered for admission to a Course.
  10. Registered Course means a course of education or training provided by an institution body or person that is a registered provider of the course in that State or Territory, for the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
  11. Registered Training Organisation (RTO) means a training provider registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver vocational education and training (VET) services.
  12. Selection Rank means a numerical score used by the University to compare different qualifications and professional experience to assess admission to a course.


(2) An application for admission to a coursework award course will be made in the manner prescribed, and lodged as directed, by the Director, Admissions. An applicant who has not completed the required admission procedures by a specified date and who wishes to apply may be liable for payment of a late fee.

(3) Subject to clause (2), all applications for admission to a University course will be assessed against:

  1. the English Language Proficiency Requirements (see Section 2);
  2. the Academic Standards (see Section 3); and
  3. where applicable, any Specific Award Rules.

(4) An applicant for admission to an undergraduate double degree award must satisfy the admission requirements for each of the single awards that comprise their double degree.

International Student Applicants

(5) International onshore student applicants must also:

  1. have financial capacity to pay the full cost of their tuition, non-tuition costs including living expenses and all other expenses associated with their education and living in Australia; and
  2. where applicable, satisfy Genuine Student requirements in accordance with the student visa grant criteria established by the Department of Home Affairs; and
  3. enrol on a full time basis.

(6) The admission of offshore international students for study at offshore education collaboration or partnership locations will be in accordance with this Rule and any additional admission requirements contained in the Third Party Education Collaboration Agreement, Partnership Agreement, or other contractual arrangements, as well as any articulation pathway approved by Academic Board.

(7) International offshore students who are not citizens of the country they are studying in and who are enrolled as independent students or with a University-approved education collaboration must also meet any requirements stipulated by the local authorities of the country they are studying in.

(8) For Study Abroad and Exchange students only, all documentary evidence attached to an application must be:

  1. original; or
  2. certified as true copies of the original by a certified contractual agent, Notary Public or Justice of Peace; or
  3. verified by a trusted source such as the home overseas institution.

(9) Where original documents are not provided, or the documentation is not certified by an appropriate authority, a conditional offer of admission may be made subject to the provision of appropriate documentation prior to course commencement.

(10) International student applicants who are under 18 years of age must also satisfy the Department that suitable welfare and accommodation arrangements have been made for them while studying in Australia to receive a Student Visa.

(11) The University may provide welfare and accommodation arrangements for under-age students who cannot independently satisfy the Department's welfare requirements subject to the Welfare Arrangements of International Students Aged Under 18 Policy.

Excluded Students

(12) An applicant who has been excluded from study on academic grounds at the University or another tertiary institution may apply for admission prior to expiration of a period of exclusion, but enrolment will not be permitted until expiration of the period of exclusion.

(13) Students who have been permanently excluded from a course on academic grounds from any tertiary institution will not be considered for admission to any course at the University until a period of not less than 24 months has elapsed from the start of the exclusion.

(14) Applicants who are subject to, or have completed, a period of academic exclusion from another tertiary institution must provide details of the exclusion penalties that were applied with their application for admission to the University.

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Section 2 - English Language Proficiency Requirements

(15) All applicants must meet the University's English language proficiency requirements for admission irrespective of the study location or study mode.

Minimum English Language Proficiency Requirement

(16) Unless otherwise stipulated in Specific Award Rules, an applicant must satisfy the University’s minimum English language proficiency requirement using one of the following criteria:

  1. Australian-born, Australian citizen; or
  2. completed Year 12 in Australia or comparable senior secondary study in another country as determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) (see the ELP Senior Secondary Study Schedule); or
  3. achieved an International Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic test score of:
    1. for admission to an undergraduate award course:
      1. for a diploma award course or an undergraduate certificate award course - a score equal to or above IELTS 5.5 with writing not less than 5.5 and no other band less than 5.0; or
      2. for any other undergraduate award course – a score equal to or above IELTS 6.0 with no band less than 5.5; or
    2. for admission to a postgraduate coursework award course – a score equal to or above IELTS 6.5 with no band less than 6.0, or 
  4. achieved an English Language test score, completed a qualification or obtained professional experience comparable to the relevant IELTS test score as determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) (see the ELP IELTS Equivalency Schedule); or
  5. successfully completed a foundation, pathway or English language course approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)  (see the University’s English Language Proficiency Pathways webpage). 

(17) When an English language test score is used to demonstrate English language proficiency, that score must have been attained within two years of the applicant’s intended course commencement date.

(18) When senior secondary study, courses, qualifications or professional experience is used to demonstrate English language proficiency, the qualification or experience must have been completed within ten years of the applicant’s intended course commencement date unless the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) is satisfied that the applicant’s English language proficiency has been maintained through recent learning or experience in an English speaking country.

(19) The Academic Board determines the University’s minimum English language proficiency requirements and may approve variations to these requirements for specific courses as Specific Award Rules.

(20) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) approves senior secondary study, English language test scores, courses, qualifications and professional experience that the University accepts as comparable to its English language proficiency requirements.

