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Standing Orders - the Academic Board and its Committees

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) These Standing Orders set out the manner in which the Academic Board conducts its meetings and other business subject to the Southern Cross University By-Law 2005 and University Council resolutions and in accordance with the Terms of Reference – Academic Board Rule

(2) In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the Academic Board may establish committees to perform functions delegated to them by the Academic Board, which will also conduct their meetings and other business in the manner set out in these Standing Orders.

(3) The business of Academic Board and its committees is conducted in accordance with customary practice through a presiding member (normally the person referred to as the Chair) and proceeds on the basis of resolution. In the conduct of meetings of the Academic Board and its committees, all reasonable discretion is allowed to the presiding member.

Principles of Operation

(4) Academic Board and its committees will operate in a manner that is:

  1. Accountable: committees will conduct their business transparently and always in the best interests of the University;
  2. Collegial: committees will conduct their business in a manner that is consultative, communicative and respectful;
  3. Efficient: committee business will focus on matters relevant to the committee's Terms of Reference and within the scope of the responsibilities and authority of Academic Board as set out in the Terms of Reference – Academic Board Rule
  4. Representative: committee membership will reasonably represent the diversity of the whole University community while maintaining membership that is as compact as possible for the committee to effectively conduct its business; and
  5. Orderly: committee members will exhibit and uphold good conduct that complies with the University's Code of Conduct and as additionally set out in the Guidelines for Conduct of Members of Academic Board and its Committees
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Section 2 - Committees of Academic Board

Academic Board Executive Committee


(5) The Academic Board Executive Committee will:

  1. provide advice and recommendations to the Academic Board on any academic matter requested by the Board;
  2. provide advice and recommendations to the Vice Chancellor or the Chair, Academic Board on any urgent academic matter as requested by the Vice Chancellor or the Chair, Academic Board;
  3. act on behalf of the Academic Board in the event of urgent or exceptional circumstances which require a decision normally in the purview of the Academic Board and which cannot be delayed until the next meeting of the Board;
  4. make decisions on behalf of the Academic Board as delegated by the Board; and
  5. report any decisions and actions to the subsequent meeting of the Academic Board.


(6) The membership of Academic Board Executive Committee is:

  1. Chair: Chair, Academic Board;
  2. Vice Chancellor;
  3. Deputy Chair (Teaching and Learning), Academic Board;
  4. Deputy Chair (Research), Academic Board;
  5. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability)
  6. Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation); and
  7. Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality).

(7) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.


(8) The Committee will meet at such times when requested to consider matters referred to it by the Vice Chancellor, the Academic Board or by the Chair, Academic Board.

Accreditation Committee


(9) The Accreditation Committee advises the Academic Board on matters relating to unit and course approvals and course accreditation. The Committee will:

  1. advise Academic Board on the accreditation, reaccreditation or removal of University coursework programs, in line with University policy and national qualification standards;
  2. advise Academic Board on award rules and admission standards in accordance with University policy;
  3. advise Academic Board on unit and course changes, advanced standing and articulation matters in accordance with University policy;
  4. on behalf of the Academic Board, variously approve matters as authorised by the Course and Unit Approval Authorities
  5. act as a source of advice and reference to Faculties and Colleges on course development;
  6. identify and make recommendations to Academic Board on current or emerging issues pertaining to courses and qualification standards; and
  7. consider and report to Academic Board on any matters referred to it by the Vice Chancellor, the Academic Board or by the Chair, Academic Board.


(10) The membership of Accreditation Committee is:

  1. Chair: Deputy Chair (Teaching and Learning), Academic Board;
  2. Faculty Board Chairs;
  3. Director, Teaching and Learning;
  4. Chair, Academic Board;
  5. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
  6. Director, Student Administration Services or nominee; and
  7. Director, Library Services.

(11) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

(12) Upon request Faculties and Colleges will provide the Council Secretary with the name of the Faculty Board Chair and the Deputy Chair of the Faculty Board, who will be the alternate member if the Chair of the Faculty Board is unavailable.

