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Library Collection Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope


(1) This policy:

  1. outlines the principles and practice for the selection, curation, acquisition, management, and disposal of information resources in print, audio visual and electronic formats; and 
  2. articulates the criteria for selection of Library resources that advance the teaching, learning and research activities of the University.


(2) This policy applies to all University staff and students engaged in the selection, management, and use of information resources, including archival collections.

(3) This policy does not apply to University’s Art Collection which is governed by the Art Collection Policy

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) For the purposes of the Policy refer to the Definitions (Academic) Policy and the definitions below:

  1. Digital Rights Management (DRM): The use of technology to restrict the use of copyright digital content. Examples of DRM enforced by commercial publishers includes limiting the number of users who can concurrently access a learning resource; and restrictions on downloading and printing copies.
  2. Open Access refers to material that is distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers and licensed for re-use, usually via a Creative Commons Licence.
  3. Research Portal: the University’s open access repository, used to collect, index, store and disseminate the University’s research outputs.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(5) The Library acquires, curates, and provides access to relevant, authoritative, diverse and up-to-date information resources aligned with the University’s learning, teaching, and research activities.

(6) Information resources selected:

  1. Are appropriate to the level of study, unit Learning Outcomes and modes of participation; 
  2. Are accessible when needed (including for individuals with special needs); and
  3. Facilitate scholarship and knowledge curation.

(7) The Library is committed to protecting the Indigenous Cultural and Property rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples. The Library manages its collections, including archives, in culturally respectful and appropriate ways by implementing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services and consulting with community representatives. 

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Section 4 - Procedure


(8) Library staff are responsible for:

  1. purchasing, curating, subscribing to or providing access to information resources in accessible formats.
  2. providing and maintaining systems, to enable access to open, licensed and copyright information resources.

(9) Staff and students are responsible for:

  1.  accessing, using and attributing information resources in ways that comply with the Copyright Act and license conditions. Students and staff may seek advice from the Copyright Officer.
  2. Accessing, using, and returning physical items according to the Library’s borrowing guidelines.


(10) Information resources will be selected where  they are fit for purpose, cost-effective, discoverable, and easily accessible. The order of most accessible to least accessible formats is:

  1. Open Access content, including Open Education Resources, Open Textbooks and Open journals
  2. Electronic content, such as books, journal articles and media, with no Digital Rights Management or user license restrictions
  3. Electronic content with Digital Rights Management and user license restrictions
  4. Physical items.

(11) The University promotes the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OERs) as the preferred option to commercially published textbooks. 

(12) While every attempt will be made by Library staff to provide access to prescribed learning resources for student learning success, the Library is not required to provide a copy of prescribed textbooks to every student. Students are expected to acquire their own copy of prescribed textbooks.

(13) Duplicate copies of items are avoided. Limited copies of physical items required at multiple campuses may be purchased based on unit enrolments.

(14) Financially sustainable procurement strategies are used to maximise the University’s return on investment, including evidence based and patron driven acquisition models, and read and publish agreements.

(15) The Rules relating to Awards for Higher Degrees by Research (Rules 7, 8 and 9) require candidates to deposit a digital copy of their thesis in the University's Research Portal. Library staff manage the process of thesis deposit, including any embargo periods and copyright content.

(16) The Library collects, preserves, and disseminates digital copies of the University’s research outputs in the Research Portal. Research outputs will be made openly accessible as copyright, intellectual property and publisher agreements permit.

(17) The Library manages and preserves archival and high value collections on behalf of the University community. Selection, storage, and disposal guidelines for archives are governed by the Library Archives Procedure.


(18) Library staff continuously review electronic and physical information resources and maintain only active and relevant collections that empower the University's learning, teaching, and research activities.

(19) Deselection decisions are based on evidence and consider usage data, scope, condition, accessibility, teaching and research alignment including professional accreditation requirements, financial and physical space constraints.

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Section 5 - Associated Documents

(20) This Policy should be read in conjunction with:

  1. Copyright Policy
  2. Library Archives Procedure
  3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services
  4. Rules Relating to Awards – Rule 7- Masters by Thesis Awards
  5. Rules Relating to Awards – Rule 8 – Professional Doctorate Awards
  6. Rules Relating to Awards – Rule 9 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Awards