(21) The University may offer admission to an applicant who, at the time of making the application, does not meet any of the criteria set out in clause (16), conditional on the applicant successfully undertaking preliminary English for Academic Purposes, Diploma or Associate Degree study at the University in order to meet the criteria prior to commencing the course.

(22) In exceptional circumstances, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may determine that a particular applicant meets the University’s minimum English language proficiency requirements for a course even though the applicant is not able to satisfy any of the criteria set out in clause (16).  Such a decision must be reported to the Academic Board for noting.

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Section 3 - Academic Standards

Part A – Eligibility for Admission to an Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor Award Course

Secondary Education Applicants

(23) Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Award Rules, an applicant who has completed secondary education at a school, RTO or a higher education provider may be considered for admission to an Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor award course under one of the following categories and in the manner specified for that category:

  1. An applicant who has completed Australian Year 12 or equivalent may be considered for admission.
  2. An applicant who has completed an approved Certificate III (AQF Level 3) qualification or above as part of their Senior Secondary Certificate of Education may be considered for admission on the basis of these studies.
  3. An applicant who has successfully completed study in a University unit while enrolled in year 11 or year 12, may be considered for admission on the basis of such studies.
  4. An applicant who is undertaking study for a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or comparable and is resident in the University's feeder region, may be considered for an Early Offer to their nominated course based on a report prepared by their Principal.  The applicant must meet any other criteria specified by the University as a requirement for being considered for admission or as a condition of the offer.

All Other Applicants

(24) Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Award Rules, an applicant for admission to an Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma, Associate Degree or Bachelor award course who does not meet the requirements of clause (23) may be considered for admission under one of the following categories, on the basis of a Selection Rank:

Higher Education study 

(25) Applicants who have completed higher education study since leaving secondary education may be considered for admission. This includes:

  1. study at a non-university higher education provider; and
  2. a bridging or enabling course delivered by or on behalf of a higher education provider.

Vocational education and training (VET) study 

(26) Applicants who have completed a Certificate III (AQF Level 3) or higher at an RTO or higher education provider since leaving secondary education may be considered for admission.

(27) Applicants who have successfully completed at least six months' full-time equivalent study at a Certificate IV (AQF Level 4) or higher at an RTO or higher education provider since leaving secondary education may be considered for admission.

Work and life experience

(28) Applicants who have not completed higher education or VET study as described in (25), (26) or (27) may be considered for admission where it is determined by the relevant Associate Dean (Education) that one or more of the following meets the University's academic standard entry requirements:

  1. Incomplete higher education or vocational education and training study.
  2. Professional qualifications, including health care qualifications, commissioned officer qualifications, apprenticeships, traineeships and qualifying examinations of professional associations.
  3. Work or field experience of at least one year full-time or equivalent.
  4. Interview, audition or other form of individual assessment (including submission of a Personal Competencies Statement) which shows evidence of acceptable aptitude, motivation and commitment to undertake the nominated course.
  5. Completion of a tertiary preparation course at an RTO of at least six months' full-time equivalent study.
  6. Completion of the multiple-choice Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).

Indigenous Applicants

(29) Indigenous applicants may be considered for admission on the basis of individual assessment programs run by the University’s Indigenous Australian Student Services.

Elite Athletes and Performers

(30) Applicants who are identified as elite athletes or performers under the Support for Students with Additional Requirements Schedule may be considered for admission on the basis of individual assessment.

(31) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) approves the method to calculate an applicant’s Selection Rank.

Applicants Under 18 Years of Age

(32) An applicant who is under 18 years of age as at 1 March in the year of intended course commencement and does not meet the requirements for a Recent Secondary Education Applicant under clause (23), will only be considered for admission pursuant to clauses (24 – 30) if the applicant's qualifications and level of attainment are acceptable to the relevant Associate Dean (Education).

Educational disadvantage

(33) An applicant who can demonstrate educational disadvantage may be considered for admission provided the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the relevant Associate Dean (Education),  an ability to cope with the academic content of the course for which admission is sought.

Part B – Eligibility for Admission to a Bachelor Honours Award Course 

(34) Unless otherwise stated in Specific Award Rules, an applicant may be considered for admission to a Bachelor Honours award course where the Honours year is embedded within a Bachelor award course if they meet the requirements for admission to a Bachelor award course set out in clauses (23) to (33).

(35) Unless otherwise stated in Specific Award Rules, an applicant may be considered for admission to a Bachelor Honours award course where the Honours year is a separate year following a Bachelor award course if they have completed a Bachelor degree (AQF Level 7) in a cognate discipline at this University or another higher education provider, and either:

  1. achieved a GPA not less than 5 in studies leading to the award of the Bachelor degree; or
  2. provided other evidence, to the satisfaction of the Associate Dean (Education), demonstrating that they have sufficeint academic preparation to enable them to successfully complete the Honours year. 

Part C - Eligibility for Admission to a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master by Coursework Award Course

(36) Unless otherwise stated in Specific Award Rules, an applicant may be considered for admission to a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master by Coursewwork award course if they have:

  1. completed a bachelor degree (AQF Level 7) or higher at this University or another higher education provider; or
  2. equivalent professional experience as determined by the relevant Associate Dean (Education).