Academic Standards and Quality Committee


(13) The Academic Standards and Quality Committee is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues relating to academic standards and quality for curriculum delivery. The Committee will:

  1. develop, monitor, review, and advise the Academic Board on, University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to developing, maintaining and assuring academic standards and quality in delivery of the University's curriculum;
  2. monitor and report on academic performance of units and courses with respect to student outcomes against internal and external benchmarks;
  3. monitor and report on equivalence of academic standards in delivery of units and courses through external benchmarking;
  4. assure the effectiveness of processes for monitoring and review of units and courses;
  5. monitor and report on maintenance of academic integrity in delivery of units and courses;
  6. identify, monitor and report on risks to academic quality, including risks to compliance with related Threshold Standards under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
  7. and consider and report to Academic Board on any matters referred to it by the Vice Chancellor, the Academic Board or by the Chair, Academic Board.


(14) The membership of Academic Standards and Quality Committee is:

  1. Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality);
  2. Chair, Accreditation Committee;
  3. Chief International Officer or nominee;
  4. Director, Teaching and Learning;
  5. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
  6. Director, Student Administration Services or nominee;
  7. One Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) academic staff member (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  8. One other academic staff member (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  9. One undergraduate student (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  10. One postgraduate coursework student (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment).

(15) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

Teaching and Assessment Committee


(16) The Teaching and Assessment Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Standards and Quality Committee that provides advice on issues relating to teaching and assessment practices and standards. The Committee will:

  1. develop, monitor, review, and advise the Academic Standards and Quality Committee on, University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to practices and standards in teaching and assessment;
  2. consider and report on issues related to practices and standards in teaching and assessment, including with respect to curriculum design;
  3. monitor and report on continuous improvement strategies in course and assessment design based on student feedback;
  4. monitor and report on equivalence of assessment practices and standards through moderation and benchmarking;
  5. monitor and report on the suitability of learning resources for students to meet the requirements of their course; and
  6. consider and report on any matters referred to it by the Academic Standards and Quality Committee, Academic Board, or Chair, Academic Board.


(17) The membership of the Teaching and Assessment Committee is:

  1. Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation);
  2. Vice President (Students) and Registrar, or nominee
  3. Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning;
  4. Director, Library Services, or nominee
  5. University Academic Directors, Educational Partnerships, or equivalent;
  6. Associate Dean (Education) from each Faculty and College;
  7. Chair, Accreditation Committee;
  8. Deputy Chair (Teaching and Learning), Academic Board;
  9. One undergraduate student (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment)
  10. One postgraduate coursework student (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment)

(18) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

Admissions Committee


(19) The Admissions Committee is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues relating to admission of students into coursework awards. To provide the Academic Board with oversight of admissions standards and processes of the University and its educational partners, the Committee will:

  1. develop, monitor, review and advise the Academic Board on University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines on load planning, applications, admissions and pathways for coursework students;
  2. monitor, review and report to the Academic Board on the University’s admission requirements, including those for English-language and academic proficiency, having regard to factors including, but not limited to,  recruitment pathways and student outcomes;
  3. monitor the implementation of recommendations in relation to admission, arising from internal or external reviews;
  4. review and monitor the delegations for admission decisions, and associated credit/Recognition of Prior Learning decisions, across the University and its partners;
  5. identify, monitor, and report to the Academic Board on risks to the University’s compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 or the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, its visa risk rating or its reputation, resulting from its admission processes;
  6. provide advice and recommendations to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) on the equivalence of senior secondary study, English language test scores, courses, qualifications and professional experience that the University accepts as meeting its English language proficiency requirements;
  7. make recommendations to Academic Board and the Vice Chancellor on articulation or entry agreements signed between the University and other education institutions;
  8. monitor and report to Academic Board on any waivers made by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) of English language requirements for a particular applicant;
  9. consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Vice Chancellor, Academic Board or the Chair, Academic Board; and
  10. make a standing report to Academic Board at each ordinary meeting.


(20) The membership of the Admissions Committee is:

  1. Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality);
  2. One Executive Dean (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  3. Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) academic staff member (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  4. Chair, Accreditation Committee;
  5. Chief International Officer (or nominee);
  6. Director, Student Administration Services (or nominee);
  7. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
  8. Dean, SCU College.

