(1) This Policy details the University's approach to supporting a Higher Degree Researcher when concerns are raised regarding their health and wellbeing, including behaviours that may be considered unsafe to themselves or others. (2) This Policy applies to all Higher Degree Researchers, domestic and international. (3) Higher Degree Researcher means a higher degree by research student. (4) Supervisor means the approved principal and co-supervisors responsible for the supervision of a Higher Degree Researcher during their candidature. (5) Fit to Study - when a Higher Degree Researcher: (6) Unfit to Study - when a Higher Degree Researcher: (7) The University is committed to supporting the safety, health and wellbeing of all students and recognises that a positive approach to physical and mental health issues is critical to learning and research, academic achievement and to the overall study/research experience. (8) The University promotes strategies for proactive, early intervention and active collaboration between Higher Degree Researchers and staff to provide Higher Degree Researchers with the best opportunity to complete their studies. (9) Higher Degree Researchers are encouraged to contact the Student Safety Support & Wellbeing Coordinator if experiencing general difficulties in coping with study, or their course coordinator, placement officer or the University's Counselling Services. (10) The University recognises that there may be instances where a Higher Degree Researcher's physical or mental health may give rise to concerns about their fitness to study and in these circumstances the option to impose an interruption to candidature will be considered. (11) Suspension of candidature due a Higher Degree Researcher being considered 'Unfit for Study' will be a measure of last resort, expected to be applied only after all relevant supportive strategies have been considered. (12) Before activating these Procedures, it should be considered whether the matter be handled under an alternative University Rule, Policy or Procedure such as: (13) Academic progress Issues should be managed in accordance with: (14) Before activating these procedures any staff member with concerns about a Higher Degree Researcher's behaviour may wish to informally discuss with the affected Higher Degree Researcher, the symptoms, actions or patterns of behaviour that are causing a concern to themselves or others and suggest contacting the Student Safety Support & Wellbeing Coordinator for information on support services. (15) Concerns about a Higher Degree Researcher's fitness to study are dealt with under the following levels of action: (16) The action taken may be entered at any level without any requirement for an earlier level to have been commenced or exhausted. (17) The processes under all levels of action will be conducted in: (18) In exceptional circumstances, for example when a Higher Degree Researcher is in a crisis situation, in hospital or when attendance at a meeting could be unduly stressful, the Procedures may be varied. (19) Where there are critical concerns about the risks posed by a Higher Degree Researcher's wellbeing the University will normally get in touch with the “emergency contact” identified by the Higher Degree Researcher. The Higher Degree Researcher's consent for this action will be sought. The University reserves the right to make this contact if it deems the Higher Degree Researcher's vital interests are at risk even if such consent is not given or if the Higher Degree Researcher is unable to give such consent. (20) Concerns relating to a Higher Degree Researcher's Fitness for Study should be referred to the Manager, Graduate School with the following information provided: (21) The Manager, Graduate School may consult other staff members or seek further information or clarification regarding the concerns raised and will notify the Higher Degree Researcher that a concern regarding their fitness to study has been raised and will be dealt with as Level 1 of this Procedure. The notification to the Higher Degree Researcher will: (22) A copy of the Notification will be provided to the Director, Higher Degree Research and Supervisor (23) Prior to the meeting the Higher Degree Researcher and Supervisor may be asked to document their respective views on the Higher Degree Researcher's academic progress. They may use the Assessment Poll to do so. (24) If the Higher Degree Researcher declines to attend the meeting, the meeting may proceed in their absence. (25) The Director, Higher Degree Research, in consultation with the Supervisor may: (26) The Manager, Graduate School will notify the Higher Degree Researcher of the Director, Higher Degree Research’s determination and, if relevant, provide the Action Plan and timeframe for review of compliance with the Action Plan. (27) If an Action Plan has been put in place, the Supervisor, Director, Higher Degree Research and the Higher Degree Researcher will meet to review compliance with the Action Plan. (28) The Director, Higher Degree Research, in consultation with Supervisor, will determine whether; (29) The Manager, Graduate School will notify, in writing, the Higher Degree Researcher of the outcome of the review meeting and the Director, Higher Degree Research’s determination. (30) Continuing and serious concerns about a Higher Degree Researcher's fitness to study will be referred to the Manager, Graduate School who may consult other staff members or seek further information or clarification regarding the concerns raised. (31) The Manager, Graduate School will notify the Higher Degree Researcher that concerns regarding their fitness to study have been raised and are to be managed under Level 2 of this procedure. The notification to the Higher Degree Researcher will: (32) A copy of the notification will be provided to the Director, Higher Degree Research and Supervisor. (33) Prior to the meeting the Higher Degree Researcher and Supervisor may be asked to document their respective views on the Higher Degree Researchers progress. They may use the Assessment Poll to do so. (34) If the Higher Degree Researcher declines to attend, the meeting may proceed in their absence. (35) Following the meeting, the Director, Higher Degree Research will prepare a report to Dean, Graduate Studies with recommendations on how to proceed. (36) On the basis of this report, the Dean, Graduate Studies will determine next step, which may include: (37) The Manager, Graduate School will notify the Higher Degree Researcher of the Dean, Graduate Studies' determination. (38) If an Action Plan has been put in place, the Higher Degree Researcher will be invited to attend the Review of Action Plan meeting. If they decline to attend, the meeting may proceed in their absence. (39) The Dean, Graduate Studies, Supervisor, Director, Higher Degree Research and the Higher Degree Researcher will meet to review compliance with the Action Plan. (40) The Dean, Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Supervisor and Director, Higher Degree Research, will determine whether the; (41) The Manager, Graduate School will notify, in writing, the Higher Degree Researcher of the outcome of the review meeting and the determination of the