(1) This Policy: (2) This Policy applies to all academic activities conducted by the University, including through its educational partnerships, except for research-related academic activities. (3) This Policy will be applied on a case-by-case basis as approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) for non-award courses and programs. (4) Refer to the Definitions (Academic) Policy. (5) The University uses robust and efficient systems to support academic quality, uphold academic standards and integrity, and continuously improve academic practices, processes and outcomes to provide an outstanding student experience. (6) Academic quality and integrity are assured by applying and upholding the following academic quality assurance principles: (7) Courses and units are designed and developed in accordance with the Curriculum Policy to meet the specifications set out in the Australian Qualifications Framework and Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, and to enable external accreditation by a professional body when this is required for professional practice. (8) Proposals to develop new courses and units, amend current courses and units, and to reaccredit courses are rigorously scrutinised and systematically approved by suitably qualified academic staff in accordance with the Course and Unit Approval Authorities. (9) The Unit and Course Management System (UCMS) clearly and comprehensively documents all elements of the curriculum to ensure compliance with the University's curriculum design principles. (10) The quality of the University's taught curriculum is assured and improved over time through a systematic process of monitoring and review in accordance with the Student Outcomes Benchmark Indicators Framework. (11) Curriculum monitoring and review processes are: (12) The outcomes from curriculum monitoring and review processes, including recommendations for corrective action, will be regularly and systematically reported to Academic Board and its relevant sub-committees as set out in the Curriculum Monitoring and Review Reporting Schedule. (13) Monitoring and review of courses comprises: (14) Annual Course Reports will be produced for all currently accredited courses and locations, including those courses delivered through educational partnership arrangements, except when a course: (15) Annual Course Reports will: (16) The Comprehensive Course Reviews will be conducted to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Threshold Standards 2021 including the following: (17) A reduced comprehensive course review scope may be applied under the following circumstances, if approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality): (18) Each Comprehensive Course Review will have a specified panel appointed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) in accordance with the Course Review Procedures. (19) Comprehensive Course Reviews will be conducted within seven years of the initial accreditation or last reaccreditation of the course by the Academic Board in accordance with the Course Review Procedures. (20) A rolling five-year Comprehensive Course Review cycle schedule will be determined annually by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality), aligned wherever possible with the timing of reviews by external accreditation bodies and reviews of related courses to minimise duplication of effort. (21) An ad hoc Comprehensive Course Review may be initiated at any time by: (22) An ad hoc Comprehensive Course Review can be initiated in the following circumstances: (23) Following a Comprehensive Course Review, Academic Board will either: (24) The Academic Board may determine to reaccredit a course for a period of not more than 12 months without a Comprehensive Course Review if the course is in teach-out. In this case, the Faculty or College must demonstrate to Accreditation Committee and Academic Board ongoing quality of the academic experience for teach-out courses including maintaining sufficient staff levels, complying with unit monitoring processes, and maintaining equivalent student experience and learning support. (25) A course will remain accredited until it is formally disaccredited or removed by the Academic Board. (26) Courses will be submitted for re-accreditation within seven years of their previous accreditation. (27) Any significant change in the status of external accreditation with any relevant professional bodies for a course will be reported to Academic Board by the Chair of Accreditation Committee as soon as practicable. (28) All coursework units, including those offered in higher degree research awards, are regularly and systematically reviewed. Monitoring and review of units occurs through the Internal Quality Indicators in Learning and Teaching (iQILT) reporting process, which evaluates unit performance at the conclusion of each study period in which that unit was offered with respect to: (29) Unit Success and Unit Satisfaction rates are determined using student feedback and performance data collected at the conclusion of each study period, consisting of: (30) iQILT reports will: (31) Curriculum quality is supported by the alignment of assessment with learning outcomes at the unit level, and alignment of unit learning outcomes with learning outcomes at the minor, major, specialisation and course levels, as set out in the Curriculum Policy. (32) Assessment quality is assured and continuously improved using evidence-based practices as set out in the Assessment, Teaching and Learning Policy. (33) The integrity of assessment, its effectiveness in verifying achievement of unit learning outcomes, and integrity of grading standards is assured by: (34) The University regularly and systematically collects student feedback and evaluation data through surveys and other evaluation instruments including: (35) Student feedback and evaluation data is used to assure and improve: (36) Student feedback and evaluation data is additionally used, with other information, to: (37) Referencing and benchmarking is systematically used to: (38) External referencing and benchmarking is conducted in accordance with the External Referencing and Benchmarking Schedule for a range of academic activities related to: (39) Curriculum delivered through the University's educational partnership arrangements will meet the requirements of this policy and associated procedures to ensure equivalent academic standards are maintained by the University and its educational partners. (40) Educational partnership arrangements are subject to additional quality assurance reviews in accordance with the Educational Partnership Policy and Educational Partnership Quality Assurance Procedures. (41) The University will provide assurance of the quality of supervision of student experiences during WIL. (42) Quality WIL student experience is assured through the WIL Framework, Work