(21) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

Research Committee


(22) The Research Committee is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues of research across the University. On behalf of the Academic Board, the Research Committee will:

  1. advise the Academic Board on research, research training, research ethics, research performance and research policy;
  2. assist with the formulation and review of strategic research plans and monitor performance against the research objectives and goals of the University's Strategic Plan;
  3. promote research integrity, including advising on policies and training issues related to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 (or any subsequent Code) and the University’s supporting governance instruments, and compliance with the Code;
  4. evaluate, monitor and report to the Academic Board on national and international trends in research and research funding and in performance assessment;
  5. advise the Academic Board of the impact of research policies, strategies and actions on the quality and integrity  of research at the University, and on the University’s research performance; and review and provide advice on proposals for changes in research policy;
  6. monitor policies and reports related to the animal and human ethics, and biosafety to ensure compliance with internal and external requirements;
  7. assess, monitor and provide advice on research risk management processes;
  8. approve guidelines and selection criteria for seek funding and scholarship allocations;
  9. oversight of the establishment and disestablishment of University research centres and institutes, and provide advice regarding key performance indicators for research centres and institutes;
  10. provide leadership and strategic advice on mechanisms to improve the University’s research performance;
  11. provide leadership and strategic advice on research data management;
  12. advise the Academic Board on any other research matters as requested by the Vice Chancellor, the Chair, Academic Board or the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability).


(23) The membership of Research Committee is: Ex-officio (full rights)

  1. Chair: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability);
  2. Deputy Chair (Research), Academic Board;
  3. Dean, Graduate Studies;
  4. Vice President (Engagement);
  5. Executive Deans (or nominee); and 
  6. Associate Dean (Research) from each Faculty and College.

(24) Appointed (full rights)

  1. one Senior Indigenous Researcher;
  2. one Early-Career Researcher;
  3. one Mid-Career Researcher;
  4. one University librarian;
  5. one representative of the Human Research Ethics Committee; and
  6. one Higher Degree Research student.

(25) The Chair may co-opt other members as required for a specified term.

(26) Appointed members will be appointed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability).

(27) Appointed members will normally serve for a period of two years, and for no more than two consecutive terms.

Higher Degrees Research Committee (HDRC)


(28) The Higher Degrees Research Committee is a committee of the Academic Board responsible for Higher Degree Research training across the University. On behalf of the Academic Board, the Committee will:

  1. advise the Academic Board and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability) on research higher degree and research training outcomes, standards and quality;
  2. advise the Academic Board and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability) on strategies to support higher degree research and research training;
  3. monitor, review and make recommendations to Academic Board on Policies and Rules related to:
    1. research higher degree awards; and
    2. scholarships;
  4. be responsible for oversight and Academic Board policy pertaining to research higher degree processes, including, but not limited to:
    1. student admission;
    2. awarding of scholarships;
    3. appointment of supervisors;
    4. confirmation of candidature;
    5. monitoring of candidature and progress;
    6. extensions and interruptions to candidature;
    7. appointment of examiners;
    8. overseeing the examination process; and
    9. recommending award of research higher degrees to Academic Board;
  5. monitor research higher degree pathways;
  6. advise the Academic Board on policies and strategies for the support and development of supervisors and supervisory practices;
  7. consult Research Committee on any matters related to the research training/research intersect;
  8. consult Academic Standards and Quality Committee on any matters related to the research training/teaching and learning intersect; and
  9. report to Academic Board on any matter referred to the Committee by the Academic Board, the Chair, Academic Board, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability) or the Vice Chancellor.


(29) The membership of Higher Degrees Research Committee is:

  1. Chair: a member of the Professoriate, nominated by the Academic Board after consultation with the Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Academic Capability);
  2. Deputy Chair (Research), Academic Board;
  3. Dean, Graduate Studies; and
  4. Director, Higher Degree Research from each Faculty and College, where applicable.

(30) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

Academic Board Appeals Committee


(31) The Academic Board Appeals Committee is a committee of Academic Board that assists in assuring quality and integrity in academic outcomes for students by considering potential irregularities in academic assessment and progression processes.

(32) The Academic Board Appeals Committee will:

  1. develop procedures, approved by the Academic Board, to be followed for appeals and for the hearing of appeals by the Committee;
  2. hear, examine and determine student appeals in relation to:
    1. student assessment;
    2. research higher degree progression; and
    3. exclusion on academic grounds;
  3. hear, examine and determine an appeal on any other relevant matter referred to it by the Chair, Academic Board;
  4. act as the final University decision-making body with regard to appeals under the University's Rules Relating to Awards; and
  5. ensure that students are advised that if internal processes fail to resolve a grievance there are provisions for review by an independent third party.


