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Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Procedures

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This document outlines the University's procedures for monitoring course progress of onshore international students and implementing intervention strategies for students identified as being at risk of not making satisfactory course progress. It gives effect to the Course Progress and Completion within the Expected Duration of Study Policy and outlines in the process that must be followed to meet the Policy's requirements.

(2) This Procedure must be read in conjunction with the University's rules relating to course progress - refer to Rules 2 and 3 of the Rules Relating to Awards.


(3) This Procedure applies to international onshore students.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) See the Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Part A - Managing Unsatisfactory Course Progress

(5) Student Care and Support monitors the course progress of each international student. Monitoring strategies include proactive early intervention based on assessment and engagement indicators, including accessing Blackboard, on-time submission of assessment and review of individual student performance following the release of grades at the end of each Term. Students identified as not making satisfactory course progress or at risk of not completing their course within the expected duration of their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) must be notified, and if required, placed on an intervention strategy as follows:

  1. at the end of each study period after notification of final grades the Manager, International Student Support Services must identify students who have failed one unit only in the study period and inform each student in writing:
    1. of the University's requirement that the student complete the course in the expected duration;
    2. that the student is required to make up for the failed unit by increasing load in a future study period or enrolling in a non-compulsory study period;
    3. where to locate the support services and assistance that is available to the student to assist them;
    4. that the student must notify the International Student Adviser in writing as soon as they become aware that they cannot complete the course by the completion date specified on their CoE as a result of the unit failure; and
    5. that the University may not approve an extension of course duration if the International Student Adviser has not received advice of the need for an extension of course duration within four weeks of it becoming apparent that the student cannot complete the course by the completion date specified on their CoE;
  2. at the end of each study period after notification of final grades the Manager, International Student Support Services must identify those international onshore students who are making unsatisfactory progress but are not yet eligible to be excluded because they have:
    1. failed in 50 percent or more of the units attempted in the study period; or
    2. failed the same unit twice; or
    3. obtained an Absent Fail grade in one or more units; and
  3. notify them in writing that they must attend an appointment with the campus International Student Adviser to discuss their course progress.

(6) Students with 'Incomplete' grades in any study period may be required by the Director, SCU International to provide an explanation as to why the assessment requirements for the unit have not been completed. A student with 'Incomplete' grades may be identified as not making satisfactory course progress in accordance with clause(5)a or(5)b.

Part B - Intervention Strategies

(7) Students identified under clause (5)b must be advised:

  1. that unsatisfactory course progress in a course for three consecutive study periods could lead to the student being excluded from course, reported to the Department of Home Affairs, and cancellation of their CoE;
  2. if appropriate, on the suitability of the course in which they are enrolled;
  3. of any opportunities to be reassessed in assessment tasks failed; and
  4. resources available to assist the student to improve performance.

(8) The International Student Adviser must design, document and activate an intervention strategy for each at risk student. The document must:

  1. be headed "Intervention Strategy";
  2. be subject to clause (10), be signed by the student and International Student Adviser; and
  3. detail:
    1. the student's name;
    2. the due dates and action required to be taken by the student;
    3. the end date of the intervention; and
    4. any other conditions.

(9) A copy of the Intervention Strategy must be provided to the Course Coordinator.

(10) The agreement of the Student is not required for an International Student Adviser to activate an intervention strategy. If a student's signed agreement to an intervention strategy cannot reasonably be obtained, the International Student Adviser may activate an intervention strategy by notifying the student in writing in accordance with the Course Progress and Completion within Expected Duration of Study Policy.

(11) The Intervention Strategy must specify what additional support will be provided to students at risk of not meeting satisfactory course progress requirements. Strategies for assisting students at risk at no or minimal cost to the student may include, but are not limited to, the student receiving:

  1. academic skills support;
  2. additional English support;
  3. increased monitoring;
  4. a mentor programme;
  5. personal counselling; and
  6. reduction in course load.

(12) The Intervention Strategy must be activated within the first four weeks of the following study period.

(13) If a student is identified as being at risk of making unsatisfactory course progress before the end of the study period, the Intervention Strategy may be implemented as early as practicable.

(14) If a pathway provider advises the University that a new student has learning difficulties that student may be placed on an intervention strategy immediately on commencement, including a reduced study load.

Part C - Exclusion

(15) Refer to University Rules Relating to Awards, Rule 2 relating to the exclusion of students for unsatisfactory performance.

(16) At the end of each study period after notification of final grades, on the next working day the Manager, International Student Support Services must provide a list of those students who have not achieved satisfactory course progress which provides grounds for exclusion as set out in clause (18) of these Procedures to the relevant Faculty Board Chair. 

(17) In addition to the provisions contained within Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 Section 10, the Manager, International Student Support Services will deem a student's progress to be unsatisfactory providing grounds for exclusion under Rule 2, Section 10, clause (117)e, where:

  1. a student has failed more than 50 percent of units attempted in three consecutive study periods; or
  2. a student has obtained one or more Absent Fail grades in two consecutive study periods.

(18) The Faculty Board Chair must review both lists provided under clauses (16) and (17) and make a determination as to each student's exclusion from a course in accordance with clause (114) of Rule 2.

(19) For students deemed by a Faculty Board Chair to have made unsatisfactory course progress warranting exclusion:

  1. the Director, Student Administration Services must notify the student in writing:
    1. of the decision to exclude; and
    2. detailing the appeals process; and
    3. that the student will be reported to the Department of Education by the University unless they are successful in appealing the decision; and
    4. that the student has 20 working days from the date of the University's formal notification of exclusion to commence an appeal; and
  2. the International Student Adviser on each campus must contact the students to be excluded and advise them of the notice and that they have 20 working days to commence an appeal.

(20) Students may request a review and appeal exclusion as per Rules Relating to Awards Rule 2 Section 10.

(21) A student who is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeals process has the right to access an external review through the NSW Ombudsman or National Student Ombudsman.

(22) Students who appeal must have their enrolment maintained in their course until the appeals process is finalised.

(23) Where the student's appeal is successful they must not be reported. If successful on compelling or compassionate grounds further ongoing support may be provided to the student through an Intervention Strategy.

(24) The International Student Adviser will notify the Department of Education through PRISMS within thirty one days (or 14 days where the student is under the age of 18)of a student not achieving satisfactory course progress where:

  1. the student has chosen not to access the appeals process within the 20 working day period;
  2. the student withdraws from the process; or
  3. the process is completed and results in a decision supporting the University (ie. the student's appeal was unsuccessful).

(25) When reporting a student on PRISMS, the International Student Adviser must first ensure that:

  1. the student had been informed in writing of the intention to report and the grounds that formed the basis for reporting;
  2. the students was informed in writing of the right to appeal and given details of how to activate the appeals process;
  3. the appeals process, including any external appeal, has been finalised or foregone by the student;
  4. the student remained enrolled during the appeals process; and
  5. 20 working days has elapsed after the student was notified of the intention to report and before the issuing of the notice under clause (25) as part of the PRISMS reporting process.

Part D - Record Keeping

(26) International Student Advisers must keep records of the advice, notices and assistance they give students who have been assisted under the provider's Intervention Strategy.

(27) It may assist a student in any subsequent appeal if they can demonstrate they have conscientiously complied with the conditions and specifications of an Intervention Strategy.

(28) The International Student Adviser must ensure evidence of assessing students course progress at the end of each study period is retained on file. Evidence will include Student One exclusion reports and internal correspondence regarding exclusion decisions.

(29) The International Student Adviser must ensure that all documentary information relevant to a student's unsatisfactory academic performance, appeal outcome and PRISMS reporting is retained on the student's record at the relevant campus.

(30) The International Student Adviser, in reporting a student on PRISMS, should be prepared to respond to Department of Education and Training information requests which may include having to provide:

  1. a brief background describing the reasons why the student was reported;
  2. a copy of the written notice of intention to report the student;
  3. a copy of the University's strategy as provided under Standard 10.4 of the National Code and evidence that the strategy was implemented in relation to the student;
  4. a copy of any complaint or appeal lodged by the student;
  5. a copy of the outcomes of any complaint or appeal process; and
  6. any other relevant supporting documentation (including change of address information).