(1) These Procedures outline the responsibility of Southern Cross University researchers to be proactive in the identification and disclosure of conflicts of interests. A framework is provided for the management and recording of any conflicts of interest relevant to research undertaken at the University. (2) These Procedures adopt the principles detailed in the Southern Cross University Research, Quality Standards and Integrity Policy. (3) These Procedures support compliance with Section 4.1 of The Australian Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. (4) These Procedures support compliance of research activities with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, particularly: (5) These Procedures adopt the following: (6) These Procedures should be read together with the following: (7) These Procedures apply to all staff, including adjunct, visiting, emeritus and conjoint academic appointees and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students who carry out research under the auspices of Southern Cross University. (8) The following definitions apply to these Procedures: (9) A conflict of interest relating to research refers to circumstances in which someone’s personal interest/s may conflict with their professional obligation to the research they are involved with. A conflict of interest exists in a situation where an independent observer might reasonably conclude that the professional actions of a University researcher are, or may be unduly influenced by other interests. (10) A conflict of interest may be: (11) It is not possible to document all examples of a conflict of interest. Types of conflicts of interest related to research can be broadly categorised, according to the NHMRC Guide to Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest as follows: (12) The primary obligation for disclosing a conflict of interest rests with the University researcher who has the conflict. This does not preclude third parties from identifying where a conflict of interest may exist and the University requiring a management plan as a result. (13) Having a conflict of interest does not, in itself, imply improper motivation or individual wrong-doing. (14) All University researchers must: (15) A Researcher who believes they have a conflict of interest should promptly and transparently disclose it to an appropriate Associate Dean (Research). (16) The Associate Dean (Research) may consult with office holders including the following to decide whether an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest exists: (17) The Associate Dean (Research) will consider the definition of a conflict of interest as detailed in Clause (9) to Clause (11) in determining whether a conflict exists. (18) If the conflict of interest involves the Associate Dean (Research), the determination will be made by the Executive Dean of the Faculty or College. (19) Any determination concerning research involving or related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities must include consultation with the Dean, Gnibi College. (20) The significance of any financial interest should also be considered when determining a financial conflict of interest including, but not limited to: (21) Once a conflict of interest is identified, appropriate measures must be taken to manage the conflict of interest. (22) Measures should be tailored to the individual circumstances and in line with NHMRC Guide to Disclosure of Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest could include, but are not limited to: (23) Consideration must also be given to the disclosure of interest policies and procedures of any external partners or funding bodies associated with the research. (24) The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC) must consider all applications in light of the record of institutional interests (see Clause 30). (25) As detailed in the HDR Candidate and Supervision Policy a sexual or romantic relationship between a Supervisor and Higher Degree Research Candidate is never appropriate. (26) If a relationship occurs, the Supervisor must disclose it to the Director, Higher Degree Research immediately. (27) The Director, Higher Degree Research must remove the Supervisor from the team and recommend a replacement to the Dean, Graduate School in line with the Higher Degree Research Candidate and Supervisor Policy. (28) Individual researchers must maintain records of any conflicts of interest they have, the details of the disclosure and the management plan in place. (29) The Associate Dean (Research) will provide the Office of the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor with details of any conflicts of interest, their disclosure and the management plan agreed. (30) The Office of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor will maintain a central record of conflicts of interest relevant to research undertaken at Southern Cross University. (31) The central record will include institutional interests that may be perceived to affect the design, review, conduct and dissemination of research carried out at Southern Cross University. Examples of institutional interests include but are not limited to: (32) All records must give appropriate consideration to confidentiality requirements. (33) In the first instance, it is recommended that disputes over the identification or management of a conflict of interest involving SCU researcher/s be dealt with through informal conversations between the individuals involved. (34) If the dispute cannot be resolved informally, the appropriate Associate Dean (Research) will mediate the dispute and make a determination in line with Clause (16) to Clause (20). (35) The individuals involved will be offered support during the dispute resolution process. (36) If a staff member or student involved in a dispute wishes to make a complaint, they can do so by utilising the Southern Cross University Feedback and Complaints Framework. (37) Any disputes involving breaches of the Code should be managed according to Section 8 of these Procedures. (38) As detailed in the Research Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy, the University will provide regular training in Research Integrity that will include disclosure and conflicts of interest in research. (39) Training opportunities will be made available to all researchers including early career researchers and Higher Degree Researchers. (40) Researchers must support a culture of responsible conduct of research by undertaking and promoting education. This includes undertaking mandatory University training and taking advantage of appropriate external training and education. (41) Researchers must follow these Procedures to identify, disclose and manage conflicts of interest, in accordance with The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and Disclosure of interests and management of conflict of interest: A guide supporting the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. (42) Researchers should familiarise themselves with the processes involved in reporting potential breaches of the Code through the Southern Cross University Research Integrity Procedures (Staff) and Higher Degree Researchers (Students). (43) Examples of breaches of the Code that are related to the disclosure and conflicts of interests include, but are not limited to: (44) Concerns about potential breaches of the Code should be discussed in the first instance with an appropriate Research Integrity Advisor (RIA). (45) Formal allegations of breaches of the Code should be addressed through the mechanisms detailed in the Research Integrity Procedures (Staff) and Higher Degree Researchers (Students).Conflicts of Interest relating to Research - Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Types of Conflict of Interest
Top of Page
Section 4 - Identification, Disclosure and Management of Conflicts of Interest
Section 5 - Recording of Conflicts of Interest
Section 6 - Resolution of Disputes
Section 7 - Training
Section 8 - Breaches of the Code
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