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Fraud And Corruption Prevention Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to:

  1. outline how the University detects, reports, assesses and deals with possible Fraud and Corruption;
  2. support the University's Code of Conduct in promoting a fair and honest working and learning environment for the University community; and
  3. confirm the University's commitment to identifying and combating Fraud and Corruption.

(2) Fraud and corruption risk management is an important subset of the University's overall risk management framework. This policy should be read in conjunction with the University's Enterprise Risk Management Policy.

(3) Reports of corrupt conduct may be classified as protected or public interest disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW) (PID Act). This Policy applies and should be read in conjunction with the University's Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) Policy and Procedures


(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. all staff (including casual staff) of the University including those working in controlled entities and entities that are derived from the University's legal status; and
  2. students or other parties who are in receipt of University funds or other material benefits (for example, support to attend a conference), in relation to the use or alleged use of those funds or other material benefits.
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Section 2 - Definitions

(5) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Corruption:
    1. in general terms means:
      1. improper acts or omissions; or
      2. improper use of influence or position; or
      3. improper use of information; or
      4. conduct by any person that adversely affects the exercise of official functions by public officials;
    2. can also be defined as misuse of public office which involves a criminal offence, a disciplinary offence or reasonable grounds for dismissal;
    3. may include, among other things, fraud, breach of trust, bribery, blackmail, false claims, extortion, obtaining or offering secret commissions, theft, embezzlement, tax evasion, illegal gambling, obtaining financial benefit by vice engaged in by others, company violations, forgery or violence (refer clause (29) for further examples).
  2. Fraud:
    1. is generally regarded as a subset of corruption. The difference is primarily that fraud involves personal gain. For instance, taking a bribe in return for favouring a tender submission could be regarded as fraud. If no bribe was involved, that is, if favouritism was given to a tenderer and no personal gain was involved, then this would be regarded as corruption.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(6) The University maintains the highest standards of ethical conduct. University staff must act ethically, fairly and honestly and are considered 'public officials' for the purposes of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 (NSW).

(7) All those who carry out work and related activities for the University, or who are in receipt of University funding or other material benefit, will observe the highest standards of ethical conduct. Conduct that compromises public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the University and its officers and employees is unacceptable.

(8) The University will:

  1. act to ensure that its operations are free from Fraud and Corruption;
  2. facilitate the identification of Fraud and Corruption risks and encourage timely and effective responses to those risks, including reporting to the appropriate regulatory authorities;
  3. subject all unacceptably high Fraud and Corruption risks to risk mitigation treatment in line with the University's overall risk management plans;
  4. promote the prevention, detection and disclosure of suspected fraudulent and corrupt conduct;
  5. take prompt and appropriate disciplinary or other action against any staff-member or other person who is found guilty of fraudulent or corrupt conduct; and
  6. report in a timely fashion to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and other appropriate law enforcement or regulatory authorities on matters of detected corruption.

(9) The effectiveness of the Fraud and Corruption risk management program will be constantly monitored and regularly reviewed.

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Section 4 - Responsibilities

Audit and Risk Management Committee

(10) Fraud and Corruption prevention is a component of the overall risk management function of the University. The Audit and Risk Management Committee of Council oversees the University's risk management activities at the strategic level in accordance with the Terms of Reference - Audit and Risk Management Committee Rule.


(11) Under section 11 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, the Vice-Chancellor, as the principal officer of the University, is required to report to the ICAC any matters which the Vice-Chancellor suspects on reasonable grounds concerns, or may concern, corrupt conduct. Such reports should be made as soon as the Vice-Chancellor has that suspicion.  ICAC prefers matters be reported prior to disciplinary or other action being taken.

(12) The Vice-Chancellor also plays a pivotal role in providing ethical leadership and operational vision consistent with the University's commitment to meet community expectations of the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Executive and Heads of Work Unit

(13) All officers who accept responsibility for management of any part of the University's budget will ensure that accounting controls over the receipt and expenditure of public monies are in place, are operating effectively and provide adequate safeguards against corruption.

(14) The management team must also exhibit the highest standards of ethical behaviour and communicate that message throughout the University and down the chain of command. Staff education and client and community awareness programs are an integral component of this overall strategy.

Internal Auditor

(15) The University's Internal Audit function plays a crucial role in the prevention of corrupt conduct within the University. The internal auditor has the responsibility to identify the major activity areas of the University exposed to corruption risk and to assess the nature and extent of any Fraud and Corruption risk. This risk assessment combined with the existence and effective operation of internal controls and an appropriate level of management oversight are major factors in determining the frequency and nature of audit coverage.

(16) The Internal Auditor also provides assistance to University management by advising on best practice financial and administrative procedures relating to corruption prevention and, where appropriate, facilitating training programs within the University which focus on financial and administrative controls on Fraud and Corruption risks.


(17) All staff members of the University will ensure that their conduct meets the highest probity standards. All staff have a duty to report incidents or suspected incidents of fraudulent or corrupt conduct as soon as possible after becoming aware of them.

(18) Every staff member should contribute to the development of better systems and procedures that will improve the University's resistance to Fraud and Corruption based on a risk management philosophy and methodology. Staff are responsible for implementing controls and regularly monitoring and reviewing the risks and the effectiveness of controls in reducing the Fraud and Corruption risk to an acceptable level.

(19) All staff must report incidents or suspected incidents of fraudulent or corrupt conduct as soon as possible.  Staff can make a report of incidents or suspected incidents of fraudulent or corrupt conduct to in accordance with the University's Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) Policy and Procedures.

Students or other parties

(20) Students or other parties who may be in receipt of University funding or other material benefit provided by the University have an obligation to account for the use of this funding/benefit to the same standards of probity as applies to staff members.

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Section 5 - Associated Documents

(21) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the:

  1. Code of Conduct and Personal Relationships Policy
  2. Assets (Property, Plant and Equipment) and Attractive Items Policy and Asset Management Procedures
  3. Cash Handling Policy and Cash Collection and Receipting Procedures
  4. Corporate Credit Card Policy and Corporate Credit Card Procedures
  5. Gift Acceptance Policy
  6. Information Technology Conditions of Use Policy
  7. Key and Swipe Access Control Policy
  8. Procurement PolicyPurchasing Procedures 
  9. Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) Policy
  10. Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) Procedures
  11. Recruitment and Selection PolicyRecruitment and Selection Procedures - Casual Employees and Recruitment and Selection Procedures - Fixed-term and Continuing Employees
  12. Responsible Research Conduct Policy
  13. Conferral of Awards and Testamur Integrity Procedures