(33) The membership of Academic Board Appeals Committee is:

  1. Chair, Academic Board or their nominee (Chair);
  2. three academic staff members selected by the Chair of the Committee from a Faculty, College or designated University Research Institute, none of whom shall be from the Faculty, College or Research Institute relevant to the appeal;
  3. one student from the student membership of the Academic Board selected by the Chair of the Committee; and
  4. Director, Student Administration Services or nominee.

(34) The Chair of the Committee may co-opt members as necessary who will be full members for the duration of a designated hearing or hearings.

(35) In accordance with rules of procedural fairness, persons who have participated in the prior assessment of an appellant's case are not permitted to be members of the relevant Appeals Committee.

Faculty Boards


(36) Faculty Boards are committees of Academic Board that:

  1. provide advice to Academic Board on academic initiatives and innovations of each Faculty or College in the context of the broader University strategy; and
  2. oversee the quality of academic matters relating to research and teaching programs, practices and standards within each Faculty or College.

(37) For the purposes of these Standing Orders and other Academic Board Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines, Faculty Board means such a committee of Academic Board in any Academic Work Unit of the University, whether a Faculty or otherwise. 

(38) Faculty Boards will:

  1. advise and make recommendations to Academic Board or relevant committees of Academic Board on:
    1. academic initiatives and innovations related to teaching, research and the student experience within the Faculty or College; and
    2. academic Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.
  2. Monitor and report to Academic Board or relevant committees of Academic Board on issues within the Faculty or College related to:
    1. academic quality, standards and integrity;
    2. admission of students into coursework and higher degree by research awards;
    3. student assessment and awarding of grades;
    4. research and research training quality, standards and integrity; and
    5. the student academic experience.
  3. approve, or make recommendations to Academic Board or relevant committees of Academic Board on, matters related to:
    1. curriculum design and development as set out in the Course and Unit Approval Authorities;
    2. student scholarships, prizes and awards as set out under the Prizes and Medals Policy.
  4. facilitate staff and student forums for consultation and discussion on academic strategic directions and activities relevant to the Faculty or College; and
  5. consider and report on any matters referred to it by an Executive Dean, College Dean, the Academic Board, or Chair, Academic Board.


(39) Each Faculty and College of the University will have a Faculty Board with the following membership:

  1. Elected members:
    1. Chair
    2. Deputy Chair
    3. One academic staff representative from each Discipline, or for Faculties or Colleges without formally recognised Disciplines, two academic staff members from the Faculty or College 
    4. One undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student member
    5. One Higher Degree by Research student member, in the case of Faculties or Colleges that supervise Higher Degree Research students
  2. Ex Officio members from the Faculty or College:
    1. Executive Dean or College Dean;
    2. Associate Dean (Education), where this position exists in the Faculty or College;
    3. Associate Dean (Research), where this position exists in the Faculty or College;
    4. Director, Higher Degree Research, where this position exists in the Faculty or College;
    5. Academic Integrity Officer
    6. One Curriculum and Accreditation Coordinator, nominated by the Executive Dean or College Dean where this position exists in the Faculty or College;
    7. Discipline Chairs, where positions exist in the Faculty or College;
    8. Course Coordinators
  3. One nominee of the Director, Student Administration Services.

(40) The Chair will be elected from the academic staff who nominate for the position and who are, at the time of nomination, a permanent or fixed-term staff member of the Faculty or College at Level B and above with at least a 50% fractional appointment.

(41) If there are no eligible nominations for Chair, the Associate Dean (Education) will be the Chair.

(42) The Deputy Chair will be elected from the academic staff who nominate for the position and who are, at the time of nomination, a permanent and fixed-term academic staff member of the Faculty or College with at least a 50% fractional appointment at the time of nomination. 

(43) If there are no eligible nominations for Deputy Chair, the Board may elect a Deputy Chair from its members. 

(44) Other elected academic staff members will be elected from the academic staff who nominate for the position and who are, at the time of nomination, a permanent and fixed-term academic staff member of the Faculty or College with at least a 50% fractional appointment at the time of nomination. 

(45) If there are no eligible nominations for an elected academic staff representative position, the position will remain vacant. 

(46) Elected staff members of Faculty Boards, including the Chair and Deputy Chair, will be elected by the permanent and fixed-term academic staff of the Faculty or College with at least a 50% fractional appointment at the time of the election.

(47) The Council Secretary will call for nominations for elected staff positions by email or other appropriate publication. The nomination period will be for a minimum of 14 days.

