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Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 10 - Awards

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Section 1 - Eligibility for an Award

(1) Where the Academic Board (or Accreditation Committee as delegated) approves a change to the requirements for an award, the relevant School Board shall provide transitional arrangements that allow a student currently enrolled in the award course to satisfy the changed requirements for the award. Where these arrangements would cause hardship to a student or class of students, those students may complete the award as provided for in clause (2). The transitional arrangements shall be approved by Accreditation Committee.

(2) Subject to Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 , clause (56), a student shall be eligible for an award of the University upon having successfully completed the requirements for the award that were current at the time the student first enrolled in the award course.

(3) Subject to the provisions of Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 , clause (56), where the Academic Board approves a variation of the title of an award, a student may elect to complete the course bearing the title of the award applicable at the time the student first enrolled in the award course.

(4) Where the Council approves withdrawal of an award, a student enrolled in the award course shall be entitled to complete the course upon such terms as the Council deems reasonable in the circumstances.

(5) Unless the Rules for a specific award prescribe otherwise, a student proceeding to an award of the University may apply to exit with a lower level award from a related discipline area provided the requirements of the lower level award have been successfully completed.

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Section 2 - Completion of an Award

(6) A student shall be deemed to have completed an award course at the time that the Chair of the Academic Board on behalf of the Board recommends to Council that the student is eligible for an award.

(7) A student who expects to complete an award at the end of the current study period shall complete the prescribed form to apply for the award and lodge it with the Director of Student Services by the advertised closing date.

(8) A student who fails to complete units in the final study period of an award course as a result of death or permanent incapacity shall be eligible to be considered for an aegrotat award. An application for an aegrotat award shall be made in writing by the student or by a deceased student's legal representative to the Director of Student Services, for approval by the relevant Chair of School Board, by the prescribed date and must be accompanied by relevant documentary evidence.

(9) An award of the University may be granted posthumously. The Director of Student Services shall write to the relevant School Board requesting approval of a posthumous award. Where eligibility for a posthumous award cannot be approved, the relevant School Board may approve a posthumous Certificate of Attainment.

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Section 3 - Conferral of an Award

(10) A student who has completed an award course and who is confirmed by the Chair of the Academic Board on behalf of the Board as being eligible for the granting of a specified award shall have the award conferred by the Council of the University at a designated graduation ceremony of the University.

(11) Where a student is eligible for conferral of an award but is not available to attend a designated graduation ceremony, the award shall be conferred 'in absentia'.

(12) No award shall be conferred if a student progresses to the next level in an articulated award (with 100% advanced standing for work completed in the lower level award) without interruption or where such interruption does not exceed one (1) study period except in the case of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and the Graduate Diploma of Education in consultation with the Head of School.

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Section 4 - Surrender of Awards

(13) The Council of the University may revoke and require the surrender of an award of the University if it is satisfied that a graduate acted dishonestly in relation to any material matter relied upon by the University in determining the graduate's eligibility for that award.

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Section 5 - Grading of Awards

(14) For a Doctoral degree, the award shall not be classified.

(15) For a Masters degree, the award shall not be classified.

(16) For a Graduate Diploma, the award shall not be classified.

(17) For a Graduate Certificate, the award shall not be classified.

(18) For an Honours degree, the award shall be classified as:

  1. degree with First Class Honours; or
  2. degree with Second Class Honours which may be graded into Division 1 and Division 2 in those Schools that require such grading; or
  3. degree with Third Class Honours, which may be awarded in those Schools that require such grading.

(19) For a degree for which the award of Honours is available, the award may be classified as:

  1. degree with First Class Honours; or
  2. degree with Second Class Honours, which may be graded into Division 1 and Division 2 in those Schools that require such grading; or

(20) For a degree for which the award of Honours is not available, the award shall not be classified.

(21) For an Associate Degree or Diploma the award shall not be classified.

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Section 6 - Testamurs

(22) The number of testamurs for each category of degree as approved by the Academic Board shall be as follows:

  1. Single degrees: one testamur
  2. Double degrees: two testamurs
  3. Combined degrees: one testamur
  4. Cross-School degrees: one testamur
  5. Cross-institutional degrees: one testamur.
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Section 7 - University Medal

(23) University Medals are awarded by the University from time to time to candidates who have completed the requirements of a Bachelor Honours degree with first class honours, and who have demonstrated an exceptional standard of academic achievement.

  1. A University medal may be awarded to a graduating student who has:
    1. completed the requirements for a Bachelor degree of the University or other accredited higher education provider; and
    2. been awarded a Bachelor Honours degree with first class honours by the University; and
    3. completed the final year of full time equivalent study for the award of Honours at the University; and
    4. achieved a Grade Point Average of 6.5 in the course(s) relevant to consideration for the award of the University Medal; and
    5. achieved a high distinction for the research component of the honours or final year and a minimum GPA of 6.5 in the final full time equivalent year of the course; and
    6. not received a fail grade in any unit in the award(s) relevant to the nomination, except in documented exceptional circumstances.
  2. If a student studies more than one award they are eligible to be considered for a University Medal for each testamur.
  3. A student is ineligible for the award of a University medal if the student has been found guilty, by a delegated authority of the University, of a breach of Rule 3 Section 18 Academic Misconduct Including Plagiarism or the Student Misconduct Rules.
  4. Subject to (23)e and (23)f, GPA shall be calculated in accordance with the Rules Relating to Awards Rule 3
  5. The results of a student's first 0.5 years full time study (or part time equivalent) of the relevant degree may be excluded from the GPA calculation if:
    1. the study was undertaken at SCU; and
    2. it benefits the student's eligibility for the award of the University Medal.
  6. For the avoidance of doubt, clause (23)e does not apply if a student has been awarded advanced standing for the relevant degree.
  7. In cases where a candidate has completed more than the required number of units for the award for which they have been nominated, the highest grades will be used in the calculation of GPA.
  8. The decision of Academic Board for award of the University Medal is final within the University.
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Section 8 - Units Leading to an Accredited Award at Another Tertiary Institution

(24) A student who is enrolled in a course leading to an award at another tertiary education institution may enrol in units at Southern Cross University which will count towards that award, subject to the joint approval of the two institutions and to the availability of class places at Southern Cross University.

(25) A student admitted under clause (24) shall be enrolled as a cross-institutional award student.

(26) A cross-institutional award student shall pay such fees and charges as are agreed between the two institutions and enrolment shall be subject to the University's Rules Relating to Awards, except for the Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 , Section10 - Exclusion.

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Section 9 - Non-Award (Single unit) Enrolments

(27) Where an applicant meets eligibility requirements in accordance with Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 , Section 2 or Section 3 the applicant may be considered for admission into Non-Award study (single unit enrolment). Non-Award study relates to individuals who are enrolled into a single unit/s of study which is not being studied as part of a course.

(28) Where a non-award (single unit) student subsequently enrols in an award course, School Boards may grant advanced standing in particular award courses for any non-award units successfully completed by the student.

(29) A senior secondary school student may be considered for admission as a non-award (single unit) student to undertake units offered by this University concurrently with secondary school studies upon the recommendation of the applicant's School Principal on grounds of exceptional academic talent, and approval of the relevant Head of School. Heads of School or School Boards may commit to grant advanced standing in particular award courses in compliance with Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2, Section 4 - Advanced Standing.

(30) A non-award (single unit) student shall pay such fees and charges as are prescribed in the University's Schedule of Administrative Charges, and enrolment shall be subject to the University's Rules Relating to Awards, except for the Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2, Section 10 - Exclusion.