Dean, Graduate Studies. (42) The process to be followed in dealing with a matter under Level 3 will be at the discretion of the Dean, Graduate Studies. Factors such as the seriousness of the concern, the risks posed, and the ability of the Higher Degree Researcher to participate in the process will be taken into account. (43) Normally, the Dean, Graduate Studies will call a meeting at which the Director, Higher Degree Research and Supervisors will discuss the nature of the concerns and options for addressing those concerns. (44) Normally, the Higher Degree Researcher will be invited to the meeting. The meeting notification will: (45) On the basis of the available information and in the best interest of the Higher Degree Researcher and others, the Dean, Graduate Studies will determine how to proceed. Options include, but are not limited to: (46) The Dean, Graduate Studies, on the basis of what is in the best interest of the Higher Degree Researcher and others, may suspend a Higher Degree Researcher's candidature if it is deemed they pose a serious risk to themselves, other staff or students, University property or the reputation of the University. (47) The Higher Degree Researcher will be notified in writing of the decision and outcome of the Dean's determination, normally within three working days. Depending on the Dean's determination, the notification will include: (48) If the Dean, Graduate Studies requests the Higher Degree Researcher to undergo a medical examination, it will be performed by an independent registered health professional chosen by the University and at the expense of the University. (49) A copy of the medical report made by the specialist will be made available to the University and the Higher Degree Researcher. (50) If the Higher Degree Researcher declines to undergo a medical examination, the Dean may determine to suspend or terminate candidature. (51) Higher Degree Researchers have the right to appeal a determination by the Dean, Graduate Studies to suspend or terminate candidature due to concerns relating to the Higher Degree Researcher's fitness for study. Appeals should be made in writing to the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor within ten working days of the date of the notification and cite one or more of the following grounds: (52) In accordance with the ESOS Act, international Higher Degree Researchers may lodge an appeal against suspension of candidature on the basis of compassionate or compelling circumstances. An international Higher Degree Researcher's candidature must be maintained during the course of any appeal process. (53) The Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor will consider the appeal submission and determine whether there are valid grounds to appeal. (54) Where valid grounds have been determined, the Higher Degree Researcher will be invited to submit additional evidence within a specified timeframe. (55) The Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor will consider the evidence provided and will determine one of the following options: (56) The Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor will notify the Higher Degree Researcher, in writing, the outcome of the appeal. If the appeal was dismissed the notification will include: (57) Higher Degree Researchers may request to return to study at any time during their suspension. Requests must be made in writing, to the Dean, Graduate Studies. (58) Normally, Higher Degree Researchers returning to study following a suspension in candidature due to being Unfit to Study, will require additional support strategies. (59) The process by which the outcome of a return to study request will be determined may vary according to the circumstances of the matter. In each case, however, a return to study by a Higher Degree Researcher will depend upon the Dean, Graduate Studies being satisfied that the Higher Degree Researcher is fit to study and has complied with any conditions placed upon their return. (60) The Dean, Graduate Studies may require the Higher Degree Researcher to produce satisfactory medical or other evidence of their fitness to study (for example, a psychiatrist’s report or General Practitioner’s letter) from recognised professionals who have sufficient knowledge of the Higher Degree Researcher, the demands of higher degree by research education, and the Higher Degree Researcher’s intended program of study. (61) The Dean, Graduate Studies will determine whether to permit the Higher Degree Researcher to return to study and may impose conditions upon any return to study, such as accessing support services and meeting academic progress milestones. (62) The decision of the Dean, Graduate Studies will be notified to the Higher Degree Researcher in writing, with reasons, within a reasonable time of the Higher Degree Researcher’s written request to return to study. (63) The decision of the Dean, Graduate Studies is final. (64) The University will work collaboratively with the Higher Degree Researcher in respect of any support arrangements to be put in place for a return to study. Prior to or on their return, the Higher Degree Researcher will be invited to attend a Return to Study Meeting with the Director, Higher Degree Research, Supervisors and the Graduate School. At that meeting, an Action Plan will be drawn up to support the Higher Degree Researcher’s successful transition back to study. The Action Plan will detail any conditions imposed and any supports identified, together with a timetable for any review meetings deemed necessary. If conditions are attached, failure to comply with the Action Plan will lead to further Fitness to Study procedures under Level 3. The Higher Degree Researcher will be provided with a summary of the Return to Study Meeting and the Action Plan as soon as possible after the meeting. (65) Documentation must be kept at all stages of the Fitness for Study process, including records of meetings, discussions, reviews and actions proposed or taken. (66) All actions under this Policy are subject to normal statutory and University policy obligations relating to recordkeeping. (67) All parties involved in any matter referred under this policy are to maintain confidentiality. Information and documentation are not to be divulged to anybody without direct involvement in the matter with the following exceptions: (68) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the:Higher Degree Research Fitness to Study Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Preliminary Actions
Referral to alternative University Rule, Policy or Procedure
Informally raise Concerns
Fitness for Study: Levels of Action
Variation to Procedures - Exceptional Circumstances
Level 1 - Initial Emerging Concerns
Review of Action Plan - Level 1
Level 2: Continuing and Serious Concerns
Review of Action Plan - Level 2
Level 3: Persistent and Critical Concerns
Suspension of Candidature
Notification of Dean's determination
Medical Examination
Section 5 - Appeals
Top of PageSection 6 - Return to Study
Section 7 - Record Keeping and Confidentiality
Top of PageSection 8 - Associated Documents
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For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: