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Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 2 - Coursework Awards - General Provisions

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Section 1 - Admission

(1) An application for admission to a coursework award course shall be made in the prescribed manner in accordance with the required procedures and lodged as directed by a specified date. An applicant who has not completed the required admission procedures by a specified date and who wishes to apply may be liable for payment of a late fee. An application for admission shall not normally be approved later than two weeks prior to the commencement of the relevant study period.

(2) An applicant who satisfies all relevant eligibility for admission requirements, as documented in Section 2 - and Section 3 - , and who is offered a place in a course, shall upon admission to their course be considered eligible to become enrolled as a student of the University.

(3) An applicant may be required to attend for consultation and advice prior to enrolment, as determined by the relevant Head of School, and shall not be enrolled in the course until compliance with this requirement has been confirmed by the relevant Head of School.

(4) Where an applicant offered a Commonwealth Supported or Hotel School Employer Reserved place cannot commence their studies within the academic year, a deferment of offer to the following academic year, into the same course, shall be granted following application by the prescribed date. The University reserves the right to cancel the deferment should the course not be available.

(5) An applicant who has been excluded from study on academic grounds at another tertiary institution may apply for admission prior to expiration of a period of exclusion, but admission may not be permitted until expiration of the period of exclusion.

(6) An applicant who has previously abandoned their course in accordance with Section 9 - and wishes to complete after a period of abandonment may apply for admission to the abandoned attempt of the course provided the course can be completed within 1 study period.

English Language Proficiency

(7) All applicants must meet the University's English language requirements for admission irrespective of the study location or study mode. Subject to Academic Board approval, some courses may have higher or lower minimum requirements under their Specific Course Rules and these shall take precedence where they conflict with this Rule.

(8) To meet the minimum English language requirement an applicant must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. have completed senior secondary study to the equivalent of the Australian year 12 or have completed at least one year of full time study (or equivalent part time study) at AQF diploma equivalent or higher where:
    1. the country where those studies were undertaken is listed in Schedule A; and
    2. the language of instruction was English; or
  2. achieved a test score equal to or above the minimum listed at Schedule B; or
  3. completed an overseas qualification or professional experience to the specified standard listed at Schedule C; or
  4. completed an English preparation course(s), or foundation course(s), to the standard specified by the Admissions Manager Student Services and Manager International Admissions and Quality Assurance on a case by case basis, at:
    1. an Australian University; and/or
    2. a National English Language Teaching Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) approved provider; and/or
    3. a registered provider listed on the National Register of higher education providers; or
  5. achieved a score on the SCU College English Language Programs' exit test comparable to the minimum required score for admission as specified in Schedule B; or
  6. successfully completed SCU's Preparing for Success Program (PSP).

(9) When a Schedule B score is used to demonstrate English proficiency, that score must have been attained within two (2) years of the date of application for admission.

(10) When Schedule C is used to demonstrate English proficiency, the qualification or experience must have been completed within five (5) years of the date of application for admission.

(11) The Chair of Academic Board may waive the requirements of this Rule for a particular applicant in exceptional circumstances, and shall report such action to the Academic Board at its next meeting.

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Section 2 - Eligibility for Admission to an Undergraduate Award Course

(12) An applicant for admission to an undergraduate award course must satisfy one or more of the requirements in clause (14) through (22).

(13) Additional requirements may be prescribed in the Specific Award Rules.

Current Year 12 Applicants

(14) An applicant who has completed the NSW Higher School Certificate may be considered for admission on the basis of an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or Limited ATAR, or equivalent.

(15) An applicant who has completed the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) may be considered for admission on the basis of an Overall Position, or equivalent. An applicant may also be considered on the basis of results in specific subjects and the Queensland Core Skills Test.

(16) An applicant who has completed another qualification may be considered for admission, provided that the qualification and level of attainment are equivalent to the NSW Higher School Certificate.

(17) An applicant completing Year 12 who is resident in the University's feeder region is eligible to receive bonus points, as determined by the Academic Board, which are added to the applicant's Australian Tertiary Admission Rank or Overall Position.

(18) An applicant completing Year 12 at a high school or TAFE college in the University's feeder region may be admitted under the Star Entry Scheme. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of a report prepared by their Principal and must satisfy any specific University entry criteria.

(19) An applicant for admission to an undergraduate double degree award must satisfy the admission requirements for each of the single awards that comprise their double degree.

(20) An applicant who has completed an approved AQF Certificate III qualification as part of their year 12 program may be admitted on the basis of their Certificate III studies.

