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Lock Out and Tag Out Procedures

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.


(1) These procedures are to be followed to effectively isolate, tag and lock out electrical or mechanical equipment that is found to be faulty during repairs, service or maintenance work.


Personal Danger Tag

(2) A Personal Danger Tag is red and black on a white background and is used for tagging equipment or machinery. It is attached to the power source to prevent inadvertent or unauthorised operation of equipment during repairs, installation or maintenance. Tags can be obtained from the WHS Team.

Out of Service Tag

(3) The Out of Service Tag is black on a yellow background and is used to identify equipment or machinery that is faulty or out of service. Tags can be obtained from the WHS Team.


(4) Isolation involves disconnecting the equipment from all possible sources of supply to prevent the equipment becoming live or operational.

Out of Service Equipment

Labelling Faulty Equipment

(5) If equipment is faulty and not being serviced place an out of service tag on it and report to your supervisor.

(6) This equipment should not be used or operated while an out of service tag is attached.

Repairing Equipment

(7) Before you start work ensure that the supply is effectively isolated. To do this, consider:

  1. de-energising the parts from all sources of electrical and mechanical energy. Each energy source must be isolated and locked out at each isolation point along the energy source route where practical.
  2. removing all hazards from other sources of energy (i.e. spring tension or hydraulic pressure).
  3. testing the equipment to ensure it has been effectively isolated.

Placement of Danger Tags and Locks

  1. the personal danger tag must be filled out with your name, work unit, date, time, reason for isolating and your signature.
  2. each person working on the equipment must place their own personal danger tag and if possible a lock to the isolating control. This is to ensure that each person working on the equipment is protected and that the equipment cannot be inadvertently operated.
  3. these personal danger tags and locks are to remain in place at all times while performing work on the equipment.

Removal of Danger Tags and Locks

  1. when you have completed your work remove your personal danger tag and lock. Do not remove another person's personal danger tag or lock they may only be removed by the person whose signature appears on the tag.
  2. once all personal danger tags have been removed notify all relevant personnel that the equipment will be energised. Do not operate equipment until each person has removed their personal danger tag.
  3. in the event that the equipment is still not ready for use an Out of service tag must be attached to the equipment and your supervisor notified.


  1. no equipment is to be used or operated while an out of service tag is attached.
  2. when plant or equipment has been shut down for servicing, repairs or maintenance no one is to commence work until they have attached a personal danger tag and lock if possible.
  3. no person can remove a personal danger tag placed by another person. The only circumstance under which a personal danger tag can be removed, is by the person who placed it on the equipment, or by the supervisor if the person is unavailable and they are satisfied that no harm can be caused.
  4. do not rely on a danger tag placed by another person. Always check, test and ensure that equipment is de-energised and isolated before commencing work.