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Joint Doctoral Enrolments (Cotutelle) Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose & Scope

(1) This policy provides the framework for the establishment and management of Joint Doctoral Enrolments at Southern Cross University.


(2) This Policy applies to all research doctoral degrees at Southern Cross University.

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Section 2 - Definitions 

(3) The following definitions have specific meaning in this Policy. 

  1. Cotutelle is the French word commonly used to describe joint doctoral enrolments. 
  2. Joint Doctoral Enrolment (Cotutelle) is the simultaneous enrolment in a research doctoral degree at Southern Cross University and another university. 
  3. Joint Doctoral Enrolment/Cotutelle Agreement (the Agreement) - is the signed agreement that details the roles and responsibilities of all parties (both institutions and student).
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Section 3 - Policy Statement 

(4) Joint Doctoral Enrolments allow doctoral students the opportunity to conduct research with, and obtain an award from, a well-regarded international institution under joint supervision arrangements. This provides students with an opportunity to broaden their research exposure and can contribute to enhancing the reputation of Southern Cross University's research expertise. Joint enrolments offer SCU researchers the opportunity to develop and strengthen valuable research collaborations with international experts and gain recognition for significant PhD supervision not captured by traditional recording metrics.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

Agreement and Approvals 

(5) The Agreement will outline relevant institutional obligations and requirements for the enrolled student including: 

  1. The roles and responsibilities of the respective supervisors in relation to the progress of candidature;
  2. Student obligations, including requirements for periods of study at each institution during candidature;
  3. Intellectual property rights;
  4. The agreed examination requirements and conditions.

(6) Students must satisfy the doctoral entry requirements of Southern Cross University and the partner institutions including English language requirements. 

(7) Students approved to be enrolled under a Joint Doctoral Agreement will be of demonstrated exceptional ability and capacity to conduct high quality research as evidenced by their academic track record. 

(8)  Agreements will be developed in consultation with the Supervisors, Director, HDR and endorsed by the Associate Dean (Research) of the respective Faculty prior to being sent to the Graduate School for consideration by the Dean, Graduate School.

(9) The Agreement must be approved by the Dean, Graduate School, and must be signed by all parties before commencement of the doctoral student at SCU. 

(10) The Agreement should align with the strategic goals of the University. 

(11) The Agreement must confirm that the facilities and levels of support are appropriate at all institutions to conduct the research being proposed.


(12) Students must satisfy the requirements of both institutions in relation to enrolment, progression of candidature, intellectual property agreements and ethics clearances. Agreement on these processes and candidature milestones must be obtained prior to the commencement of research and must be reflected in the Joint Doctoral Enrolment Agreement. 

(13) International doctoral students must obtain the appropriate visa for their studies in Australia.

(14) Where possible the processes of both institutions should be aligned to avoid unnecessary duplication and repetition of clearances and other requirements for students. The Dean, Graduate School will have discretion in ensuring the alignment of these processes for SCU students. 

(15) Normally the student will spend a significant portion of their candidature at each institution (i.e. 30%). 

(16) The student will have the opportunity to work with and access all the appropriate research equipment and infrastructure in both institutions in order to satisfy the degree requirements. 

(17) If a student's progress is deemed unsatisfactory and all institutions concur, appropriate measures will be implemented in accordance with the regulations governing the specific award program in which the student is enrolled, addressing issues related to insufficient progress in their candidature. 

(18) Normally, fees will only be applicable at the home institution which is detailed in the agreement. 

(19) Unless otherwise specified the student will meet all incidental fees and charges, health cover, travel and associated costs and personal expenses. 

Thesis Submission, Examination and Conferral

(20) The student will prepare one thesis, which will be subjected to one examination process and procedure as outlined in the Joint Doctoral Agreement. 

(21) Students must provide SCU with the thesis in English. All translation costs will be borne by the student. 

(22) SCU must receive all examiner reports in English. Revisions to the examined thesis by external examiners (for SCU), will be done in accordance with SCU examination procedures. 

(23) Each institution will individually award a testamur and a transcript that recognises the joint enrolment and that records the name of other institutions, as specified in the Agreement. 

(24) Each institution may determine not to award the degree, and, in that instance, the name of the non-awarding institution will not appear on the testamur. This decision of the non-awarding institution does not preclude another university from awarding the degree.

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Section 5 - Roles and Responsibilities 

(25)  The Principal Supervisor has the responsibility for developing the Agreement in consultation with the Director, HDR before being approved by the Dean, Graduate School.

(26) The Graduate School will be responsible for the processing of the documentation for approval and for the administration of the candidate lifecycle.