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Course Review Procedures

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope


(1) These Procedures set out how Comprehensive Course Reviews are conducted.


(2) These Procedures apply to all coursework courses.

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Section 2 - Procedures

Comprehensive Course Review Process

Instigation and Timing of Review

(3) Comprehensive Course Reviews will normally be conducted on a rolling five-year schedule, as approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) in consultation with the College/Faculty Executive Dean and Director, Business Intelligence and Quality.

(4) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may approve changes to the schedule where the period since the previous review does not exceed seven years.

(5) The Comprehensive Course Review schedule will be aligned, wherever possible, with the external accreditation and reviews of related courses to minimise duplication of effort, and made available to the University community.

(6) Once a course review timing is confirmed, the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality announce the review with the Faculty normally at least 12 months prior.

(7) Annually, the Director, Business Intelligence and Quality will present an updated schedule to the Academic Standards and Quality Committee.

Terms of Reference

(8) The terms of reference for a Comprehensive Course Review are specified in the Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy.

(9) Where a course has been professionally accredited within the past two years, the evidence requirements can be used to meet the Comprehensive Course Review Terms of Reference in order to reduce duplication of effort, but also continue to address areas of risk. In these situations, a gap analysis will be conducted by the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality for approval by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) addressing:

  1. Comparison of the professional accreditation requirements with the University’s comprehensive course review terms of reference, if relevant;
  2. assessment of whether a physical site visit is required;
  3. assessment of whether panel member interviews are required, and if they are the roles who should be included; and
  4. recommendation for the panel membership composition.

The Review Panel

(10) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) in consultation with the relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean will appoint the Review Panel, which will normally include:

  1. at least one academic staff member of another university to be the independent academic expert;
  2. at least one senior academic staff member of the University from a different Faculty or College to the Faculty or College that owns the course; and
  3. optionally, a representative current student or alumni;
  4. optionally, a representative from the relevant professional community and/or industry.

(11) Academic panel members must have relevant experience in course development, monitoring and improvement activities.

(12) A Review Panel may be tasked to review a single course or a group of related courses. The number of reviewers will depend on the number of courses being reviewed together, for instance if the suite of courses is complex or spans multiple discipline areas.

(13) Should a panel member subsequently be unable to undertake their role on the panel an alternate panel member with the same representative role will be appointed in their place. Where this is not possible, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) will make a determination, that ensures the integrity of the review process is maintained.

(14) Where a course is subject to suitable academic and independent scrutiny, such as through professional accreditation processes within the five-year review cycle, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may not appoint an independent expert panel member, nor require a physical site visit.

(15) The Review Panel will normally be chaired by an independent expert.

(16) Where relevant, independence will be assessed in accordance with the TEQSA Guidance Note – Independent Experts engaged by providers.

(17) A representative of the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality will act as the Secretary for the review.

The Review Process

(18) Comprehensive Course Reviews are conducted in accordance with the Comprehensive Course Review Process.

Review Submission

(19) The Secretary will distribute the Comprehensive Course Review Submission Template and data pack for completion by the relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean normally in conjunction with the relevant Course Coordinator and support staff. The template will be aligned to the agreed terms of reference.

(20) The relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean must ensure relevant University staff are consulted and that feedback informs the submission, including:

  1. where the course is offered at other campuses, staff involved in the delivery of the course at that or those locations;
  2. professional and/or industry representatives, which may be addressed through Comprehensive Course Review Panel Membership;
  3. all Faculties that own core units, majors or minors within the course; and
  4. other faculties where the Comprehensive Course Review includes:
    1. double degrees where a strand is owned by another faculty;
    2. core units, minors or majors owned by another faculty.

(21) The Secretary will liaise with the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality in consultation with the College/Faculty Executive Dean to collect and incorporate supplementary information for the Comprehensive Course Review Submission, including:

  1. currently enrolled students;
  2. alumni;
  3. marketing and/or recruitment staff;
  4. learning support and student support staff; and
  5. librarian.

(22) Once completed, the College/Faculty Executive Dean will submit the Comprehensive Course Review Submission to the Secretary for distribution to the Review Panel.

Review Assessment

(23) The Chair of the Review Panel will liaise with the Secretary to coordinate interviews, support materials, or coordinate the physical site visit, if required.

(24) The Secretary will distribute the Comprehensive Course Review Submission and all other relevant materials to

  1. the Chair of the Review Panel, and
  2. the Director, Office of Business Intelligence and Quality.

(25) The Review Panel will complete the following in-line with the approved terms of reference and scope:

  1. complete a physical site visit, if required;
  2. consider the Comprehensive Course Review Submission, additional reference material and submissions received;
  3. meet with or interview relevant staff and students; and
  4. explore any other matters of interest within the terms of reference for the review.

Review Outcome Report

(26) The Review Panel will provide a Comprehensive Course Review Report to the Secretary which:

  1. addresses the terms of reference for the review;
  2. provides commendations, and recommendations; and
  3. provides a justified recommendation regarding accreditation.

(27) Upon receipt, the Secretary will distribute the Comprehensive Course Review Report to the:

  1. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
  2. Relevant Executive Dean of the College/Faculty;
  3. Relevant Executive Dean of the College/Faculty, Associate Dean (Education); and
  4. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality).

Post Review Implementation and Monitoring 

(28) The relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean normally in conjunction with the relevant Course Coordinator, will develop a Management Response including an implementation plan to address the recommendations of the Comprehensive Course Review Report to be approved by the relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean.

(29) The Secretary will distribute the approved Management Response to the:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) for comment;
  2. Secretary, relevant Faculty Board;
  3. Secretary, Accreditation Committee, for discussion and referral to Academic Board.

(30) The Accreditation Committee will comment on the Management Response before sending to the Academic Board for determination in line with the Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy.

(31) Faculties do not have to wait until review outcomes and management response are circulated through governance to commence implementing amendments to courses or units. It may be appropriate for the Faculty to commence course and/or unit approval processes as soon as an issue is identified in accordance with the course and unit approval authorities.

(32) The Office of Business Intelligence and Quality will record the outcome of the review in the Comprehensive Course Review Schedule.

(33) The relevant College/Faculty Executive Dean will oversee implementation of recommendations and report at least twice a year on progress to Faculty Board until the actions are completed.

(34) One year after receipt of the Comprehensive Course Review Report, the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality will request the College/Faculty Executive Dean to prepare an update on the Management Response for distribution to:

  1. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) for noting;
  2. Secretary, Accreditation Committee for noting and referral to the Academic Board.