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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The University is committed to respecting and promoting equal opportunity, cultural inclusion, safety and security and an environment which is free from harassment and discrimination.

(2) This Policy provides the framework guiding the University across the principles of equal opportunity in the workplace, in compliance with relevant federal and state legislation and in recognition of the value that a diverse workplace brings to the University.


(3) This policy applies across all areas of the University.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(4) Equal Opportunity (EO) means that all people regardless of race; colour; sex; sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status; pregnancy; age; marital status; physical or mental disability; family or carers' responsibilities; religion; political opinion; national extraction; social origin; and or any other attribute defined in state or federal legislation have the right to be given equal and fair consideration for a position or other position related benefits such as staff training and development.

(5) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) aims to redress past disadvantage by improving employment access and participation for EEO groups.

(6) The specific equity groups for employment are:

  1. Women;
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples;
  3. People from non-English speaking backgrounds; and
  4. People with disabilities.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(7) The University is committed to a workplace free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and expects all employees to adhere to its related policies and procedures, including:

  1. Code of Conduct
  2. Complaint Policy — Staff (and associated Procedures)
  3. Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention Policy
  4. Personal Relationships Policy
  5. Recruitment and Selection Policy

(8) Each staff member is expected to be aware of equal employment opportunity principles and to ensure that they adhere to them.

(9) Managers and senior staff are:

  1. responsible for ensuring that the principles, practices, programs and training aimed at promoting equal opportunity are implemented across their work-units, including completion of the relevant EEO modules by their staff; and
  2. required to work co-operatively with work-units (such as the Equity and Diversity Office and HR Services) whose task it is to devise, develop and implement measures to meet Legislative requirements.

(10) Complaints about breaches of the Policy will be dealt with in accordance with the Complaint Policy — Staff and the associated Procedures.

(11) Complaints may also be made externally to the Australian Human Rights Commission, the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, the Queensland Human Rights Commission or to the federal Fair Work Ombudsman.