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Terms of Reference - Chancellor's Committee Rule

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(1) The Chancellor's Committee was established by the University Council as a committee of Council pursuant to Schedule 1, clause 4 of the Southern Cross University Act 1993 (NSW).

(2) The University Council has approved the membership and functions of the Chancellor's Committee as set out in the Terms of Reference – Chancellor’s Committee.

Section 1 - Terms of Reference – Chancellor’s Committee 


(3) Meet between Council meetings to consider matters of an urgent nature. 


(4) The membership of the Committee is:

  1. Chancellor (Chair)
  2. Deputy Chancellor
  3. Vice-Chancellor
  4. Chair, Academic Board 


(5) The Committee shall meet as required. 

(6) Decisions made by the Committee must be ratified at the next ordinary meeting of Council. 

(7) At any meeting of the Committee at least three members of the Committee constitutes a quorum. 

Current Membership

(8) Ms Sandra McPhee AM, Chancellor

(9) Mr Murray d’Almeida, Deputy Chancellor

(10) Professor Tyrone Carlin, Vice-Chancellor

(11) Associate Professor Desiree Kozlowski, Chair, Academic Board.