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Social Media Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy provides a framework for:

  1. University staff to manage Southern Cross University Official Social Media Channels; and
  2. for staff and students who use social media to communicate on University matters.


(2) This Policy applies to all University staff and students representing the University or its activities on University social media channels and external social media channels.

(3) This Policy does not apply to:

  1. personal use of social media channels where there is no reference to University matters or University staff; or
  2. the use of social media as a teaching or research tool. 
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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. Social Media means online communication channels used to share information, opinion, experiences and knowledge. 
  2. Southern Cross University Official Social Media Channels means those channels approved by the University for marketing or promotional purposes. 
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(5) The University recognises that Social Media provides important tools and opportunities for Southern Cross University to communicate with prospective students, current students, stakeholders, the community and staff. 

(6) The University supports the use of social media to promote the activities of the University, in accordance with the Social Media Procedures and acceptable standards of behaviour defined in the:

  1. Code of Conduct;
  2. Information Technology Conditions of Use Policy;
  3. Copyright Policy;
  4. Harrassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention Policy;
  5. Intellectual Property Rights Policy; and
  6. Privacy Management Plan.

(7) The University explicitly prohibits social media being used to harass, vilify, bully or discriminate against another person.

(8) Information posted on the University's official social media channels, by external users, does not necessarily reflect the views of the University.

(9) The University reserves the right to remove content that has the potential to damage the reputation of the University or University staff, or that does not meet the requirements of this policy.

(10) Staff wanting to initiate an official social media channel that is not related to teaching and learning must in the first instance contact the Digital Marketing Manager, in the Office of Engagement, and then obtain approval from the relevant Head of Work Unit.

(11) University staff engaging in social media channels in relation to any University matter must disclose their University employment and role.

(12) In such instances as clause (11), University staff must adhere to the Media Policy in regard to comment on topics that fall within their area of expertise.

(13) Staff members who provide comment to the media must comply with relevant laws, such as protecting the privacy of individuals, protecting copyright, avoiding defamatory or libellous communications, and avoiding comments that unlawfully discriminate or vilify.

(14) The use of the University's logo on any social media channel must be in accordance with the Corporate Identity Policy.

(15) All social media accounts that fall within the scope of this Policy and may be seen by current or future international students must display the University’s CRICOS code. 

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Section 4 - Procedures

(16) Refer to the Social Media Procedures.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.