(48) If necessary, an election will be conducted using an optional preferential voting system.

(49) All elected academic staff members of Faculty Boards will serve for a period of two years following election.

(50) Elected staff will cease to be members of the Board if, at any time, they no longer hold a permanent or fixed-term appointment within the Faculty or College or are otherwise unable to fulfill the duties of a Board member.

(51) Student members will be elected from students who nominate for the position and who are, at the time of nomination:

  1. in the case of coursework students, admitted to a course administered by the Faculty or College; or
  2. in the case of Higher Degree Research Students, admitted to a Higher Degree Research course of the University and whose principal supervisor is an academic staff member of the Faculty or College.

(52) If there are no eligible nominations for an elected student member position, then the position will remain vacant. 

(53) The Council Secretary will call for nominations for student members by email or other appropriate publication. The nomination period will be for a minimum of 14 days.

(54) If necessary, an election will be conducted using an optional preferential voting system.

(55) All elected student members of Faculty Boards will serve for a period of one year following election.

(56) Student members will cease to be members of the committee if, at any time, they no longer meet one of the criteria for nomination set out in clause (51).

(57) The Board is responsible for maintaining its membership to include appropriate disciplinary expertise, gender diversity, representation of Indigenous Australians and representation across Academic Staffing Levels and may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time. 

Additional Provisions

(58) In order to fulfill their purpose, Faculty Boards may establish sub-committees to perform functions delegated to them by Faculty Boards.

(59) Ordinary meetings of Faculty Boards will normally be held once during each Study Period, on dates determined by the Academic Board.

(60) Notwithstanding any other provisions set out in these Standing Orders, Faculty Boards will distribute the agenda and business papers for meetings to all currently employed academic staff of the Faculty or College and implement a formal process to enable those staff to provide their views on relevant matters in writing for consideration during the meeting.

(61) A decision made by the Faculty Board will not be invalid merely because an academic staff member did not receive a copy of the agenda or business papers.

Educational Partnerships Board


(62) The Educational Partnerships Board is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues of academic quality assurance, course accreditation, and teaching standards, associated with material third party educational collaborations with whole of institution significance.

(63) The Educational Partnerships Board will:

  1. recommend to Academic Board policies, procedures and strategies to support and enhance the academic quality, performance and integrity of the University’s strategic educational partnerships;
  2. using defined indicators, regularly monitor and report to Academic Board on the partnerships’ alignment with national standards in relation to quality in teaching, learning, and scholarship;
  3. consider and make recommendations to the Accreditation Committee and Academic Board on the accreditation of, amendments to, review of, and discontinuation of Courses which are delivered solely through the University’s educational partners
  4. Monitor the implementation of policies and procedures pertaining to moderation and equivalence in study outcomes at educational partnerships;
  5. consult with other Academic Board committees, management committees, and relevant Faculty Boards on matters relating to educational partnerships; and
  6. consider and report to Academic Board on any other matters referred to it by the Vice Chancellor or Executive, the Academic Board or by the Chair, Academic Board, in relation to the University’s educational partnerships.

(64) For University Courses and Units to be delivered solely by the University’s educational partners, the Educational Partnerships Board is a Faculty Board for the purpose of the Academic Quality Standards and Integrity Policy, the Course and Unit Approval Authorities and all other University Policies and Procedures.


(65) The membership of the Educational Partnerships Board is:

  1. Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation);
  2. Chair, Academic Board;
  3. University Academic Directors, Educational Partnerships, or equivalent;
  4. One Executive Dean (or nominee) (appointed by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) for a one year term from the date of their first meeting);
  5. Chief International Officer ;
  6. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality .

(66) The Board may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time, or as relevant to matters pertaining to the University’s educational partnership.

Student Academic Experience Committee


(67) The Student Academic Experience Committee is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues relating to the student academic experience. The Committee will:

  1. Develop, monitor, review and advise the Academic Board on University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to:
    1. supporting successful transition to study including orientation and early assessment;
    2. academic and other student support services;
    3. student representation and voice;
    4. recognition of academic achievements.
  2. Monitor and report on:
    1. the effectiveness of, and student engagement with, student academic support services including transition to study services;
    2. student retention;
    3. students at risk and their engagement with student academic support services; and
    4. participation, progress and completion by identified student subgroups in the context of student support services.
  3. Advise on general and specific initiatives undertaken to improve student engagement and experience.
  4. Consider and report on any matters referred to by the Vice Chancellor, Academic Board or the Chair, Academic Board.
  5. Make a standing report to Academic Board at each ordinary meeting.