(37) On the recommendation of the Admissions Committee, Academic Board may determine that a cohort of students with a tertiary education qualification which does not meet the requirements of clause (36) may be considered for admission to a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master by Coursework award where the Academic Board is satisfied that these students have the academic preparation needed to participate in that course.

(38) Where the Academic Board makes a determination under clause (37), the Admissions Committee will monitor and report on the success of students admitted on that basis to the Academic Board.

Part D – Overseas qualifications

(39) An applicant with overseas qualifications may be considered for admission to an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework award provided the applicant's qualifications are comparable to an Australian qualification which meets the University's academic standards for the course.

(40) When assessing applications against the relevant academic qualification, the Director, Admissions or authorised officer, will use accepted educational resources, including Australian Education International - NOOSR, UK NARIC, University Admissions Centre Assessment of Qualifications Manual and the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre Schedule to establish the Australian comparability of an applicant's overseas qualifications.

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Section 4 - Offer, Acceptance, Deferment and Appeal

Part A - Offer

(41) The University assesses all applications and makes one of the following admission decisions:

  1. Full offer;
  2. Conditional offer;
  3. Packaged offer of qualifying course/s leading to the principal course;
  4. An offer into an alternative course; or
  5. No offer.

(42) Offers of admission to commencing students will specify:

  1. the course name;
  2. relevant course codes;
  3. where applicable, attendance mode, attendance type, and campus; and
  4. major tuition fee type for which the offer is made.

(43) For international onshore students:

  1. where the applicant does not meet the relevant admission eligibility requirements, including the minimum English Language Proficiency requirements and Academic Standards, they may be offered admission through a pathway package which is conditional upon successful completion of each stage of the package.
  2. the offer of admission must contain or accompany the required information as set out in Standard 3 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018; and
  3. the University’s Refunds and Remissions Policy must be contained within or attached to the Offer of Admission and must be detailed in the Acceptance of Offer.

(44) The Director, Admissions has authority to make offers of admission to non-award, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework awards offered by the University.

(45) The Dean, Graduate School has authority to make offers of admission to Higher Degrees by Research courses offered by the University.

(46) Admissions records for each International student will be maintained in the Student Management System and in PRISMS.

Part B - Acceptance

(47) A person receiving an offer of admission must respond to the offer by the due date and through the process specified in the offer letter (including payment of fees where applicable).

(48) If an applicant fails to respond to the admission offer by the due date, or pay any applicable fees where this is a condition of admission listed in the offer letter, the offer may lapse. An applicant may apply to have a lapsed offer reinstated. Approval to reinstate a lapsed offer can only be granted by the relevant authority (refer clause (44) to (45)) if places are still available in the relevant program and student category.

(49) For international onshore students, a COE will be issued once the University has received:

  1. a copy of the Offer of Acceptance Agreement and Fee Agreement signed by the applicant;
  2. the initial tuition fee payment;
  3. confirmation of English Language Proficiency; and
  4. any other documents requested in a conditional offer.

(50) Where a condition exists regarding successful progression from one course to the next as part of a package, the COE can be issued if all other conditions have been met.

(51) An COE shall not be issued unless the initial tuition fee and any other non-tuition fees stipulated in the offer letter have been paid in full.

(52) For international offshore students, acceptance of an offer of admission shall be in accordance with the requirements contained in the Offer or in the Education Collaboration Agreement.

Part C - Deferment of Offer

(53) Applicants in receipt of an offer of admission may request to defer the offer by submitting an application in writing to Student Administration Services no later than the Census Date of the first teaching period and subject to any conditions published on the University's website.

(54) An application for deferment of offer may be refused on the basis of:

  1. restrictions or conditions applying to any scholarship held by, or offered to, the applicant;
  2. course specific criteria as specified in the Specific Award Rules, such as a restriction on deferment;
  3. legislative requirements that restrict the offer of a deferment; or
  4. professional accreditation requirements.

(55) Where an applicant is offered a Commonwealth Supported Place or Hotel School Employer Reserved Place and cannot commence their studies within the academic year, a deferment of offer to the following academic year and into the same course, may be granted following application by the Census Date of the first teaching period. The University reserves the right to cancel the deferment if the course is no longer available.

(56) International onshore students who need to delay the commencement of their secondary or a later course within a package because they do not satisfy initial or progression conditions may make an application to defer their entry to the subsequent course to the next available teaching period, provided that any deferment period does not breach the National Code or the Department visa requirements (refer Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International Students).

(57) Where a deferment is granted, the University may reassess the application against the course entry requirements that apply at the new commencement date.

