(1) This Policy details the University's approach to managing a student's enrolment when a concern is raised about the student's health and wellbeing, including behaviours that may be considered unsafe to themselves or others. (2) This Policy applies to domestic and international undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. (3) This Policy does not apply to: (4) Fit to Study - when a student: (5) Unfit to Study - when a student: (6) Required Leave is form of enforced leave from study with the purpose of providing a compassionate and appropriate temporary break from study. (7) The University is committed to supporting the safety, health and wellbeing of its students and recognises that a positive approach to the management of physical and mental health issues is critical to student learning, academic achievement and to the overall student experience. (8) The University promotes strategies for proactive, early intervention and active collaboration between students and staff to provide students with the best opportunity to complete their studies. (9) Students are encouraged to contact Student Support Services if experiencing general difficulties in coping with study, or their course coordinator or placement officer. (10) The University recognises there may be instances when a student's physical or mental health may give rise to concerns about whether they are Fit to Study and in these circumstances the option of implementing Required Leave will be considered. (11) Required Leave is a measure of last resort, expected to be applied only after all other relevant supportive strategies have been considered. (12) The purpose of Required Leave is primarily supportive and the intent is, where possible, to avoid actions leading to penalties for students with serious health issues underlying their behaviour. However, placing a student on Required Leave does not exclude the possibility that conduct leading to Required Leave may also be subject, at the same time or later, to action under other University procedures. (13) The period of Required Leave imposed will not typically exceed a year. (14) Required Leave will be managed in a timely manner, following all due processes and without undue delays. (15) Completing a period of Required Leave does not guarantee a right to return to study; supporting evidence demonstrating current fitness, such as treatment plans, letters of support from treating specialists or other documents may be requested by the University. (16) The Vice President (Students) and Registrar is responsible for determining whether students are to be placed on Required Leave. (17) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) is responsible for reviewing requests against a determination of Required Leave. (18) Any staff member concerned about a student's behaviour may: (19) If a staff member remains seriously concerned that the student is Unfit for Study, they should refer their concerns to the Office of the Vice President (Students) and Registrar providing the following information: (20) A preliminary assessment to determine whether the student's behaviour requires further investigation and action will be conducted by the Vice President (Students) and Registrar. (21) The Vice President (Students) and Registrar will seek further information and advice from: (22) The preliminary assessment may recommend that additional support measures be put in place for the student. (23) If the preliminary assessment concludes that no further action is required, the referring staff member will be advised accordingly. (24) If the preliminary assessment recommends further investigation, the matter can be handled as either: (25) If the preliminary assessment concludes that the behaviour is potentially a Required Leave issue, the student will be notified that issues regarding their behaviour have been raised and referred to the Vice President (Students) and Registrar. (26) All communications to students will be sensitive and supportive to the student's situation and be managed in strict confidence and in compliance with the Privacy Policy. (27) The notification to the student will: (28) The notification to the student will be copied to the relevant Associate Dean (Education) and the Executive Director, Global(international students only). (29) On the basis of what is in best interests of the student and others the Vice President (Students) and Registrar will consider all available information, and after consultation with Southern Cross Global and Associate Dean (Education) determine whether the student should: (30) If the Vice President (Students) and Registrar determines the matter is a potential Required Leave, the student will be asked to undergo a medical examination or psychological assessment to establish whether the student is Fit to Study. (31) The medical examination or psychological assessment will be undertaken by an independent registered health professional chosen by the University and at the expense of the University. (32) The medical examination or psychological assessment will normally be required within two weeks of the date the notice is given. (33) A copy of the medical report or psychological assessment made by the registered health professional will be made available to the University and the student. (34) If the student declines to undertake a medical examination the Vice President (Students) and Registrar may determine that the student be placed on Required Leave. (35) If the medical examination does not establish that the student is Fit to Study, the Vice President (Students) and Registrar may determine to: (36) If the determination is to impose Required Leave, the Vice President (Students) and Registrar will notify the student of: (37) If the determination is to impose enrolment with special conditions, the Vice President (Students) and Registrar will notify the student: (38) In order that all appropriate follow up administrative processes are undertaken, the correspondence to the student will be copied to: (39) A determination to place a student on Required Leave will take effect immediately unless otherwise specified. However in the case of an international student, Leave will not take effect until any appeal process has concluded (as required by Standard 13.4 of the National Code). (40) If Required Leave is imposed after the census date and there is no action pending under Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules, a student will be permitted to discontinue courses without academic penalty and without financial penalty. (41) Discontinued courses (‘W’ grade) will not be recorded on the student’s formal academic transcript. (42) Being placed on Required Leave does not relieve students of other financial obligations incurred prior to the leave being imposed, such as library fines or accommodation fees (subject to the provisions of the Southern Cross University Residential Licence or other affiliated accommodation agreement). (43) A student on Required Leave will be subject to the same restrictions that apply to students temporarily excluded, unless the Vice President (Students) and Registrar determines otherwise. (44) Any continued residence in University accommodation during Required Leave continues to be subject to the terms of the agreement normally covering that residence, including terms relating to termination of agreement and to enrolment status. (45) Unless permitted by the Vice President (Students) and Registrar a student on Required Leave will not be re-enrolled until the period of Required Leave has expired and any conditions for return have been satisfied. (46) Students may request that the Required Leave or restrictions on enrolment be reviewed. (47) Requests should be submitted to the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) and be supported by new medical information. (48) The decision of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) is final within the University. (49) The student will be notified of the outcome of the request for review within 20 days and that, if dissatisfied, they have a right to access an external review process through the NSW Ombudsman Office or National Student Ombudsman. (50) Documentation must be kept at all stages of the Required Leave process, including records of meetings, discussions, reviews and actions proposed or taken. (51) All actions under this Policy are subject to normal statutory and University policy obligations relating to recordkeeping. (52) All parties involved in a case, including any request for review, are to maintain confidentiality. Information and records regarding a Required Leave matter are not to be divulged to anybody without direct involvement in the case with the following exceptions: (53) The Policy should be read in conjunction with the:Fitness For Study Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Approval Authorities
Section 5 - Procedures
Level 1 – Informal Student Wellbeing and Safety Concern
Level 2 – Referral to Vice President (Students) and Registrar
Level 3 – Fitness for Study Concern
Determination of Required Leave
Top of PageSection 6 - Administration Requirements
Academic and Financial Penalties
Access to University services while on Required Leave
Return to University following Required Leave
Section 7 - Request Review of Required Leave
Section 8 - Record Keeping and Confidentiality
Top of PageSection 9 - Associated Documents
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: