(1) This Procedure gives effect to the University’s International Education Agent Management Policy, in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. It outlines the process for: (2) This Procedure applies to all University staff, the University’s controlled entities, the University’s educational partners, contractors, Master Agents and Agents who recruit international students on the University’s behalf. (3) For the purposes of this Procedure, the following definitions apply: (4) All prospective agents must complete a Prospective SCU Agent Application, provide all supporting documentation, and understand the selection and vetting process. (5) The University will not contract an agent if it detects, or reasonably suspects, that the agent has: (6) The University reserves the right not to re-contract any agent who was previously terminated by Southern Cross Global, SCU Ventures or The Hotel School for major breaches as described in Part D – Compliance Monitoring and Corrective Action. (7) Each Agent approved by the University will agree and digitally sign an Agent Agreement which lays out the conditions, responsibilities, and obligations of the contracted Agent. (8) The scope of these conditions, responsibilities and obligations extend to the agent's employees. (9) Agents will be appointed through the Education Agent Appointment Process, which outlines the activities and the responsible parties for each step. (10) All appointed Agents will receive training over each calendar year from University staff. (11) The training requirements are in place to inculcate ethical student recruitment practices amongst University Agents and to confirm adherence to all relevant legislative standards. (12) Required training and review steps, specific activities and the responsible parties are set out in the Education Agent Training Process. (13) SC Global and SCUV actively monitor and review the performance of all appointed Agents throughout the year to ensure professional behaviour and positive recruitment outcomes. (14) Monitoring and review components will include: (15) Agent reviews will be undertaken through the Education Agent Compliance and Performance Review Process, which outlines the activities and the responsible parties for each step. (16) The University certifies the quality of its agents by providing appropriate training and monitoring its agents' practices and performance. (17) If the University identifies any alleged breach by its Agent, it will investigate such violations accordingly and determine the validity and seriousness of the alleged breach. This investigation process is set out in the Education Agent Corrective Action Process. (18) Notwithstanding the corrective actions that the University may take with its Agents, SCG and SCUV will utilise all matters of concern arising from the training, monitoring and quality assurance processes to improve future agent training activities. (19) The University may decide to end an Agent Agreement in the following situations: (20) When non-renewal or termination of an Agent Agreement has been decided, the Education Agent Non-Renewal and Termination Process is implemented. (21) Agents will be required to declare and attest that no actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest exists at the following times: (22) Where a conflict of interest is identified, the Executive Director, Global will be notified and the conflict of interest will be recorded against the agent’s record in the relevant agent management system. (23) Master Agent Agreements are developed by Southern Cross Global, in consultation with SCU Legal Office and approved in accordance with Schedule A, Delegation Rule. (24) SC Global undertakes the training and monitoring of the Master Agents in accordance with the requirements of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. SC Global is responsible for monitoring Master Agent Agreements and assessing their compliance with the National Code and other relevant regulatory requirements. (25) The Manager, Education Collaborations will deliver onboarding training within 30 days of a Master Agent Agreement being executed by both parties. (26) Onboarding training includes but is not limited to, the Master Agent’s obligations under the ESOS Act for managing their Sub-Agents in the recruitment of international students, representation and promotion in market, and key contact points in the University. (27) The training and information sharing is conveyed through: (28) The Master Agent Compliance and Performance Reviews are completed annually, normally in May for the prior calendar year and include: (29) The Manager Global Operations and Compliance compiles the data for the KPIs and submits this to the Executive Director, Global. (30) The Executive Director, Global considers the data, together with other relevant review elements which may include: (31) The Executive Director, Global notifies, by email, the Master Agent of the formal outcome of the annual review and advises whether there are issues to be addressed. (32) The Master Agent has 30 days to reply to any issues raised. (33) The University monitors the Master Agents by: (34) Breaches or suspected breaches of the Agreement or legislation detected through the monitoring process by any University staff member outside of the annual review, must be reported to the Executive Director, Global for investigation. (35) If the breach appears valid the Executive Director, Global will notify the Master Agent in writing of the possible breach and seek further information or explanation. (36) In determining whether a breach has occurred, the Executive Director, Global will consider: (37) Once the breach has been assessed and determined, the Master Agent will be advised by the Executive Director, Global of the outcome, including any corrective actions required. These actions can include: (38) The final decision regarding non-renewal or termination of the Master Agent Agreement is made by the Vice-Chancellor. (39) The Master Agent will be considered for non-renewal or termination under the following conditions:International Education Agent Management Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Main Campus Procedures
Part A - Appointment
Part B - Training
Part C - Compliance and Performance Reviews
Part D - Compliance Monitoring and Corrective Action
Part E - Non-renewal and Termination
Part F - Conflict of Interest
Top of PageSection 4 - Master Agent Agreement
Part A – Master Agent Agreement
Part B – Master Agent Training
Part C – Master Agent Compliance and Performance Reviews
Part D – Master Agent Compliance Monitoring and Management
Part E – Master Agent Non-Renewal or Termination
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