(1) These Procedures set out the processes for developing Articulation Arrangements and specify the relevant decision-makers. (2) These Procedures apply to all: (3) These Procedures are intended for Recognition of Prior Learning arrangements which are related to either the special admission of students or the granting of credit based on formal learning for existing Southern Cross courses in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. (4) These Procedures do not apply to transnational and joint degree arrangements which involve full or partial offshore delivery of Southern Cross course components and/or the joint development and approval of curriculum for a single joint award which must be approved in accordance with the standard course approval process. (5) The definitions set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy apply to these Procedures, including: (6) These Procedures require actions by the following: (7) The Proposer is responsible for: (8) The Project Coordinator – Articulation and Pathways will forward the draft proposal to the Course Coordinator to further develop the Articulation Arrangement: (9) The Course Coordinator will return the completed Articulation Arrangement proposal with supporting evidence to the Project Coordinator – Articulation and Pathways who is responsible for assessing the completeness of the proposal and submitting to the relevant Associate Dean (Education) for formal approval. (10) Articulation Arrangements are approved in accordance with the principles set out in the: (11) Associate Deans (Education) are responsible for assessing the proposed Articulation Arrangement’s alignment with University’s strategic aims and the principles above and determining whether to: (12) Decision-making should be timely, efficient, auditable and based on maximising the Credit available to students without compromising the integrity of the course. (13) Decision-makers should ensure that students are equipped to succeed in the remainder of their Southern Cross course of study. (14) The Project Coordinator – Articulations and Pathways is responsible for: (15) Course Coordinators are responsible for: (16) The Project Coordinator – Articulations and Pathways must be informed of any proposed changes to an existing Articulation Arrangement so that the changes can be implemented and documented and key stakeholders (internal and externa) notified. (17) According to the terms of the agreement, partner institutions will advise the University of any curriculum changes which have a bearing on established Articulation Arrangements. The Project Coordinator – Articulations and Pathways is responsible for coordinating required actions and notifying stakeholders of changes. (18) The Project Coordinator – Articulation and Pathways will notify Course Coordinators and Associate Deans (Education) six months prior to the expiry of an Articulation Arrangement. (19) Course Coordinators are responsible for reviewing the Articulation Arrangements and: (20) The Project Coordinator – Articulations and Pathways reports to Admissions Committee on new, revised, expired and terminated Articulation Arrangements. (21) The Office of Business Intelligence and Quality conducts periodic reviews on decisions to award Credit as part of an Articulation Arrangement. (22) Approved Articulation Arrangements are recorded on the RPL Credit Database maintained by Student Administration Services. (23) All records relating to Articulation Arrangements are held in accordance with the University’s Records Management Policy and supporting Procedures. Development of Articulation and Related Credit Arrangements Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Responsibilities and Required Actions
Part A - Developing an Articulation Arrangement
Approval of Articulation Arrangements
Part B - Post Approval of Articulation Arrangement
Changes to Curriculum affecting an Articulation Arrangement
Partner Institutions
Reviewing Articulation Arrangements
Reporting and Monitoring
Record Keeping
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