(21) An applicant who has successfully completed SCU Head-Start or an equivalent program approved by the Academic Board, may be considered for admission.

All Other Applicants

(22) Subject to clause (8), an applicant who satisfies one or more of the following requirements for admission, may be considered for admission on the basis of a rank determined by either the relevant Tertiary Admissions Centre or the University:

  1. Assessable Qualifications:
    1. Completion of the NSW Higher School Certificate, or equivalent.
    2. Successful completion of a Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree or Degree level course offered by an Australian tertiary institution, the Open Universities Australia, a TAFE college or a private provider, and which satisfies the guidelines determined by the Australian Qualifications Framework.
    3. Professional qualifications, including health care qualifications, commissioned officer qualifications, apprenticeships, traineeships and qualifying examinations of professional associations.
  2. Alternative Entry:
    1. Successful completion of at least six (6) months full-time equivalent study, in a degree, diploma, associate diploma, advanced certificate or certificate level IV course offered by an Australian tertiary institution, the Open Universities Australia, a TAFE college or a private provider, and which satisfies the guidelines determined by the Australian Qualifications Framework.
    2. Successful completion of a tertiary preparation course at an Australian university or TAFE college of at least 6 months full-time equivalent study.
    3. Completion of the multiple choice Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).
    4. Work or field experience of at least one year full-time, or equivalent.
    5. Submission of a Personal Competencies Statement addressing specific selection criteria.
    6. Interview, audition or other form of individual assessment and show evidence of acceptable aptitude, motivation and commitment to undertake the course.
  3. Applicants Under 18 Years of Age:
    1. An applicant who is under 18 years of age as at 1 March in the year of intended course commencement, and who does not satisfy at least one of the requirements in clauses (14), (15), (16), (18), (20), or (21), may be considered for admission if the applicant's qualifications and level of attainment are acceptable to the relevant Head of School.
  4. Educational disadvantage:
    1. An applicant who can demonstrate educational disadvantage may be considered for admission provided the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the relevant Head of School, an ability to cope with the academic content of the course for which admission is sought.
  5. Indigenous Applicants:
    1. Applicants may be considered for admission on the basis of individual assessment programs run by the College of Indigenous Australian Peoples. Applicants may be required to undertake the Preparing for Success at SCU Program.
  6. Overseas Qualifications:
    1. An applicant with overseas qualifications may be considered for admission provided the University accepts the applicant's qualifications as being the equivalent of an Australian qualification required for entry to a particular program. All applicants using an overseas qualification as the basis of their admission must meet the University's English language proficiency requirement as documented in clause (8).
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Section 3 - Eligibility for Admission to a Postgraduate Coursework Award Course

(23) Subject to clause (8), an applicant for admission to a postgraduate coursework award course must:

  1. have fulfilled all the requirements for a degree (or qualification of equivalent standing) at this University or at another university or tertiary institution approved by the Academic Board; or
  2. have satisfied such additional, or alternative, admission requirements as are prescribed in Specific Award Rules.
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Section 4 - Advanced Standing

(24) This Rule is subject to Specific Award Rules.

(25) A student is required to submit all applications for Advanced Standing prior to the commencement of their last study period. Failure to submit applications within a timely manner is likely to cause: problems fulfilling unit requisites; and delays with enrolment, course completion and graduation. Late submission of applications for advanced standing will not be used as grounds for requests for late changes.

(26) A Head of School may grant a student advanced standing no greater than 50% for units on the basis of studies successfully completed at this or another Australian University, or at other types of tertiary education institutions acceptable to the Academic Board; or on another basis acceptable to the Academic Board. The study plan for a student granted advanced standing shall be determined in each case by the relevant Head of School.

(27) Advanced standing over 50% by no more than two units may be granted by the School Board. Any advanced standing in excess of this may be approved by Programs Committee or as provided for in specific award Rules.

(28) Subject to the approval of the relevant Head of School, a student who is readmitted to a course may be granted advanced standing for units successfully completed while enrolled in that course on a previous occasion.

(29) A student permitted to undertake an internal course transfer (see Section 12 - ) may be granted advanced standing for units successfully completed while enrolled in the previous course. The number of units of advanced standing granted shall be decided by the Head of School into which the student is transferring.

(30) Advanced standing shall not be granted for units completed within an enabling (or bridging) program.

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Section 5 - Enrolment

(31) A student is responsible for ensuring they are correctly enrolled at all times and that their enrolment is kept up to date. All provisions in the Rules concerning enrolment shall apply both to the first enrolment and to all subsequent re enrolments.