Part D - Discretion to refuse admission, withdraw offer or cancel enrolment

(58) The Director, Admissions (for all other students) may, at their absolute discretion, refuse or withdraw an offer of admission to an eligible applicant to any course, including for the following reasons:

  1. the applicant has been expelled from another Higher Education Provider on grounds of misconduct;
  2. it is considered that the applicant poses a risk to the students and staff of the University or the wider University community;
  3. it is considered that the applicant is likely to prejudice the reputation, management, good governance or discipline of the University;
  4. the applicant has engaged in dishonest or deceitful behaviour in the process of applying for admission;
  5. the applicant would not be able to lawfully enter University premises for all or part of the duration of any course by reason of a court order or any enactment or decision made under an enactment;
  6. the University would be subject to sanctions under the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 were the applicant to be admitted to the University or be permitted to enter or remain on University premises.

(59) Where an applicant has been offered a place and it is later found that incomplete or inaccurate information was provided by, or on behalf of, the applicant, the Director, Admissions, may withdraw the offer or cancel the student's enrolment.

(60) Decisions made under clause (58) or (59) can be appealed under clause (61).

Part E - Appeal

(61) Applicants who do not receive a "Full Offer" of admission to the University may lodge an appeal and request a review of their admission decision.

(62) A request to review the admission decision must be lodged in writing, addressed to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality), within ten University business days of the date listed on letter of offer notifying the applicant of the admission decision.

(63) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) will arrange for a review of the admission decision to be conducted by:

  1. if the application was rejected on course specific grounds, the relevant Associate Dean (Education) or their nominee; or
  2. if the application was rejected on general University criteria, a Senior Officer of the University.

(64) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) or nominee will review the case and notify the appellant of the outcome of their appeal and the reason for the decision, in writing and within ten University business days of the date the University received the request for appeal.

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Section 5 - Enrolment

(65) Upon admission to their course, an applicant is eligible to become enrolled as a student of the University.

(66) An applicant may be required to attend for consultation and advice prior to enrolment, as determined by the relevant Associate Dean (Education), and will not be enrolled in the course until compliance with this requirement has been confirmed by the relevant Associate Dean (Education).

(67) A commencing student is enrolled upon:

  1. receipt by the University of the student's acceptance of the offer of admission; and
  2. completion of enrolment in all units in the first teaching period.

(68) If an applicant fails to enrol for the first teaching period by the date specified in the offer of admission, the offer of admission may lapse and be withdrawn. Commencing students must enrol as specified in their offer, including the specific course, attendance mode and campus.

(69) Each student is responsible for ensuring they are correctly enrolled at all times and that their enrolment is kept up to date. All provisions in the Rules concerning enrolment will apply both to the first enrolment and to all subsequent re-enrolments.

(70) Re-enrolling students are required to re-enrol by the published closing date. Enrolment may be undertaken after the closing date at the discretion of the Director, Student Administration Services after consulting with the relevant Course Coordinator and upon receipt of applicable fees.

(71) Students are not permitted to enrol in units while on student sanctions, however, they may withdraw from units in accordance with the standard rules for Variation of Enrolment.

(72) Enrolled students are obliged to provide personal information, including their full name, for record keeping and statistical purposes, as required by the Commonwealth Government. The University is governed by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 , the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The University takes its obligations relating to an individual's right to privacy of personal information seriously and has specific policies to ensure these obligations are met (refer Privacy Management Plan and guidelines addressing this).

(73) Students must enrol in accordance with the offer of admission and complete at least the first teaching period accordingly.

(74) A student will remain enrolled until having:

  1. completed the coursework requirements, together with any additional units approved by the Course Coordinator; or
  2. taken leave of absence for a specified period; or
  3. withdrawn; or
  4. been deemed to have abandoned the course; or
  5. been excluded; or
  6. their enrolment terminated as a result of student conduct proceedings.

(75) An enrolled student will undertake the study units specified in the Specific Award Rules, or as approved by the relevant Course Coordinator.

(76) In exceptional circumstances, the Associate Dean (Education) in consultation with the relevant Course Coordinator may approve a unit substitution and permit a candidate to enrol in a unit or units other than those specified in the Schedule of Units for a specific award course, provided that completion of the substituted unit or units will still allow the student to meet:

  1. all course learning outcomes; and 
  2. any external accreditation requirements.

(77) A student may not be concurrently enrolled in units in more than one award course except with the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality).

(78) International students enrolled in a course under a packaged offer may not enrol in a subsequent course until successful completion of the prior course in the package.

(79) In addition, international onshore students:

  1. must accept responsibility for the cost of their tuition and support and all other expenses associated with their study;
  2. must retain a copy of their COE and ensure its currency throughout their enrolment in a University course;
  3. must maintain the currency of their student visa and Overseas Student Health Cover for the entire duration of their enrolment in the course;
  4. must maintain a full time equivalent enrolment load and complete the course within the duration specified in their COE in accordance with the requirements of Standards 8 and 9 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 and University Policy;
  5. will only be granted approval to change course enrolment in accordance with the requirements of Standards 7, 8 and 9 of National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 and University Policy; and
  6. will be enrolled contingent on contractual arrangements remaining current and strictly adhered to, where enrolment is subject to a formal collaboration between the University and a third party provider.

