(1) This Policy establishes the framework for the delivery of Southern Cross University's courses and units by an educational collaborator. It describes how educational collaboration arrangements are initiated, approved, managed, quality assured and documented. (2) The University is committed to developing educational collaborations that: (3) This Policy applies to the development, administration and oversight of arrangements, both in Australia and overseas, where students are enrolled in a University award or non-award course of study which is: (4) This Policy does not apply to: (5) For the purpose of this Policy the following definitions apply: (6) The University establishes formal Educational Collaborations with reputable organisations that enhance the quality of the University's educational offerings and delivery. (7) The University conducts appropriate due diligence and risk assessments in accordance with the Third Party Arrangement Regulatory Risk Framework before entering into an Educational Collaboration and to ensure clarity for all parties, Educational Collaboration are formalised by an executed contract. (8) To ensure clarity for all parties, Educational Collaborations are formalised by an executed Educational Collaboration Agreement. Educational Collaboration Agreements will be proportionate to the scale and nature of activities involved and will allow the University sufficient powers to ensure consistency with the Higher Education Standards Framework. (9) An Educational Collaboration Agreement will normally include, but not be limited to: (10) Educational Collaborations offer high quality learning experiences to students. This means that: (11) For transnational education collaborations, the University and its partners must comply with both local and international educational regulations and standards. This includes adhering to specific legal requirements in the countries involved and ensuring that courses meet global quality benchmarks. (12) The initiation, discovery, due diligence, agreement setting, and implementation phases will be conducted in accordance with the Third-Party Arrangement Regulatory Risk Framework, to ensure alignment and compliance throughout all stages of partnership development. (13) All proposals for an Educational Collaboration must be sponsored by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) who is the primary point of contact for all matters related to the collaboration and responsible for: (14) Where the Proposal requires other approvals, such as course approvals in a third-party teaching arrangement, these processes may be initiated concurrently with the development, variation or termination of an Agreement in accordance with the Course and Unit Approval Authorities. (15) The discovery phase will include a business case in alignment with the Third-Party Arrangement Regulatory Risk Framework and be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) in consultation with the Education Partnerships Oversight Committee, prior to proceeding with due diligence. (16) Due diligence is required for all proposed Educational Collaborations, with the level of due diligence commensurate with the type of collaboration proposed. The due diligence process will normally be conducted by the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality and consider a range of issues including: (17) Where substantive risks have been identified as an outcome of due diligence, a risk management plan must be developed. (18) In circumstances where arrangements with an Educational Collaborator involve collaboration across multiple categories of activity, these activities are best dealt with by separate Agreement; or, if separate activities are combined in one Agreement, all requirements for each activity must be separately represented. (19) Where the Agreement involves delivery to International Onshore Students, the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality will initiate CRICOS registration. Registration or approval must be received from TEQSA before promoting or delivering any aspect of the Educational Collaboration Arrangement to International Onshore Students. (20) Due diligence outcomes will be assessed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) in consultation with Educational Partnerships Oversight Committee, prior to proceeding with the development of a legal agreement. (21) The University Legal Office will prepare the Agreement and other associated materials for execution by both parties. (22) Once the Educational Collaboration Agreement is finalised, it will be approved and executed by the University in accordance with the University Delegations Rule. (23) Following the execution of the Agreement by the University and the Educational Collaborator: (24) Where changes or additions are required to an existing Agreement, consultation must occur with relevant University stakeholders and the Educational Collaborator to ensure that resourcing and other requirements can continue to be met under the proposed variations. (25) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) will work with the University Legal Office to develop a Letter of Variation or revised Agreement. (26) The Letter of Variation or revised Agreement will be executed in accordance with the University's Delegations Rule. (27) Preparations for the renewal of an Educational Collaboration Agreement should commence one year in advance of the expiry of the current Agreement. (28) A strategic review will be conducted in alignment with the Third Party Arrangement Regulatory Risk Framework,prior to the renewal of an Educational Collaboration Agreement to assess the effectiveness, compliance, sustainability and strategic alignment of the partnership, including achievement of any specific key performance indicators. (29) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) commences formal negotiations with the Educational Collaborator and consultations with internal stakeholders for any revision to the arrangements. (30) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) will liaise with the University Legal Office to develop and finalise the documentation required to renew the Agreement which will be approved and executed in accordance with the University's Delegations Rule. (31) Depending on the nature of the Agreement, its termination may be a strategic decision for consideration by the Vice-Chancellor, Executive members and Council. (32) If it is determined to terminate an Agreement, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) will liaise with the University Legal Office regarding the proposal and the documentation required to proceed with the termination. (33) The termination of an Educational Collaboration Agreement will be managed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or as otherwise agreed with the Educational Collaborator. (34) Each Education Collaboration will have a management committee chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) or authorised nominee and include representatives from the Education Collaborator. The Management Committee examines the obligations of each party as set out in the Agreement, the extent to which each party has fulfilled their obligations, and the extent to which the Educational Collaborator has adhered to the University policies and procedures it is bound to observe. (35) The Education Partnerships Oversight Committee (EPOC) receives reports on strategic performance, risk and compliance, and quality assurance monitoring outcomes quarterly. (36) The Audit and Risk Management Committee receives reports from the Education Partnerships Oversight Committee (EPOC) quarterly. (37) The University Council receives reports on Education Partnerships annually. (38) Material changes to existing Educational Collaboration Arrangements must be reported to the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) by either party as soon as possible, and no later than 14 days of the event occurring. (39) Material changes are events that happen or are likely to happen that will significantly affect the Partner’s ability to meet requirements of the HES Framework and include: (40) The Office of Business Intelligence and Quality is responsible for notifying TEQSA of any material changes to Educational Collaboration Arrangements within the legislative timeframe. (41) Regular external reviews and audits of educational collaborations shall be conducted to ensure compliance with both internal standards and regulatory requirements. The findings from these reviews will be used to continually refine and improve the partnership arrangements, ensuring alignment with best practices and legislative changes. (42) Under the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the University carries full responsibility for all aspects of program delivery and support by an Educational Collaborator, including ensuring: (43) The Educational Partnership Quality Assurance Procedures and and Educational Partnerships Quality Assurance Schedule sets out the monitoring and review processes as approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality). (44) The Educational Partnership Policy should be read in conjunction with:Educational Partnership Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Educational Collaboration Agreements
Initiation of an Educational Collaboration
Business Case
Due Diligence
Agreement Development and Execution
Varying an Existing Agreement
Renewing an Agreement
Termination of an Agreement
Section 5 - Management and Reporting
Material Changes
Section 6 - Quality Assurance
Section 7 - Associated Documents
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