(32) If a commencing student fails to enrol for the study period by the date specified in the offer of admission, the offer of admission may lapse and be withdrawn. Commencing students must enrol as specified in their offer, including the specific course, attendance mode and campus.

(33) A commencing student is enrolled on completion of all of the following:

  1. acceptance of the offer of admission;
  2. completion of enrolment in units;
  3. payment of prescribed fees (unless the Director of Student Services has granted an extension of time for such payment); and
  4. submission of a correctly completed Request for Commonwealth Assistance Form.

(34) An international applicant who is liable to pay the Overseas Student Health Charge, as required by the Commonwealth Government for issue and continuation of student entry permits, and who fails to pay the charge to the University by a specified date, or fails to provide evidence that the charge has been paid for health insurance for the student, shall not be accepted as an enrolled student until the charge has been paid.

(35) Re-enrolling students are required to re-enrol by the published closing date. Enrolment may be undertaken after the closing date at the discretion of the Director of Student Services.

(36) Enrolled students are obliged to provide personal information, including their full name, for record keeping purposes and for statistical purposes as required by the Commonwealth Government. The University takes seriously its obligations relating to an individual's right to privacy of personal information and has developed policies and guidelines in this area.

(37) A student shall remain enrolled until having:

  1. completed the coursework requirements, together with any additional units approved by the Head of School; or
  2. taken leave of absence for a specified period; or
  3. withdrawn; or
  4. failed to re-enrol; or
  5. been excluded; or
  6. had enrolment terminated as a result of student conduct proceedings.

(38) An enrolled student shall undertake the study units approved by the relevant Head of School, as amended by any approved variation.

(39) In exceptional circumstances, the Head of School may approve a unit substitution and permit a candidate to enrol in a unit or units other than those specified in the Schedule of Units for a specific award course.

(40) A student may not be enrolled in units in more than one (1) award course except with the approval of the relevant Member of Executive.

(41) A candidate cannot count a unit in a major towards more than one specialist or University-wide major. Where this rule would prevent a candidate from completing a major, a Head of School may substitute another unit for a unit which appears in more than one major. A substitution may be made more than once.

(42) A student shall not enrol for the equivalent of more than four units of study in any one study period, except with the approval of the relevant Head of School.

(43) In respect of any unit, the relevant School Board may prescribe that another unit is, or other units are, pre-requisite, co requisite or anti-requisite. A student shall not, except with the approval of the relevant Head of School, be permitted to enrol in a unit if the specified pre requisite, co-requisite and anti-requisite requirements for that unit are not satisfied.

(44) Upon enrolment, a student shall be entitled to receive a student identification card, which should be carried while on University premises and at such other locations as are prescribed in the requirements for particular courses. A student may be required to show this identification card upon request by a designated employee of the University. Lost identification cards will be replaced upon payment of a prescribed administrative charge.

(45) Upon enrolment, a student shall provide the Director of Student Services with an address for the mailing of all official correspondence. A student is expected to notify in writing the Director of Student Services of any change of address within no more than five (5) working days of the change. The University will not accept responsibility if official correspondence fails to reach a student who has not notified the Director of Student Services of a change of address.

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Section 6 - Variation of Enrolment

(46) A student who has enrolled for a study period may vary their enrolment by adding or withdrawing from individual units. Students may only add or withdraw from units in the manner prescribed by the Director of Student Services. Students are required to manage their study plan as prescribed by University Rules, Policies and Guidelines.

Adding Units

(47) A student may enrol in additional units in a study period without penalty or special approval subject to the following:

  1. The student needs to be aware that they may receive study materials later than usual or miss lectures and tutorials. The Unit Assessor need make no allowances regarding deadlines for submission to assessment items because of this.
  2. The student varies their enrolment according to the deadlines as published by the Director of Student Services (normally the final day of week 2 of the specified study period)
  3. The student complies with all requisite conditions, enrolment restrictions and special approvals as listed in the Schedule of Units active at the time of the unit addition.
  4. The unit addition complies with the provisions of Enrolment in Section 5 - .

(48) Where the student proposes to add the unit after the final day of week 2 of the specified study period has passed, units may be added to their enrolment in the study period subject to the following:

  1. The census date for that study period has not yet passed; and
  2. the student obtains written authorisation from the relevant Head of School. Where the Head of School responsible for the student's admitted course and the Head of School responsible for the proposed unit enrolment are different, written authorisation must be obtained from both.