(80) A student cannot count a unit in a major towards more than one specialist or University-wide major. Where this rule would prevent a student from completing a major, a Course Coordinator in consultation with relevant Unit Assessors may substitute another unit for a unit which appears in more than one major. A substitution may be made more than once.

(81) The maximum enrolment per teaching period is:

  1. for students enrolled in units being delivered in the Term academic calendar, two single weighted units or equivalent;
  2. for students enrolled in units being delivered in the Dual Term academic calendars;
    1. four single weighted units or equivalent; or 
    2. with Course Coordinator approval, five single weighted units or equivalent.
  3. for students enrolled in units being delivered in the Tri Term academic calendar:
    1. six single weighted units or equivalent; or
    2. with Course Coordinator approval, seven single weighted units or equivalent.

(82) In exceptional circumstances, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may approve a student enrolling in no more than one additional unit in a teaching period. An application to enrol in an additional unit will only be considered by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) if:

  1. the student has a GPA of at least 4.0
  2. the student has been informed of the additional study load associated with undertaking an additional until and has confirmed in writing that they are aware:
    1. of the additional study load required; and 
    2. that no allowances will be made by the Unit Assessors in relation to the student completing assessment items for any unit in which they are enrolled during the relevant teaching period; and 
  3. the relevant Associate Dean (Education) recommends approval based on the student’s academic history and the units the student will be enrolled in during the relevant teaching period. 

(83) In respect of any unit, the Specific Award Rules may prescribe that another unit is, or other units are, pre-requisite, co-requisite or anti-requisite. A student will not be permitted to enrol in a unit if the specified pre-requisite, co-requisite and anti-requisite requirements for that unit are not satisfied, except with the approval of the relevant Course Coordinator in consultation with relevant Unit Assessors.

(84) Upon enrolment, a student will be entitled to receive a student identification card, which should be carried while on University premises. A student may be required to show their identification card upon request by a designated employee of the University. Lost identification cards will be replaced upon payment of a prescribed administrative charge.

(85) Upon enrolment, a student will provide the Director, Student Administration Services with an address for the mailing of all official correspondence. For international onshore students, this must be the student's current residential address. A student must notify the Director, Student Administration Services of any change of address within no more than five working days of the change, in writing or via e-mail or via the student management system.

(86) The University is not liable if official correspondence fails to reach a student who has not notified the Director, Student Administration Services of a change of address as required by clause (85).

Cross Institutional Award Enrolment 

(87) A student who is enrolled in a course leading to an award at another tertiary education institution may enrol in units at Southern Cross University which will count towards that award,subject to the joint approval of the two institutions and to the availability of class places at Southern Cross University. 

(88) A student admitted under clause (87) shall be enrolled as a cross-institutional award student. 

(89) A cross-institutional award student shall pay such fees and charges as are agreed between the two institutions and enrolment shall be subject to the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, except for this Rule, Section 10 Exclusions. 

Non-Award (Single Unit) Enrolments 

(90) Non-Award study relates to individuals who are enrolled in units of study which are not being studied as part of a course. Subject to a place being available, the Director, Admissions may admit students to study a particular unit or units on a fee-paying basis. Admission into units will be on an open-entry basis but an offer of admission into subjects beyond introductory units will require the Director, Admissions to provide the applicant with advice on the level and normal prerequisites for the subject.

(91) Where a non-award (single unit) student subsequently enrols in an award course, the University's academic requirements and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy applies.

(92) A senior secondary school student may be considered for admission as a non-award student to undertake one or more units offered by the University concurrently with secondary school studies upon the recommendation of the applicant's School Principal on grounds of exceptional academic talent, and approval of the relevant Associate Dean (Education).

(93) A non award (single unit) student shall pay such fees and charges as are prescribed in the Fees, Charges and Sanctions Rule. 

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Section 6 - Variation of Enrolment

(94) A student who has enrolled for a teaching period may vary their enrolment by adding or withdrawing from individual units, in the manner prescribed by the Director, Student Administration Services, and within the time periods set by the University.

(95) All students are required to manage their study plan as prescribed by University Rules, Policies and Guidelines.

(96) In addition, international onshore students must manage their study plan to ensure it meets all requirements of their visa and that the course is completed within the duration of the student's COE (refer Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy).

Adding Units

(97) A student may enrol in additional units in a teaching period without penalty or special approval subject to the following:

  1. The unit addition complies with requirements of Section 5 - Enrolment.
  2. The student varies their enrolment prior to the University’s published closing date.
  3. The student complies with all requisite conditions, enrolment restrictions and special approvals as listed in the Schedule of Units active at the time of the unit addition.
  4. The student is aware that they may receive study materials later than usual or miss lectures and tutorials as a consequence of late enrolment, and that the Unit Assessor need make no allowances regarding deadlines for submission to assessment items because of this.

(98) A student may be permitted to add a unit after the University published deadline for the relevant teaching period, where the following requirements are met:

  1. the request is received no later than Friday, Week 1 (Terms);and
  2. the student has a GPA greater than, or equal to, 4.0; and 
  3. the student can demonstrate that special circumstances applied to prevent the student from applying for late enrolment. Special circumstances apply only if they: 
    1. were beyond the student’s control;
    2. impacted on the student’s ability to apply for late enrolment within the specified timeframe;
    3. were such that it was impractical for the student to apply for late enrolment within the specified time frame. 

