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Section 1 - Purpose
(1) The Admissions Committee is a subcommittee of Academic Board. It is the principal advisory committee of the Academic Board on issues relating to admission of students into coursework awards. To provide the Academic Board with oversight of admissions standards and processes of the University and its educational partners, the Committee will:
- develop, monitor, review and advise the Academic Board on University Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines on load planning, applications, admissions and pathways for coursework students;
- monitor, review and report to the Academic Board on the University’s admission requirements, including those for English-language and academic proficiency, having regard to factors including, but not limited to, recruitment pathways and student outcomes;
- monitor the implementation of recommendations in relation to admission, arising from internal or external reviews;
- review and monitor the delegations for admission decisions, and associated credit/Recognition of Prior Learning decisions, across the University and its partners;
- identify, monitor, and report to the Academic Board on risks to the University’s compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 or the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, its visa risk rating or its reputation, resulting from its admission processes;
- provide advice and recommendations to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) on the equivalence of senior secondary study, English language test scores, courses, qualifications and professional experience that the University accepts as meeting its English language proficiency requirements;
- make recommendations to Academic Board and the Vice Chancellor on articulation or entry agreements signed between the University and other education institutions;
- monitor and report to Academic Board on any waivers made by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) of English language requirements for a particular applicant;
- consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Vice Chancellor, Academic Board or the Chair, Academic Board; and
- make a standing report to Academic Board at each ordinary meeting.
Top of PageSection 2 - Composition
(2) The membership of the Admissions Committee is:
- Chair: Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality);
- One Executive Dean (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
- Lecturer (Level B) or Senior Lecturer (Level C) academic staff member (appointed by the Chair, Academic Board for a two-year term commencing on the date of the first meeting after their appointment);
- Chair, Accreditation Committee;
- Chief International Officer (or nominee);
- Director, Student Administration Services (or nominee);
- Director, Business Intelligence and Quality;
- Dean, SCU College.
(3) The Committee may co-opt such other persons to its membership as it determines from time to time.