(1) The Council of Southern Cross University, as the Governing authority of Southern Cross University, by resolution makes the following Rule under section 30(1) of the Southern Cross University Act 1993 ('Act'), pursuant to section 52 of the Southern Cross University By-Law 2005. (2) Dated: 23 September 2016 (3) Authorised: Council (4) The purpose of this Rule is to define terms of reference for Remuneration Committee. (5) This rule applies to the members and operation of Remuneration Committee. (6) The Committee is to: (7) In consultation with the Vice Chancellor, set the performance goals for the Vice Chancellor for the forthcoming year; (8) Conduct annual performance evaluations of the Vice Chancellor in accordance with the Employment Contract and KPIs; (9) Review and set the Vice Chancellor's remuneration annually, including payment of any performance based component; (10) Oversee / endorse the Vice Chancellor's process for reviewing the performance of Executive staff, including the use of sector relevant salary benchmarking data, and approve the maximum percentage increment payable each year; (11) Based on consultation with the Vice Chancellor and HR Services, approve annual maximum percentage increments for non-Executive senior staff not covered by the Enterprise Agreement; (12) Report its determinations to Council, with the Chancellor reporting on key areas. (13) The membership of the Committee consists of: (14) The total number of Members of the Committee is four. (15) The Director, Human Resources will be a standing attendee at all Committee meetings. (16) The Chancellor invites the external member to the Committee and the appointment is endorsed by Council. (17) At least three Committee members, including the Chancellor, must be present to constitute a quorum. (18) The Committee shall meet once per year, with authority to convene additional meetings, as circumstances require.Terms of Reference - Remuneration Committee Rule
Section 1 - Authorisation
Section 2 - Purpose and Scope
Section 3 - Terms of Reference
Current Membership
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Ms Sandra McPhee AM, Chancellor (Chair)
Mr Murray d'Almeida, Deputy Chancellor
Mr Jonathan Rourke, Chair of Finance Committee
Ms Julie Granger, External Member of Council
Ms Sharon Farquhar, Director, Human Resources (in attendance)