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Academic Promotions Procedures

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) These Procedures are intended to give effect to the uniform implementation of the Academic Promotions Policy.

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Section 2 - Procedures

(2) A call for applications for promotion will be emailed to all staff at least four weeks before the closing date for applications. Potential applicants must consult with their Executive Dean or College Dean before submitting an application.

(3) Applications are to be lodged electronically as one PDF document with the Secretary, Academic Promotions by the advertised closing date. Applications must include:

  1. a signed Academic Promotions Application form:
    1. Level B (Lecturer) and Level C (Senior Lecturer); or
    2. Level D (Associate Professor) and Level E (Professor);
  2. Academic CV and Portfolio, updated to the date of submission; and
  3. Most recent fully completed Performance Review Plan (PRP).

(4) HR Services will forward the completed application to the relevant Discipline Lead for a Discipline Lead’s Report to be completed and comments on the applicant's record of performance in the context of the criteria for promotion to be provided. After the report has been referred to the referred to the Executive Dean or College Dean for comment, the applicant must see the comments provided by the Discipline Lead and Executive Dean, and sign the report as evidence that this has been done, before returning the report to the Secretary, Academic Promotions.

(5) The Chair of the Promotions Committee (the Chair) will also seek reports from independent experts as follows:

  1. Promotion to Level C: one report; and
  2. Promotion to Level D and Level E: two reports, with at least one international expert.

(6) A HR Services representative will act as Promotions Committee Secretary and, in consultation with the Chair, will organise Promotions Committee meetings.

(7) Copies of applications, Academic CV and Portfolios, PRP's, and independent expert reports are referred to all Committee Members. Separate from the application submitted, a report on research publications, research grant funding and internal postgraduate supervision from the Research Management System (IRMA) will be provided to the Committee by the Office of Research.

(8) Prior to formal Promotions Committee meetings, members may meet or correspond with the Chair to establish any matters where further information is required. The Chair may ask Committee Members for a prima facie assessment of individual applications.

(9) Where the Chair indicates that further information is required, the Promotions Committee Secretary will forward a written request to the applicant, asking them to address the matters raised as part of their interview.

(10) Applicants also may submit a one page update of new evidence since the time of application. Updates must be submitted electronically on or before the advised submission date, which will normally be one week prior to the committee meeting. Updates of greater than one page will not be accepted.

(11) All promotion applicants will be interviewed either in person or virtually by the Promotions Committee. Only in exceptional circumstances, approved by the Chair, will an applicant not attend the promotion interview. Where circumstances prevent an applicant from participating in an interview, the Promotions Committee will proceed with its deliberations and make its recommendations without interviewing the applicant.

(12) Only at the request of the Chair, will a supervisor attend the applicant's interview. The role of the supervisor is not to act as an advocate for the applicant at interview, rather to provide additional information to the committee as requested.

(13) The Promotions Committee may seek additional information at its discretion.

(14) Following the interviews, the Promotions Committee will deliberate and the Chair will forward the Promotions Committee's recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor for approval.

(15) Each applicant will be advised of the Vice-Chancellor's decision in writing and a copy will be forwarded to the relevant Executive Dean or College Dean. With due respect for the confidentiality of the proceedings, the Chair or nominee will provide verbal guidance to applicants as soon as possible following the promotion interview, with a HR Services representative and the applicant's supervisor in attendance.