(68) The membership of the Student Academic Experience Committee is:

  1. Chair: Vice President (Students) and Registrar;
  2. Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students);
  3. Dean, Graduate Studies or nominee;
  4. Chief International Officer or nominee;
  5. Director, Student Administration Services or nominee;
  6. Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning;
  7. One Associate Dean (Education) (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  8. Team Leader, Indigenous Australian Student Support;
  9. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
  10. One undergraduate student (appointed by the Chair, for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
  11. One postgraduate student (appointed by the Chair, for a one-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment).

(69) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.

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Section 3 - Membership of Academic Board and its Committees

Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Academic Board

(70) The positions of Chair, Academic Board, Deputy Chair (Research), Academic Board and Deputy Chair (Teaching and Learning), Academic Board will be filled as per the Terms of Reference - Academic Board Rule

(71) Elections for these positions, where required, will occur as follows:

  1. nominations for the position of Chair/Deputy Chair will be called by email or other appropriate publication, and the nomination period will be for a minimum of 14 days;
  2. nominations in writing will be submitted to the Council Secretary and must include:
    1. names of a proposer and seconder; and
    2. confirmation of the candidate's willingness to stand;
  3. if necessary, an election will be conducted using an optional preferential voting system;
  4. an election may be conducted electronically and separate to an Academic Board meeting, or during an Academic Board meeting, as follows:
    1. for the Chair, the election will be completed at, or prior to (for electronic voting), the second last meeting of the Academic Board in the year the incumbent Chair's term is due to expire;
    2. for the Deputy Chair, the election will be completed at, or prior to (for electronic voting), the first meeting of the Academic Board in the year the incumbent Deputy Chair's terms are due to expire; or
  5. where the Vice Chancellor has determined to be the presiding member of the Academic Board, the election for Deputy Chair will occur at the next scheduled meeting of the Academic Board after that determination.

(72) The term of office of the Chair will be the lesser of:

  1. three years, commencing from 1 January of the year following election; or
  2. until such time that the Vice Chancellor wishes to become the presiding member of Academic Board.

(73) The term of office of the Deputy Chair will be three years commencing upon election.

(74) A Chair and Deputy Chair will hold office for no more than two consecutive terms.

(75) In the event that no nominations for the Deputy Chairs are received by closing date, the Chair may extend the nomination period up to and including the next meeting of Academic Board.

(76) In the election of Chair and Deputy Chair positions for the Academic Board, at least one of the persons elected will be of the other gender except in the event that there are insufficient female or male nominations.

Elected Student Members of the Academic Board and its Committees

(77) Student members of the Academic Board and its committees will be elected by the Academic Board or the relevant committee from students who nominate for the position and who are, at the time of nomination, admitted to an undergraduate or postgraduate course of the University as appropriate.

(78) The Council Secretary will call for nominations for student members by email or other appropriate publication. The nomination period will be for a minimum of 14 days.

(79) If necessary, an election will be conducted  using an optional preferential voting system.

(80) Student members of Academic Board will serve for a period of one year following election.

Elected Positions on Committees of Academic Board

(81) Elected staff and student positions for committees of Academic Board will be filled as per the Terms of Reference for the relevant committee set out in these Standing Orders.

Casual Vacancies

(82) If from any cause, other than the expiry of the term of appointment, a vacancy occurs, that vacancy will be a casual vacancy.

(83) A casual vacancy, except in the case of the Chair, Academic Board, will be filled by a person elected or appointed from the constituency in which the vacancy occurred.

(84) A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy, including the Chair, Academic Board, will hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the person's predecessor.

(85) If the casual vacancy is for the position of the Chair, Academic Board, one of the Deputy Chairs may be appointed to that position by the members of Academic Board for a period normally not exceeding six months.

(86) The Council Secretary will normally call for nominations for a casual vacancy as soon as possible after the vacancy arises.

Replacement of Ex-Officio Members

(87) Where membership of the Academic Board or a committee is by ex-officio position then any person appointed in writing to act in that position for a period which attracts a higher duties allowance, will hold membership of the Board or committee for the period so appointed.


(88) No nominee of the Academic Board or any of its committees may further delegate a nominee to the position they hold.