(99) In exceptional circumstances, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality), or authorised nominee, may waive the requirements set out in clause (98) and permit a student to add a unit after the University’s published deadline. 

(100) A student will not be permitted to add units to their enrolment in a teaching period after the Census Date for that teaching period. If special circumstances beyond the student's control prevented the student from properly enrolling, the Director, Student Administration Services may consider retrospective enrolment if the student can demonstrate that a lack of enrolment in that teaching period would cause them to suffer a significant disadvantage.

(101) Approval of retrospective enrolment is at the discretion of the Director, Student Administration Services and subject to the following:

  1. The student submits a request for retrospective enrolment in writing to the Director, Student Administration Services, explaining fully the circumstances that led to their failure to properly enrol and outlining the significant disadvantage they would suffer if not enrolled retrospectively.
  2. Unit enrolment claims older than 12 months will not normally be considered.
  3. The student's request for retrospective enrolment is accompanied by written authorisation from the relevant Course Coordinator. 

Withdrawing From Units

(102) A student may withdraw from a unit until the last day of that teaching period, subject to the following:

  1. A student who withdraws from a unit on or before the relevant Census Date will have their enrolment in that unit deleted from their academic record.
  2. A student who withdraws from a unit after the relevant Census Date will have a grade of "Withdrawn with Fail" recorded on their academic record for that unit.

(103) If a student withdraws from a unit after the relevant Census Date due to special circumstances, they may apply in writing to the Director, Student Administration Services to receive a grade of "Withdrawn" for that unit. The Director, Student Administration Services may approve a grade of "Withdrawn" if the student:

  1. did not complete the unit, and
  2. can demonstrate that circumstances applied that:
    1. were beyond the student's control;
    2. did not make their full impact on the student until on or after the relevant Census Date; and
    3. made it impracticable for the student to complete the requirements for the unit during the relevant teaching period.

(104) An application to receive a grade of "Withdrawn" can be made by lodging an Application for Remission of Fees Due to Special Circumstances as set out in Section 7 of the Refunds and Remissions Procedure

(105) If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of their application to receive a grade of "Withdrawn", they may request a review of that decision by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality).  The request must be made within 28 days of the student receiving notification of the outcome of their application.

Unit Cancellations

(106) Unit cancellations will not normally occur after the Friday prior to orientation week.

(107) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) may approve the cancellation of a unit.

(108) Where a unit is cancelled, the Course Coordinator responsible for the unit will ensure that any student enrolled in that unit is advised. The Course Coordinator will ensure that any student withdrawn due to cancellation is provided with an alternative unit offering, where appropriate.

(109) The relevant Associate Dean (Education) will provide the Director, Student Administration Services with written authorisation to withdraw the availability of the unit and to process any associated withdrawal of students.

Deemed Withdrawal from Units

(110) Specific Award Rules for a unit may specify that a student who does not participate in the unit before the Census Date will be deemed to have withdrawn from the unit.

(111) Where a student is deemed to have withdrawn from a unit under clause (110), the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the unit on the Census Date in accordance with clause (102)a and will have their enrolment in the unit deleted from their academic record.

(112) Where clause (110) applies and special circumstances beyond the student's control prevented a student from participating in the unit before the Census Date, the student may apply in writing to the Course Coordinator or College Director responsible for the unit, requesting permission for their enrolment in that unit to be reinstated. The request must be made within ten University business days of being sent advice of withdrawal.

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Section 7 - Leave of Absence for a Specified Period

(113) A student, except an international onshore student, may take leave of absence for a specified period of up to one year, by giving notice in writing to the Director, Student Administration Services.

(114) A student may be granted more than one period of leave of absence, but the total period of leave of absence will not normally exceed two years. Leave of absence for a period in excess of one year requires approval by the relevant Course Coordinator. Honours students require the approval of the relevant Honours Coordinator before any leave of absence may be taken.

(115) International onshore students may only request a leave of absence in accordance with the Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures.

(116) A student granted leave of absence for a specified period will be treated as having taken leave of absence from the course and withdrawn from any enrolled units of study in the teaching period in which leave is commenced. The student's academic record will be amended as appropriate (see Section 6 - Variation of Enrolment).

(117) Leave of absence will not normally be granted until a student has completed the requirements for at least one unit.

(118) Periods of approved leave of absence will not be counted as part of the period for completion of a coursework award course (see Section 15 - Duration of Coursework Award Courses).

Returning from Leave of Absence

(119) A student who fails to re-enrol as directed after a period of approved leave of absence will be treated as prescribed in clause (121).

(120) A student resuming studies after a period of approved leave of absence will be subject to the award Rules in operation at the time of resumption and will be required to re-enrol as directed by the Director, Student Administration Services.

