(1) This policy defines the conditions and arrangements under which an Adjunct, Visiting or Conjoint Appointment may be made to the University. (2) The purpose of adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointments is to strengthen the University's teaching, research or professional activities and to foster co-operative arrangements between the University and other members of national and international academic, business, professional and cultural communities. (3) The provisions of this policy apply across all areas of the University. Employees of the University will not be considered for appointment under the terms of this policy. (4) Adjunct appointments will be made to persons of standing in their profession or field of expertise whose association with the University will contribute to the University's teaching, research or professional activities. (5) Visiting appointments will be made to persons who are staff members of another university or equivalent institution, who spend time at the University contributing to the University's teaching, research and professional activities. (6) Conjoint appointments will be made to persons who are staff members of another agency or professional organisation or other university who possess specialist professional expertise and knowledge which the University wishes to access. (7) There are five categories of adjunct appointment: (8) Adjunct Professors would normally be outstanding leaders in their field and persons of distinction and high achievement. They should possess academic or professional qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected of a member of the University's Professoriate. (9) Adjunct Associate Professors would normally be leaders in their field and should possess academic or professional qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected of a University employee at this level. (10) Adjunct Senior Lecturers would normally be senior persons in their field and should possess academic or professional qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected of a University employee at this level. (11) Adjunct Lecturers would normally possess academic or professional qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected of a University employee at this level. (12) Adjunct Fellows/Adjunct Professional Fellows would normally possess academic or professional qualifications and expertise that would benefit the operations of the University, including its teaching, research or professional activities. (13) When nominating an adjunct appointment consideration should be given to: (14) There are three categories of visiting appointment: (15) A Distinguished Visiting Professor should hold a professorial appointment at another tertiary institution and have achieved an international reputation in their discipline or be a distinguished person who is a prominent expert in their field. Normally, a distinguished visiting professor would carry out teaching, research or other academic work during a period of time at the University. (16) A Visiting Professor must hold a professorial appointment at another tertiary institution or have equivalent standing in the public or private sector and would normally carry out teaching, research or other academic work during a period of time at the University. (17) A Visiting Fellow would normally possess appropriate qualifications and professional expertise commensurate with those expected of academic or professional staff at the University and would normally carry out teaching, research or other academic or professional work during a period of time at the University. (18) There are three categories of conjoint appointment: (19) A conjoint appointee operates in an honorary capacity and is not a staff member of the University. (20) A conjoint appointee will have responsibilities to the University and to the organisation of which they are a staff member. (21) Conjoint appointments are negotiated on a case by case basis with the prime objective of advancing the strategic objectives of both organisations. When nominating a conjoint appointment consideration should be given to: (22) Adjunct and visiting appointees may be asked to: (23) Adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointees will normally be appointed for a defined period not exceeding five years. (24) For all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial occasions, adjunct and visiting staff will be regarded as academic or professional staff members of the relevant academic unit and the University, but shall not be eligible to be members of the Academic Board or its subcommittees. (25) When used in any documentation, such as business cards, correspondence and publications, the full title of Adjunct, Visiting and Conjoint Appointees (Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Professional Fellow, Visiting Professor or Visiting Fellow, Conjoint Professor, etc.) must be used in its entirety so it is clear that the appointment is of an adjunct, visiting or conjoint nature. (26) Adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointments are without remuneration. However, should the University wish to avail itself of the specialist services of an adjunct or visiting appointee, an appropriate fee for service may be negotiated. (27) Adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointments may be terminated by either party with one month's written notice. (28) Adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointees will be expected to maintain the highest ethical standards when representing the University and will be bound by the University's Code of Conduct. Breaches of this may result in the withdrawal of the appointment. (29) Adjunct, visiting and conjoint appointees are required to refer any media requests to the Director, Customer Experience, Marketing and Digital in the first instance.Adjunct, Visiting and Conjoint Appointments Policy
Section 1 - Policy Statement
Part A - Policy Declaration
Part B - Policy Description
Part C - Content and Implementation
Types of Appointment
Adjunct Appointments
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Adjunct Lecturer
Adjunct Fellow/Adjunct Professional Fellow
Criteria for Adjunct Appointments
Visiting Appointments
Distinguished Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Fellow
Conjoint Appointments
Criteria for Conjoint Appointments
Role of Adjunct, Visiting and Conjoint Appointees
Terms of Appointment
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