(89) Other than the Chair, Academic Board, no academic staff member elected to a position on the Academic Board or any of its committees may be represented by a nominee.

(90) The term of office of any nominee on the Academic Board or its committees will expire at the same time as the term of office of the member being represented by the nominee.

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Section 4 - Meetings

(91) The Chair, Academic Board or a committee will convene the ordinary meetings.

(92) The Chair may convene a special meeting when the Chair considers it necessary in the interests of the University that the Academic Board or a committee should meet.

(93) The Chair, Academic Board or of the relevant committee will convene a special meeting upon the written request of no less than 25% of members of the Academic Board or the relevant committee stating the business that they wish to address at such a meeting.

(94) The Vice Chancellor may summon a special meeting of the Academic Board or a committee for the purpose of considering any business to be submitted by the Vice Chancellor.

Schedule of Meetings

(95) Academic Board and its committees will develop a meeting schedule on an annual basis, with a frequency sufficient to meet their respective Terms of Reference.

Lack of Business

(96) Notwithstanding clauses (91) to (94), if the Chair is of the opinion that there is not sufficient business to justify a meeting of the Academic Board or of a committee, the Chair may cancel the meeting.

Notice of Meeting

(97) A notice of meeting of the Academic Board or committee will be circulated by the Secretary, Academic Board or relevant committee to each member at least four business days prior to the date of that meeting. The notice will include a copy of the business papers, a copy of the previous regular meeting's minutes and, where applicable, minutes of any special meetings held since the last regular meeting of Academic Board or the committee.

(98) In exceptional circumstances, the Chair may allow additional business to be circulated. Materials may only be tabled at the discretion of the Chair.


(99) The Chair, Academic Board or a committee, or in that person's absence a Deputy Chair, will take the chair at all meetings.

(100) If neither the Chair nor a Deputy Chair is present at any meeting, the meeting may elect a member to chair the meeting from those members present.

(101) Where the membership of a committee does not include a Deputy Chair, the meeting may elect a member to chair the meeting from those members present.

(102) The Chair will have a vote and, in the case of an equality of votes, a second or casting vote.


(103) The Chair may adjourn an ordinary, an adjourned or a special meeting of the Academic Board or a committee in appropriate circumstances.

(104) The Chair will not adjourn a meeting to prevent a motion or amendment being put, except with the approval of a majority of the members present. This discretion will not limit any other powers of the Chair to adjourn a meeting.

(105) If a meeting of the Academic Board or its committees is adjourned, the Chair will reconvene the meeting at a date and time approved by a majority of members present.


(106) The quorum for meetings of the Academic Board and for each of its committees will be as follows:

  1. Academic Board: 12
  2. Academic Board Executive Committee: 3
  3. Faculty Board: Chair plus 4 other members
  4. Accreditation Committee: 5
  5. Academic Standards and Quality Committee: 5
  6. Higher Degrees Research Committee: 5
  7. Research Committee: 6
  8. Academic Board Appeals Committee: Chair plus 3 other members
  9. Committees of Examiners: Chair plus Associate Dean (Education) or nominee
  10. Admissions Committee: Chair plus 4 other members
  11. Educational Partnerships Board: 5
  12. Committee of Examiners (Educational Partnerships Board): Chair, plus 3 other members.
  13. Teaching and Assessment Committee: Chair, plus 6 other members.
  14. Student Academic Experience Committee: 5 members

Inquorate Meetings

(107) Any meeting of the Academic Board or its committees may be declared inquorate if insufficient members are present to constitute a quorum, 10 minutes after the time set for a meeting.

(108) After the meeting is declared inquorate, the Chair may proceed with the business of the meeting. Any decision or resolution arrived at by Academic Board or one of its committees will be ratified:

  1. by flying minute;
  2. at the next normal meeting; or
  3. at a Special Meeting.
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Section 5 - Meeting Proceedings

Attendance at Committee Meetings

(109) The Chair, Academic Board may attend any committee meeting as an ex-officio member and will contribute to the calculation of a quorum.

(110) Where an ex officio member of a committee of Academic Board is unable to attend a meeting, they may seek permission from the committee chair for an alternate to attend that meeting on their behalf.

(111) Any staff member or student of the University may, at the discretion and with the prior permission of the Chair, attend meetings of the Academic Board or its committees as an observer, but may not in any event speak or otherwise participate in the meeting without the permission of the Chair. The Chair may limit the number of observers present at any meeting, or require an observer to withdraw in order to preserve confidentiality, or to maintain good order in the meeting.