(49) A student will not be permitted to add units to their enrolment in a study period after the census date for that study period has passed. In cases where special circumstances, which were beyond the student's control, prevented the student from properly enrolling, the Director of Student Services may consider retrospective enrolment if the student can demonstrate that a lack of enrolment in that study period would cause them to suffer a significant disadvantage. Approval is not automatic and will be subject to the following:

  1. The student places their claim for retrospective enrolment in writing to the Director of Student Services, fully explaining the circumstances that led to their failure to properly enrol and outlining the significant disadvantage they would suffer if not enrolled retrospectively. Unit enrolment claims older than 12 months will not normally be considered.
  2. The student's claim for retrospective enrolment is accompanied by written authorisation from the relevant Head of School. Where the Head of School responsible for the student's admitted course and the Head of School responsible for the proposed retrospective unit enrolment are different, the student must obtain written authorisation from both.

Withdrawing From Units

(50) A student may withdraw from a unit until the last day of that study period, subject to the following provisions:

  1. A student who withdraws from a unit before the relevant census date shall have their enrolment in that unit deleted from their academic record.
  2. A student who withdraws from a unit after the census date but before two-thirds (2/3) of the specified study period has elapsed shall have a withdrawn notation for that unit recorded on their academic record.
  3. A student who withdraws from a unit after the expiration of two thirds (2/3) of the specified study period shall have a grade of Withdrawn Fail for that unit recorded on their academic record.
  4. If special circumstances require a student to withdraw from a unit after the expiration of two-thirds (2/3) of the specified study period, the student may apply in writing to the Head of School responsible for the unit to "withdraw without failure" from the unit. The application must be made to the Head of School within 12 calendar months of the last day of the study period to which the enrolment relates. Approval may be given by the Head of School for a notation of "withdrawn" to be recorded against that unit on the student's academic record. A "Withdrawn without failure" authorisation from the Head of School does not reduce the student's financial liability for the unit.
  5. The relevant Pro Vice Chancellor may approve a "withdrawal without failure" older than 12 months if it can be demonstrated that special circumstances applied to prevent the student from applying for withdrawal without failure. The onus is on the student to demonstrate special circumstances. Special circumstances apply only if they were beyond the student's control; impacted on the student's ability to apply for "withdrawal without failure" within the specified time frame; were such that it was impracticable for the student to apply for "withdrawal without failure" within the specified time frame.

(51) Commonwealth Supported Students will incur the full financial liability for the unit if the variation request to withdraw from the unit is submitted after the census date for the study period has passed. Fee Paying students will incur the financial liability applicable under the University tuition refund rules current at the time the variation request to withdraw from the unit is submitted.

(52) Where special circumstances beyond the student's control have forced a student to withdraw from a unit after the unit census date, the student may apply to the Director of Student Services for a remission/refund of the financial liability applicable associated with the unit subject to the following provisions:

  1. Remission/refund claims older than 12 months may be considered.
  2. Remission/refund claims must be made in the manner prescribed by the Director of Student Services.

Unit Cancellations

(53) Where a School cancels a unit offering, the Head of School responsible for the unit will advise any student enrolled in that unit. The School will ensure that any student withdrawn due to School cancellation is provided with an alternative unit offering where appropriate. The Head of School will provide the Director of Student Services with written authorisation to withdraw the availability of the unit and to process any associated withdrawal of students.

(54) Students on Sanctions Students on student sanctions are not permitted to enrol in units. Students on sanctions may withdraw from units in accordance with the standard rules for Variation of Enrolment.

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Section 7 - Leave of Absence for a Specified Period

(55) A student may, by giving notice in writing to the Director of Student Services, take leave of absence for a specified period of up to one (1) year. A student may be granted more than one period of leave of absence, but the total period of leave of absence shall not normally exceed two (2) years. Leave of absence for a period in excess of one (1) year requires approval by the relevant Head of School. Honours students require the approval of the relevant Honours Coordinator before any period of leave of absence may be taken.

(56) A student granted leave of absence for a specified period shall be treated as having taken leave of absence from the course and withdrawn from any enrolled units of study in the study period in which leave is commenced. The student's academic record shall be amended as appropriate (see Section 6 - ).

(57) Leave of absence shall not normally be granted until a student has completed the requirements for at least one unit.

(58) A student resuming studies after a period of approved leave of absence shall be subject to the award Rules in operation at the time of resumption and shall be required to re-enrol as directed by the Director of Student Services.