(121) Where a new version of a course has been implemented, a student returning from a Leave of Absence may be required to undertake this new version, if they cannot expect to complete the previous version within the teach-out period. Each case will be considered on a case by case basis.

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Section 8 - Withdrawal from a Course

(122) A student who does not wish to continue to be enrolled in a course may withdraw from the course.

(123) A student who, having withdrawn from a course, subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the course will comply with the requirements for admission as prescribed in Section 1 – Admission Principles.

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Section 9 - Failure to Re-enrol

(124) A domestic student who fails to re-enrol in two consecutive teaching periods will be regarded as having abandoned the course.

(125) A student who, having failed to re-enrol, subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the course will comply with the requirements for admission as prescribed in Section 1 – Admission Principles.

(126) An international student who fails to re-enrol in a compulsory teaching period as defined in the Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy and pay the appropriate fees within the specified dates will be deemed to have abandoned study. In such cases, the student's admission will be withdrawn and the COE will be cancelled.

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Section 10 - Exclusion

(127) The University will issue a Warning Notification to students where they have:

  1. failed compulsory professional experience or fieldwork requirements of the course; or
  2. failed the same unit in their third attempt and completed less than two-thirds of their course. 

(128) A student may be excluded from the University where they have:

  1. failed compulsory professional experience or fieldwork requirements for the second time, that is, received a Fail grade for the same compulsory work integrated learning unit on two occasions, or received Fail grades for two different compulsory work integrated learning units; or
  2. not completed their course within the maximum completion time specified under Section 15 – Duration of Coursework Award Courses; or
  3. failed the same unit in their fourth attempt and completed less than two-thirds of their course; or
  4. not met any Specific Award Rules which provide for exclusion in circumstances not described above; or
  5. for international onshore students, not achieved satisfactory course progress under Section 3, Part C of the Course Progress and Completion within Expected Duration of Study Procedures.

Consideration for Exclusion

(129) At the end of each teaching period, after publication of final grades,  Student Administration Services will identify all students whose academic performance provides grounds for exclusion as described in clause (128).

(130) Student Administration Services will send a notice to each of the  identified students (Notice of Consideration of Exclusion). The notice will inform the student: 

  1. that they are being considered for possible exclusion from the University;
  2. of the grounds on which they are being considered for exclusion;
  3. that they have 20 business days from the date of the notice (show cause period) to show cause to the Associate Dean (Education) why they should not be excluded (show cause response); and
  4. if they do not submit a show cause response within the show cause period: 
    1. they will be excluded; and 
    2. for international onshore students, they will need to seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their visa. 

(131) The students will remain enrolled during the show cause period and any subsequent internal appeal process and where possible the student will not be disadvantaged in their studies while this process is taking place. 

(132) If the student does not submit a show cause response within the show cause period, they will be:

  1. excluded from the University for a period of two years; and 
  2. withdrawn from any units in which they are enrolled and provided with a full refund or remission of fees. 

Show Cause Process 

(133) A student may show cause why they should not be excluded from the University on the grounds that:

  1. clause (128) was inappropriately applied; or 
  2. there were compassionate or compelling circumstances which contributed to the student’s poor academic performance and the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course in which they are enrolled; or 
  3. the student intends to transfer to another course at the University and the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing that course. 

(134) The student must submit a show cause response within 20 business days of the date of the Notice of Consideration of Exclusion. The show cause response must: 

  1. provide details of the grounds on which they say they should not be excluded including: 
    1. why the student says clause (128) was inappropriately applied; or 
    2. the compassionate and compelling circumstances which contributed to the student’s poor academic performance and what has changed or the  steps the student will take to minimise any further impact of the circumstances on the student’s academic performance; or 
    3. what course the student intends to transfer to and why they believe they will be able to successfully complete the new course. 
  2. attach any supporting documents such as:
    1. medical certificates
    2. death certificates 
    3. policy reports 
    4. statutory declaration 
    5. academic transcripts.

(135) The Associate Dean (Education) may consider a late show cause response if the student is able to demonstrate that circumstances beyond their control prevented them from submitting the response on time. 

(136) Within 5 business days of receipt of the show cause response, the Associate Dean (Education) will consider the information provided by the student and any other relevant information, and decide whether to

  1. exclude the student for a period of two years if any of the grounds in clause (128) are met; or
  2. not exclude the student if the Associate Dean (Education) is satisfied that, based on the information available to them:
    1. clause(128) was inappropriately applied; or 
    2. there were compassionate and compelling circumstances which contributed to the student’s poor academic performance and the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course in which they are enrolled; or 
    3. the student intends to transfer to another course at the University and the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing that course. 

(137) The student will be advised in writing of the Associate Dean (Education)'s decision. If the decision is to exclude the student, the notice will inform the student: 

  1. that they are to be excluded for a period of two years;
  2. the reasons for the decision to exclude them;
  3. their right of appeal, the grounds of appeal and the timeframe within which they must submit the appeal; and 
  4. if the student is an onshore international student, of the need to seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa. 

(138) Students who submit a show cause response will remain enrolled during the show cause process and any subsequent appeal period. 