Integrated Learning at SCU and enacted through the Work Integrated Learning Procedures. (43) The University’s Human Resources policies establish the settings and processes to ensure that all staff are appropriately qualified and experienced for the academic activities they lead. (44) The academic staffing profile for each course of study reviewed annually as part of the Annual Course Reporting process, will encompass the necessary depth and breadth of academic leadership and teaching capacity needed to lead students in intellectual inquiry suited to the nature and level of expected learning outcomes, as demonstrated by: (45) All newly appointed teaching academic staff, including casual staff, are offered an induction program on teaching and assessment practice, which is designed and delivered by the Centre for Teaching and Learning, unless equivalence can be demonstrated. (46) All teaching staff are provided with opportunities to continuously improve teaching practice based on scholarly evidence, including for teaching different student cohorts with particular needs. (47) Risks to academic integrity associated with research activities of staff and Higher Degree Research students are managed in accordance with the Research Quality Standards and Integrity Policy, Research Integrity – Staff Procedures, Research Integrity – Higher Degree Researchers (Students) Procedures and Research Publication, Authorship and Dissemination Procedures. (48) Risks to academic integrity associated with coursework teaching and learning are proactively defended against by: (49) The University's framework for upholding and managing academic integrity will be easily accessible and clearly articulated to the entire academic community, including staff and students, via a dedicated page on the University's website. (50) Curriculum design and accreditation processes will incorporate mechanisms to ensure all students are educated about academic integrity, explicitly identify and quantify risks to academic integrity, and implement appropriate strategies to mitigate identified risks, at both the unit and course level. (51) Breaches of academic integrity by students will be classified using clear, published criteria as: (52) Suspected Minor breaches of academic integrity will be managed in the Academic Integrity Management System (AIMS) by Unit Assessors using an educative approach. (53) Suspected Moderate and Major breaches of academic integrity are considered potential academic misconduct and will be managed in AIMS by the Academic Integrity Officers in accordance with the Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules. (54) The consequences of student academic integrity breaches are primarily focused on education for unintentional breaches and deterrence for intentional breaches and are proportionate to the extent and impact of the breach at each level. (55) Robust and transparent processes for reporting and analysis of academic integrity breaches will be employed to enable regular review of success in managing risks to academic integrity, continuous improvement of processes to further strengthen defences, and rapid response to significant trends and incidents. Reporting will be coordinated centrally by the Academic Integrity Support Officer in accordance with the Academic Integrity Reporting Framework Schedule which sets out the contents of the reports and the responsible officers. (56) Admission requirements are transparent and offer a range of pathways designed to provide access to students with a broad range of educational backgrounds and experience, Rules Relating to Awards – Rule 2 – Coursework Awards – General Provisions. (57) A rigorous and consistent standards-based process for managing credit transfer and recognising prior learning will be implemented to esnure that the integrity of the curriculum and associated awards are maintained (Recognition of Prior Learning Policy). (58) Orientation, both on-campus and online, is provided to ensure that students have the tools necessary to succeed in their studies (Student Academic Experience Policy). (59) The learning resources that are specified or recommended for a course of study, relate directly to the learning outcomes, are up to date and, where supplied as part of a course of study, are accessible when needed by students. (60) Where learning resources are part of an electronic learning management system, all users have timely access to the system and training is available in use of the system. (61) Access to learning resources does not present undue barriers, costs or technology requirements for students, including for students with special needs and those who study off campus. (62) Students have access to learning support services that are consistent with the requirements of their course of study, their mode of study and the learning needs of student cohorts, including arrangements for supporting and maintaining contact with students who are off campus. (63) The University provides a learning environment that enables students to succeed in their studies and this is assured through the Student Academic Experience Policy. (64) Schedules: (65) Procedures: (66) This Policy should be read in conjunction with:Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Quality Assurance of Academic Standards
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy Content
Principle 1: Curriculum is developed and accredited to consistently meet appropriate predetermined internal and external specifications
Principle 2: The taught curriculum is regularly monitored and systematically reviewed to ensure continuous improvement
Monitoring and Review of Courses
Monitoring and Review of Units
Monitoring and Review of Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Principle 3: Student feedback and evaluation is systematically used to assure curriculum quality and inform continuous improvement
Principle 4: External referencing is systematically used to assure academic quality and inform continuous improvement
Principle 5: Curriculum delivered by the University's educational partners meets the same standards and provides an equivalent student experience as curriculum delivered by the University
Principle 6: Work integrated learning arrangements and the supervision of student experiences are quality assured
Principle 7: Teaching is informed by scholarship
Principle 8: Academic integrity is rigorously assured and proactively defended in all aspects of teaching and scholarship
Principle 9: Student participation and attainment are supported through quality assured processes of admission, recognition of prior learning and orientation
Principle 10: The Learning resources and learning support provided by the University are up to date, adequate and accessible when needed by students
Section 5 - Associated Documents
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