(59) A student who fails to re-enrol as directed after a period of approved leave of absence shall be treated as prescribed in clause (63).

(60) Periods of approved leave of absence shall not be counted as part of the period for completion of a coursework award course (see Section 15 - ).

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Section 8 - Withdrawal from a Course

(61) A student who does not wish to continue to be enrolled in a course may withdraw from the course.

(62) A student who, having withdrawn from a course, subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the course shall comply with the requirements for admission as prescribed in Section 1.

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Section 9 - Failure to Re-enrol

(63) A student who fails to re-enrol shall be regarded as having abandoned the course.

(64) A student who, having failed to re-enrol, subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the course shall comply with the requirements for admission as prescribed in Section 1 - .

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Section 10 - Exclusion

(65) On February 17, 2012, the University Council approved changes to Rule 2.10 Exclusion which are effective immediately. This Section replaces the original rule published in the SCU 2012 Student Handbook.

(66) The Chair of the School Board may exclude a student for a maximum of one (1) study period where a student has:

  1. failed compulsory professional experience or fieldwork requirements of the course; or
  2. failed the same unit in their third (3rd) attempt and has completed less than two-thirds (2/3) of their course; or
  3. not met specific course rules which provide for exclusion in circumstances not described above.

(67) The Chair of School Board may exclude a student permanently from a course where a student has:

  1. failed compulsory professional experience or fieldwork requirements for the second time; or
  2. not completed their course within the maximum completion time specified under Section 15 - ; or
  3. failed the same unit in their fourth attempt and has completed less than two-thirds (2/3) of their course;
  4. not met specific course rules which provide for exclusion in circumstances not described above; or
  5. not achieved satisfactory course progress as defined by the National Code of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (the ESOS Act) (onshore international students only).

Determination of Exclusion

(68) At the end of each study period (sessions and trimesters), upon notification of final grades, the Director of Student Services shall provide all Heads of School, Chairs of School Boards and Director, International Office with a list of students whose academic performance provides grounds for exclusion as described in clause (66)b and (67)b and (67)c, above. A Head of School, Chairs of School Board or the Director, International Office may at any time seek a list of students whose academic performance provides grounds for exclusion.

(69) A Chair of School Board (or nominee) shall review the academic performance of those domestic and offshore international students who meet any of the grounds for exclusion, and shall within five (5) working days make a determination and notify the relevant School Officer in writing that the student:

  1. be allowed to continue; or
  2. be allowed to continue with specified conditions relating to a documented intervention strategy.

(70) A Chair of School Board (or nominee) shall review the academic performance of those domestic and offshore international students who meet any of the grounds for exclusion, and shall within five (5) working days make a determination and notify the Director of Student Services in writing that the student:

  1. be excluded for one study period in accordance with clause (66); or
  2. be excluded permanently in accordance with clause (67).

(71) In making their determination, the Chair of School Board (or nominee) shall take into consideration relevant matters such as:

  1. whether a student is on and complying with a documented intervention strategy;
  2. if there are compassionate or compelling circumstances (including onshore international students as required in the ESOS Act) which contributed to poor academic performance; and
  3. ensuring compliance with the National Code of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (the ESOS Act) (onshore international students only).

(72) In the case of onshore international students, the Chair of School Board (or nominee) shall follow the same process as stipulated in clause (69) and (70), but make a determination in consultation with the Director, International Office.

Notification of Exclusion

(73) Following return from the Chair of School Board of the list of students to be excluded (including the relevant grounds for exclusion in accordance with clause (66) and (67), the Director of Student Services will write to each student within five (5) working days, notifying them of the decision of the Chair of School Board. The notification shall include:

  1. specification of the grounds for exclusion;
  2. an indication of the student's right of appeal against the decision of the Chair of School Board;
  3. details of the appeal process; and
  4. copies of, or links to, prescribed forms required to complete the appeal process.

Review of Exclusion

(74) An excluded student may request the Head of School to review their exclusion.

(75) This request, stating clearly the reasons for a review, must be submitted in writing on the prescribed form to the Head of School within twenty (20) working days of the University's official date of notification.

(76) A request for review to the Head of School may only be made on the grounds that clause (66)a-(66)c or (67)a-(67)e was inappropriately or unreasonably applied, or that there were compelling or compassionate circumstances (including onshore international students as required in the ESOS Act) which contributed to poor academic performance.

(77) The Head of School shall review the decision and advise the student and Director of Student Services in writing of the outcome of this review within ten (10) working days of receipt of the request.

(78) All students will be advised of their right to appeal the review outcome and the internal appeals process if they are not satisfied with the result or conduct of the internal review process as described.

Appeals Against Exclusion

(79) Where a student is not satisfied with the review outcome, they may appeal to the Academic Board Appeals Committee.

(80) This request, stating clearly the reasons for appeal, must be submitted in writing on the prescribed form to the Academic Board Appeals Committee within ten (10) working days of the date on which the Head of School advised the student about the outcome of the review. A late appeal may be received at the discretion of the Chair of the Academic Board Appeals Committee.

(81) An appeal to the Academic Board Appeals Committee may only be made on the grounds that either clause (66)a-(66)c or (67)a-(67)e was inappropriately or unreasonably applied or that there were compelling or compassionate circumstances (including onshore international students as required in the ESOS Act) which contributed to poor academic performance.

(82) A decision of the Academic Board Appeals Committee shall be final within the University.

(83) All students will be advised of their right to access an external appeals process through the relevant State and Commonwealth Ombudsman's Office if they are not satisfied with the result or conduct of the internal appeals process as described.

Appeals and Enrolment

(84) Students who appeal their exclusion from a course, and have enrolled in the next study period, shall remain enrolled in the course until their appeal is decided.

(85) Students other than onshore international students who, whilst awaiting the outcome of their appeal have enrolled in the next study period and passed 50% or more of units attempted in that study period will have their exclusion lifted by the University.

Admission After Exclusion

(86) An excluded student may enrol following the expiration of their exclusion.

(87) An excluded student may enrol in subsequent study periods prior to expiration of a period of exclusion, but will not be permitted to recommence study until expiration of the period of exclusion.

(88) Upon re-enrolling the student must consult with their Course Coordinator (or nominee) and, in the case of international onshore students, an International Student Adviser, to establish a study plan and appropriate unit load.

(89) If a student previously excluded accepts an offer in a new course their status will be the same as all commencing students.

Advanced Standing

(90) An excluded student may not receive advanced standing on the basis of study completed at another institution during the period of exclusion unless the student has received permission of the Head of School in advance of such study.

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Section 11 - Readmission after Expulsion from the University

(91) A student who has been expelled from the University as a result of student conduct proceedings and who subsequently wishes to be readmitted to the University shall not be readmitted except with the permission of the University Council.

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Section 12 - Course Transfer

(92) A student who is admitted to a coursework course may apply for a course transfer in a form and at a time determined by the Director of Student Services.

(93) An internal course transfer is not automatic, and applicants will be assessed in accordance with clause (22) or Section 3 - .

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Section 13 - Requirements for Coursework Awards

(94) Unless the Academic Board determines otherwise:

  1. a candidate for a Masters degree by coursework shall complete the equivalent of either twelve (12) or eight (8) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  2. a candidate for a Graduate Diploma shall complete the equivalent of eight (8) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  3. a candidate for a Graduate Certificate shall complete the equivalent of four (4) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  4. a candidate for a double Bachelors degree shall complete the equivalent of either thirty-six (36) or forty (40) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  5. a candidate for a combined Bachelors degree shall complete the equivalent of thirty-two (32) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  6. a candidate for a Bachelors degree shall complete the equivalent of either twenty-four (24) units, twenty-eight (28) or thirty-two (32) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  7. a candidate for an Associate Degree shall complete the equivalent of sixteen (16) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules.
  8. a candidate for a Diploma shall complete the equivalent of eight (8) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules;
  9. a candidate for a Certificate shall complete the equivalent of four (4) units, as detailed in the Specific Award Rules.

(95) Additional requirements may be prescribed in the Specific Award Rules.

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Section 14 - Completion of a Unit

(96) A student shall be deemed to have completed a unit when either:

  1. a grade indicating satisfactory completion of the unit has been attained as prescribed in the Rules Relating to Awards Rule 3 clause (45) - (47); or
  2. advanced standing has been granted in that unit.
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Section 15 - Duration of Coursework Award Courses

(97) Unless a Head of School otherwise determines, or the Specific Award Rules provide otherwise, a candidate for a:

  1. forty (40) unit or thirty-six (36) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 15 years.
  2. thirty-two (32) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 10 years.
  3. twenty-eight (28) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 9 years.
  4. twenty-four (24) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 8 years.
  5. sixteen (16) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 6 years.
  6. twelve (12) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 5 years.
  7. eight (8) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 3 years.
  8. four (4) unit award shall normally complete the course in not more than 2 years.