(1) This Policy establishes principles and processes to ensure compliance for international onshore students with the requirements of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and Standards 8, 9 and 10 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (the National Code 2018). It seeks to ensure that international onshore students complete their studies within the expected duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (COE), and that timely intervention strategies are implemented for students identified as being at risk of not making satisfactory course progress. (2) This Policy applies to international onshore students. (3) For the purposes of this policy: (4) This policy aims to ensure that the University's framework for monitoring course progress and the procedures used to ensure that international onshore students complete their studies within the expected duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) are compliant with the requirements of Standard 8 and 9 of the National Code 2018. This policy recognises that the University must only grant an extension to the duration of a student's study in the limited circumstances listed in Standard 8 of the National Code 2018. (5) International onshore students must enrol in: (6) International onshore students who wish to vary their enrolment must apply and meet conditions as set out in Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures – International Students. (7) If a student fails to enrol in at least one face-to-face unit in any Compulsory Teaching Period, they may be deemed to have notified the University of their cessation of studies, as set out in Part C of the Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures – International Students. This will be reported on PRISMS and their CoE will be cancelled, which may result in their visa being cancelled. (8) If it is determined that a student has not enrolled in sufficient units to complete their course within the expected duration, an International Student Adviser (ISA) will notify the student in writing that they must increase their unit enrolment in a future teaching period. (9) Failure to enrol in increased load as directed under clause (8) will be grounds for refusal by the University to extend course duration through the issuing of a new COE. (10) Students must make up for failed units by proportionally increasing their enrolment load in future non-compulsory teaching periods at the University or by cross-institutional study. (11) Subject to clause (13), international onshore students must complete their studies within the expected duration specified in their Confirmation of Enrolment (COE). (12) Extensions to a student's course duration through the issuing of a new COE are only permitted in the following limited circumstances: (13) A Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) Extension Request must be received by the Executive Director, Global , or authorised nominee, 20 working days prior to the end date of the current COE. (14) The University is under no obligation to consider issuing a student a new COE unless the student has clearly requested such an extension in writing. (15) The University may request further information from the student. (16) Where the University approves a COE Extension Request, the Executive Director, Global, or authorised nominee, will notify the student, create the new COE in Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) and provide a copy to the student. (17) The University will advise international onshore students to contact the Department of Home Affairs to seek advice on any potential impacts on their visa, including the need to obtain a new visa. (18) Where the University refuses a COE Extension Request, the Executive Director, Global, or authorised nominee, will provide written advice to the student of the grounds for the refusal, and notify the student of the right to appeal and how to activate the appeals process. (19) An international onshore student cannot study more than one third of their total course by Online Learning and in every Compulsory Teaching Period there must be at least one unit that is not delivered by Online Learning. (20) The limit to Online Learning applies only to onshore student visa holders. If a student returns to their home country and their COE is cancelled then they can enrol in Online Learning units. (21) Units studied Online in non-compulsory teaching periods are counted for the purposes of the "one-third" limit (clause (20)). (22) If a student is in the final study period of a course, with only one subject to complete the course, the student may study this unit via Online Learning. (23) International onshore students must enrol in at least one face-to-face unit in any compulsory teaching periods. (24) Students who complete their studies early as a result of overload enrolment or units studied in non-compulsory study periods will be reported to Department of Home Affairs through PRISMS as having completed their studies, within 30 days after the release of final grades. (25) As per Standard 8 of the National Code 2018, the University will systematically monitor student's course progress, and proactively notify and counsel international onshore students who are at risk of failing to meet their course progress requirements. (26) Subject to Part D - of this Policy, the University will report international onshore students, under section 19 of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, who have breached their course progress requirements. Students will be made aware, by the Southern Cross Global, of the consequences they face if they do not maintain satisfactory course progress and what effect this may have on their student visa. (27) Rule 2 and Rule 3 of the University's Rules Relating to Awards shall apply to the determination of unsatisfactory course progress of international onshore students. (28) Any student with unsatisfactory course progress must be advised: (29) An intervention strategy must be designed, documented and activated for each student assessed as at risk of unsatisfactory course progress in accordance with clause (31) - (34). (30) A student who has failed one unit in any study period will be: (31) The University must implement an intervention strategy for any international onshore student who in any study period has: (32) The Intervention Strategy must be: (33) For the purposes of clause (33)a, an intervention strategy will be deemed 'activated' when a written notification is sent to the student and: (34) Subject to clause (36), an international onshore student may only be reported for Unsatisfactory Course Progress on PRISMS after: (35) The suspension or cancellation could take effect before the internal appeals process is completed, if the overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk. (36) Where the allegation of Unsatisfactory Course Progress is the subject of an appeal, an international onshore student may only be reported for Unsatisfactory Course Progress on PRISMS after: (37) If a student’s enrolment is deferred, suspended or cancelled for unsatisfactory course progress, the student will be advised to seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact to their student visa. (38) When reporting a student on PRISMS, all SCU staff must follow the procedures contained in the PRISMS User Guide. (39) See the Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Procedures.Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Part A - Completing Studies within the Expected Duration
Maintaining Enrolment Load for Visa Compliance
Failure to Enrol in a Full Time Load
Increased Load to Account for Failed Units
Extensions of Course Duration
Online or Distance Learning Enrolment
Accelerated Progress
Part B - Monitoring Course Progress
Part C - Managing Unsatisfactory Course Progress
Intervention Strategies
Part D - Reporting
Reporting in Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) for Unsatisfactory Course Progress.
Section 4 - Procedures
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