Order of Business

(112) The business of the meeting will be considered in the order determined by the Chair of the meeting.

(113) At the beginning of the meeting, the Chair will invite members to star any un-starred agenda item for discussion.

(114) Agenda items containing resolutions that are un-starred will be approved without further discussion.

(115) If there is unfinished business on the agenda at the time at which a meeting is due to end and those present do not agree that the meeting should be extended, that business is to be deferred to the next meeting of Academic Board or the committee.

(116) Business that has been deferred to the next meeting of Academic Board or the committee is to have precedence over other business to be conducted at that meeting unless the Chair determines otherwise.


(117) The Chair has discretion regarding the acceptance of motions, except for the procedural motions covered in clause (124). The Chair's discretionary ruling may be reversed if a majority of the members present support a motion to this effect.

(118) All notices of motion accepted by the Chair will appear on the business paper for the meeting concerned. These motions will be given to the Secretary, in writing.

(119) The introduction of a topic during the discussion of a motion that is ruled by the Chair to be additional to that relating to the motion must be raised in writing to a subsequent meeting.

(120) A point of order accepted by the Chair takes preference over all other discussion.

(121) Amendments will be considered prior to a vote on the substantive motion.

(122) All amendments must be relevant to the original motion and no amendment may directly negate the substantive motion or the original motion.

Flying Minutes

(123) Circulating resolutions (flying minutes) require approval from two thirds of Academic Board or committee members, evidenced by the members' signatures, which may include electronic signatures, or email confirmation sent from an authorised email account.

Suspension of Debate

(124) Debate on a motion or amendment will be immediately suspended, even if a person is speaking, if any of the following procedural motions is moved and seconded:

  1. that the Academic Board (or the committee) proceed to the next item of business;
  2. that the Academic Board (or the committee) do now adjourn;
  3. that the question be now put;
  4. that the speaker be no longer heard;
  5. that the matter be referred back to the person or body which submitted the proposal.

(125) Any such motion except clause (124)e may not be moved or seconded by a person who has already spoken to the motion or to an amendment, and will immediately be put without amendment or debate.

(126) Any of the above motions is carried only if a majority of the members present vote in favour. If clause (124)c above is carried in relation to an original motion, the mover of that motion may reply before the motion is put. If a motion is moved under clause (124)e, debate may continue on matters to which the attention of the person or body should be drawn.

(127) The Chair's decision on procedural motions is binding. No motions of dissent shall be moved.

Procedure on Conclusion of Debate

(128) As soon as debate upon a question is concluded, the Chair will put the question to the Academic Board or the Committee.

Method of Voting

(129) All matters considered by the Academic Board or its committees will be decided by consensus. If consensus cannot be achieved, then that matter is to be resolved by voting on the motion or motions.

(130) A question will be decided on the voices. Alternatively, any member present may request a show of hands, and a secret ballot can be held at the discretion of the Chair or if requested by at least 25% of the members present.

(131) Where a member is unable to attend a meeting but has a particular interest in an item, the member may provide in writing to the Chair his or her views and request that those views be made known during the course of consideration of the item.

Procedure After Question Put and Vote Taken

(132) No member may speak to any question after it has been put by the Chair and the show of hands or ballot has been taken.

Reference to a Committee or Working Party

(133) The Academic Board may refer any matter arising from the business of the Board to a committee or may establish a working party to consider any such matter.

(134) Committees may establish a working party to consider any matter arising from the business of the committee. Academic Board will be informed of the formation of such a working party.

Matters not Dealt with in Standing Orders

(135) Should questions which are not dealt with in these Standing Orders arise, either at an ordinary, special or adjourned meeting, the decision of the Chair will be final.

Amendment to Standing Orders and Rules

(136) A motion for making, rescinding or amending a Standing Order will not be made except in pursuance of notice conveyed to the Secretary, Academic Board in writing five working days before the meeting. A resolution for any such purpose will require a two-thirds majority of the total membership.

Suspension of Standing Orders

(137) Any Standing Order may be suspended for the time being on a motion made with or without notice, provided that such a motion will have the concurrence of a majority of all the members of the Academic Boardor the committee.

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Section 6 - Associated Information 

(138) Conduct of Members of Academic Board and its Committees - Guidelines.