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Recruitment and Selection Procedures - Fixed-term and Continuing Employees

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of this procedure is to establish recruitment and selection processes for fixed-term and continuing employees that are in accordance with the Recruitment and Selection Policy and support the University's goals to:

  1. recruit employees who demonstrate they have the skills, qualifications and attributes consistent with the University's values and strategic goals and the relevant position description;
  2. adopt a fair and consistent approach to the recruitment, assessment and selection process based on merit and equal employment opportunity;
  3. promote timely and efficient processes;
  4. ensure transparency, while balancing the need for confidentiality; and
  5. apply the provisions of the relevant University policies and procedures.


(2) This procedure applies to the recruitment and selection of all continuing and fixed-term employees whose employment is governed by the University's Enterprise Agreement

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Section 2 - Definitions

(3) 'Internally advertised' recruitment processes are advertised within the University community and are open to employees and trainees who are employed on a current contract at the date of publication of the advertisement.

(4) 'Externally advertised' recruitment processes are open to members of the public and existing University employees.

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Section 3 - Procedures

1. Identify workforce needs

(5) If an established position becomes vacant, or there is a demonstrated need for a new position, consideration is to be given to the following:

  1. the justification/reason for recruitment;
  2. the duties, skills, knowledge, behaviours and qualifications required, including criminal or other regulatory checks where required;
  3. opportunities for process improvement and job redesign;
  4. the work unit's staffing profile and workforce plan; and
  5. reviewing the existing position description or creating a new position description.

2. Select appointment strategy

(6) Vacancies may be filled by:

  1. redeployment of suitable existing employees, in consultation with HR Services;
  2. a temporary appointment by invitation. These appointments may be considered:
    1. where the appointment is for a fixed term period of 12 months or less; or
    2. in specific circumstances relating to a funded research grant position as approved by the Director, Human Resources;
  3. merit based competitive recruitment process, either:
    1. an internally advertised recruitment process, provided there is a sufficiently competitive pool of internal applicants available; or
    2. an externally advertised recruitment process.

3. Process to appoint by invitation

(7) Potential candidates should, where possible, be sourced through an open and merit-based process, such as accessing and interviewing suitable candidates from the University's Casual Employment Registers.

(8) Formal selection panels are not required for fixed-term vacancies filled by invitation, however candidates must be interviewed, either in person or by video call, by the supervisor of the position (or an appropriately experienced nominee) and one other senior employee from the work unit.

(9) Two referee reports are to be obtained from current or recent line managers.

(10) Complete and submit for approval through the Acendre resourcing and recruitment system the following:

  1. details of the nominated candidate;
  2. a position description or role statement; and
  3. a copy of the candidate’s current CV. 

4. Merit based competitive recruitment process

Prepare to recruit

(11) In consultation with the HR Business Partner, the hiring manager is required to complete and submit for approval a staffing request through the Acendre resourcing and recruitment system. 

Recommend an appropriate selection panel

(12) Selection panels are required for all internally and externally advertised vacancies and must have an appropriate gender balance.

(13) Minimum selection panel membership is:

  1. Head of Work Unit or an appropriately experienced nominee (the Chair);
  2. one representative from the work unit, normally the supervisor of the position being advertised; and
  3. an independent University representative from outside the work unit.

(14) For Level E academic positions the following additional panel membership requirements apply:

  1. a person external to the University, within the discipline area;
  2. the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor or appropriately experienced nominee; and
  3. the Chair, Academic Board or their nominee, normally Deputy Chair.

(15) In addition to clauses 13 and 14, the following applies:

  1. a person external to the University within the appropriate discipline area may be invited to join any selection panel; and
  2. where a job vacancy is an identified Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander position, the selection panel will include at least one Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person either internal or external to the University.

(16) Chairs of selection panels must be Head of Work Unit or an appropriately senior nominee with substantial experience in selection panel participation.

(17) The recommended panel membership is approved by the Director, Human Resources.

(18) The availability and agreement of selection panel members is the responsibility of the hiring manager. 

(19) Southern Cross University staff participating on a selection panel must complete Staff Selection and Interview Skills training prior to participating in recruitment and appointment processes. 

Recruitment approval

(20) Requests for staff recruitment are approved by the appropriate Delegate as per Schedule A of the Delegations Rule.


(21) Job vacancy advertisements are drafted by the hiring manager in consultation with the HR Recruitment Manager. Advertising options include:

  1. Jobs@SCU website (mandatory);
  2. job platforms and websites (e.g. Seek);
  3. professional forums and associations;
  4. agencies (general or search);
  5. referrals or networks; and
  6. print media (newspapers, magazines).

