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Terms of Reference - Academic Standards and Quality Committee

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The Academic Standards and Quality Committee is a subcommittee of Academic Board.  It is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues relating to academic standards and quality for curriculum delivery by the University and its educational partners. The Committee will:

  1. develop, monitor, review, and advise the Academic Board on, University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines relating to developing, maintaining and assuring academic standards and quality;
  2. monitor and report on academic performance of units and courses with respect to student outcomes against internal and external benchmarks;
  3. monitor and report on equivalence of academic standards in delivery of units and courses through external benchmarking;
  4. assure the effectiveness of processes for monitoring and review of units and courses;
  5. monitor and report on maintenance of academic integrity in delivery of units and courses;
  6. identify, monitor and report on risks to academic quality, including risks to compliance with related Threshold Standards under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
  7. and consider and report to Academic Board on any matters referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, the Academic Board or by the Chair, Academic Board.
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Section 2 - Composition

(2) The membership of Academic Standards and Quality Committee is:

  1. Ex officio members:
    1. Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality)
    2. Deputy Chair (Teaching and Learning), Academic Board
    3. Chair, Teaching and Assessment Committee
    4. Executive Director, Global (or nominee)
    5. Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning (or nominee)
    6. Director, Business Intelligence and Quality (or nominee)
    7. Vice President (Students) and Registrar (or nominee)
  2. Appointed members:
    1. Two academic staff members, at least one of which must be a Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) (appointed by the Chair) 
    2. One coursework student (appointed by the Chair).