(139) If the Associate Dean (Education) decides that the student should be excluded and the student does not lodge an appeal within the required timeframe, the student will be:

  1. excluded from the University for a period of two years; and 
  2. withdrawn from any units in which are enrolled and provided with a full refund or remission of fees. 

Appeal against Exclusion 

(140) A student may appeal a decision of the Associate Dean (Education) to exclude them to the Academic Board Appeals Committee. An appeal can only be made on one of the following grounds: 

  1. clause (128) was inappropriately applied; or 
  2. there is additional information which was not reasonably available to the student at the time of submitting the show cause response, and that information is likely to have resulted in a decision not to exclude the student; or 
  3. based on the information available to the Associate Dean (Education), the decision to exclude the student is manifestly incorrect. 

(141) The student must lodge the appeal in writing on the prescribed form within 5 business days of the date on which the student was notified of the Associate Dean (Education)'s decision to exclude them. 

(142) A late appeal may be received at the discretion of the Chair, Academic Board Appeals Committee if the student is able to demonstrate that circumstances beyond their control prevented them from lodging the appeal on time. 

(143) The appeal will be dealt with in accordance with the Academic Board Appeals Committee’s Procedures

(144) A decision of the Academic Board Appeals Committee shall be final within the University. 

(145) International onshore students will be advised of their right to access an external review process through the NSW Ombudsman or National Student Ombudsman if they are not satisfied with the result or conduct of the internal appeals process. If an international onshore student accesses the external appeals process, they will remain enrolled in their course until that process is completed. 

(146) If the appeal is not successful, the student will be:

  1. excluded from the University for a period of two years; and. 
  2. withdrawn from any units in which they are enrolled and provided with a full refund or remission of fees. 

(147) Students other than onshore international students who, while awaiting the outcome of their appeal, have enrolled in the next teaching period and passed 50% or more of the units attempted in that teaching period will have their exclusion lifted by the University. 

Admission After Exclusion

(148) An excluded student may enrol following the expiration of their exclusion.

(149) An excluded student may enrol in subsequent teaching periods prior to expiration of a period of exclusion, but will not be permitted to recommence study until expiration of the period of exclusion.

(150) Upon re-enrolling the student must consult with their Course Coordinator (or nominee) and, in the case of international onshore students, an International Student Adviser, to establish a study plan and appropriate unit load.

(151) If a student previously excluded accepts an offer in a new course their status will be the same as all commencing students.

Advanced Standing

(152) An excluded student may not receive advanced standing on the basis of study completed at another institution during the period of exclusion unless the student has received permission of the Associate Dean (Education) in advance of such study.

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Section 11 - Readmission after Expulsion from the University

(153) A student who has been expelled from the University as a result of student conduct proceedings and who subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the University will not be readmitted, except with the permission of the University Council.

After Abandonment of a Course

(154) An applicant who has abandoned their course as described in clause (119) or (124), and subsequently wishes to complete may apply for re-admission to the abandoned attempt of the course provided the course can be completed within one teaching period.

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Section 12 - Course Transfer

(155) A student who is admitted to a coursework course and who wishes to change courses must apply for a course transfer in a form and at a time determined by the Director, Student Administration Services.

(156) New applicants to the University who have been accepted into one course may apply to the Director, Admissions for a course transfer prior to the commencement of the teaching session stated in their initial letter of offer.

(157) Approval of applications for course transfer is not automatic. Applications will only be considered where:

  1. the student has successfully completed at least 50 per cent  of all attempted units in the current course that were undertaken at the University, unless an exemption is approved by the relevant Associate Dean (Education) of the new course;
  2. the student is not currently subject to an intervention strategy (international students only); and
  3. the student meets all Specific Award Rules for the new course

(158) Applicants who have been enrolled for one teaching period or more will be assessed against their progression in the study completed to date.

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Section 13 - Requirements for Coursework Awards

(159) To be eligible to receive an award, a candidate must complete the Requirements for that award as approved by Academic Board and published on the University’s course webpages, except for any unit substitutions approved under clause (74). 

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Section 14 - Completion of a Unit

(160) A student will be deemed to have completed a unit when either:

  1. a grade indicating satisfactory completion of the unit has been attained as prescribed in the Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 3 - Coursework Awards - Student Assessment and Examination, clauses (27) to (28); or
  2. advanced standing has been granted in that unit.

(161) For each unit studied, students are required to submit a Unit Feedback Survey Response before the conclusion of the teaching period. Where a student fails to do so, the student’s final grade for that unit may be withheld for the following teaching period. 

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Section 15 - Duration of Coursework Award Courses

(162) Unless an Associate Dean (Education) otherwise determines, or the Specific Award Rules provide otherwise, a candidate for a:

  1. 40 unit or 36 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 15 years.
  2. 32 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 10 years.
  3. 28 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 9 years.
  4. 24 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 8 years.
  5. 16 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 6 years.
  6. 12 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 5 years.
  7. 8 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 3 years.
  8. 4 unit award will normally complete the course in not more than 2 years.