(22) The impact of the costs, organisation and time commitment of visa nominations and international relocation should be considered by the hiring manager prior to recommending an international advertising process.

(23) Vacancies should be open for a minimum of 10 working days.

Prior to closing date

(24) HR Services will contact selection panel members and confirm suitable shortlisting and interview dates. Normally, shortlisting will occur a minimum of five working days after the closing date and interviews will occur a minimum of five working days after shortlisting.

(25) HR Services will source suitable shortlisting and interview venues, but may also seek assistance from the hiring manager.

Shortlist candidates

(26) Shortlisting determines which candidates progress to the next stage of the selection process and is usually conducted by all selection panel members. However, in some recruitment processes:

  1. a majority of the selection panel (as determined by the Chair and HR Recruitment Manager) may conduct the shortlisting; or
  2. a 'first round' screening process by the Chair and the HR Recruitment Manager may be conducted and the results provided to the full selection panel for a 'second round' shortlisting.

Prepare for interviews and other selection activities

(27) In person interviews are preferred. However video or telephone interviews may be suitable and will be determined by the HR Recruitment Manager in consultation with the Chair.

(28) A candidate interviewed by phone may only be recommended for appointment after they have participated in a face-to-face follow-up interview or meeting with members of the selection panel. This may occur in person or using a video call.

(29) Interviews may be held in conjunction with other appropriate selection activities, for example, skills testing or presentations. All proposed supplementary testing must be reviewed by the HR Recruitment Manager and a copy of the test or presentation task retained on the recruitment file.

Conduct the interviews

(30) The Chair of the panel is responsible for leading and facilitating the interview discussions.

(31) Additional interviews of the recommended candidate/s by the selection panel may also be used to inform the selection process as well as additional meetings with key University personnel.

(32) After the candidates have been interviewed, the Chair coordinates discussion between panel members with the view to achieving consensus on the appointable candidate(s) in rank order and the reasons they are recommended for appointment. This recommendation will be subject to any reference checking yet to be completed.

(33) The Chair is responsible for completing the Selection Report in the presence of the other panel members, stating:

  1. the reasons why a particular candidate has been selected; and
  2. recommending a period of probation and other appointment conditions.

(34) All panel members sign the Selection Report.


(35) Recruitment documentation is held by HR Services in accordance with the State Records requirements.

(36) Where a fixed-term appointee is selected from a pool of interviewed candidates sourced from the casual employment register, a record of the process should be retained by the Work Unit. The record should include who was interviewed, by whom, on what date and the reason why the recommended candidate was selected. These records may be relied upon to support selection decisions if challenged.

(37) A Casual recruitment - record of interview and selection can be used to record this information.

Check references

(38) In addition to the interview process, a minimum of two verbal or written referee reports from current or recent supervisors or line managers are required to complete the selection.

(39) Referee reports may be obtained at any time during the selection process. All referee reports are confidential and are only available to people directly involved in the recruitment process.

Provide approval and feedback

(40) The completed Selection Report, including referee reports, is submitted to the relevant delegate for approval.

(41) Following approval of the appointment, the Chair:

  1. contacts the successful candidate to discuss their commencement arrangements, and
  2. notifies and provides feedback to the unsuccessful candidates.

(42) If the first ranked candidate declines an offer of employment, the Chair will offer the position to the next ranked appointable candidate, providing suitable referee reports have been supplied.

(43) If all ranked appointable candidates have been exhausted, the recruitment process will close without an appointment made. The HR Recruitment Manager will liaise with the hiring manager to discuss the next appropriate steps.

(44) Where the Chair supports a successful candidate's request for a starting salary higher than Year 1, the request together with the Chair's supporting justification is referred to the Director, Human Resources for approval.

(45) Should the successful candidate decline the offer of employment the Chair advises HR Services and discusses options.

Pre-employment screening

(46) HR Services will advise on any necessary pre-employment screening, including but not limited to Working with Children Checks. The type of screening undertaken will correspond with the nature of the duties advertised and any legislative requirements that may apply from time-to-time.

5. Recruitment Agencies

(47) For a limited number of positions that are difficult to fill, it may be appropriate to engage an external recruitment agency to utilise their extensive networks and access an established talent pool.

(48) An agency must only be engaged on approval by the Manager, Recruitment and Classification, and usually only when in-house services have been exhausted or as part of an agreed recruitment strategy where the vacancy is in a highly specialized area.The Manager, Recruitment and Classification will support work units to obtain proposals from the University’s preferred suppliers.

(49) When considering an agency, it is important to consider the costs, timeframes and track record of success in that particular industry/discipline.

(50) When engaging an agency, the recruitment and selection process will be conducted per the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures.