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Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 3 - Coursework Awards - Student Assessment and Examinations

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Section 1 - Definitions

(1) For the purposes of this Rule, the following definitions apply:

  1. Census Date means the date prescribed by the University in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 after which a student's enrolment is taken to be finalised. This date will be published on the University's website for each teaching period. Students who withdraw from a unit after Census Date will incur a financial penalty and may incur an academic penalty.
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Section 2 - Assessment Information in Unit Outlines

(2) The Unit Outline shall normally include at least the following information about student assessment:

  1. a description of each assessment task, including information such as length and format;
  2. the relation of each assessment task to the Unit Learning Outcomes;
  3. the weighting of each assessment task towards the final grade;
  4. whether a pass in the unit requires an overall mark of 50 per cent, or whether there are components of the assessment which must be completed at a specified level for the unit to be completed satisfactorily;
  5. identification of any assessment task that must be completed to pass the unit but which does not count towards the final grade;
  6. due dates for submission or completion of each assessment task and penalties which may be applied for late submission;
  7. the mode of grading [that is, whether graded or ungraded - see clause (60)];
  8. a statement noting the relationship between assessment and desired Graduate Attributes.
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Section 3 - Assessment Provision for Students with Disabilities

(3) Assessment tasks may be varied to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who wish to seek variations to assessment tasks should contact Student Equity and Inclusion for advice on how to seek adjustments or additional support. 

(4) Adjustments are made in accordance with the Student Academic Experience Policy and Support for Students with Additional Requirements Schedule and Procedures. Once variations to assessment tasks or requirements for a student with a disability are determined, these variations shall be available throughout the period of enrolment unless there are specific and relevant changes in circumstances. 

(5) The onus is on the student with disability to seek support in a timely manner. 

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Section 4 - Special Consideration

Grounds for Special Consideration

(6) Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds:

  1. health (including impacts of religious fasting);
  2. compassionate circumstances;
  3. significant religious observances, celebrations or events;
  4. serious unforeseen personal events;
  5. selection in State, national or international sporting or performance events;
  6. rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves;
  7. conducting Community Engaged Learning activities. 

(7) Onshore international students must have a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for a University course which remains valid for the period of the request.

(8) For consideration on health grounds, the following information in relation to a student's condition shall be required from a registered relevant health practitioner:

  1. the date or dates on which the student was examined; and
  2. a statement of the dates the student was impacted.

(9) For consideration on grounds of compassionate circumstances or serious unforeseen personal events, a student shall provide factual details of the circumstances or events, together with such corroborative evidence as may support the student's application. In this context "serious unforeseen personal events" refer normally to events which are outside the student's control to prevent or overcome.

(10) For consideration on grounds of selection in state, national or international sporting or performance events, or significant religious observances, celebrations or events, a student shall provide a statement signed by an authorised officer of the appropriate organisation which validates that the date/s of the commitment corresponds with the date/s for which special consideration is requested.

(11) For consideration on grounds of rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity, or rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves, a student shall provide a statement signed by an authorised officer of the appropriate organisation which details the nature of the service rendered, and validates that the date/s of the commitment corresponds with the date/s for which consideration is requested. 

(12) In the event that a student deliberately submits false or misleading information or documentation, the request for special consideration will be rejected and the student may be subject to the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules

(13) Misreading the advised due date for any assessment task including misreading the exam timetable, as officially advised by the University, is not grounds for special consideration. Official advice only includes information provided in Unit Outlines, on University websites and formal written correspondence.

Determining Requests for Special Consideration 

(14) All requests for special consideration will be assessed by staff authorised by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) in accordance with this Rule as well as the timelines and thresholds in the Special Consideration Matrix determined and maintained by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality). 

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Section 5 - Types of Special Consideration

Request for Extensions of Assessment Tasks

(15) Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates.

(16) No more than two requests for a single assessment task will be considered, unless extenuating circumstances apply as approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality), or authorised nominee. 

(17) Requests to extend the due date of an assessment task on the grounds of:

  1. selection in state, national or international sporting or performance events, or significant religious observances, celebrations or events, must be submitted one month prior to the event taking place.
  2. health, compassionate circumstances, serious unforeseen personal events, rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity, or rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves, must be submitted as soon as possible before the due date of the assessment.

(18) If an extension is granted beyond the due date of the finalisation of grades for the teaching period, the student shall receive an interim grade of Incomplete.

Request for Special Consideration for an end-of-unit examination

(19) Students wishing to request special Consideration in relation to an end-of-unit examination that has not yet occurred must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to start time of the examination, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates.

(20) Where a student has been granted a special examination, an interim grade of Incomplete or Special Examination, as relevant, shall be entered on the student’s record.

Request for Special Consideration for a completed assessment task

(21) Students wishing to request Special Consideration for a completed assessment task, including an end-of-unit examination may submit a Request for Special Consideration no later than two working days after the due date of the assessment task or the scheduled date of the examination along with accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. 


(22) Students will normally be notified of the outcome of the request within five working days. 

(23) The Unit Assessor will be notified when a student is granted special consideration. 

(24) The Course Coordinator will be notified when a student is granted special consideration for more than one unit concurrently. 

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Section 6 - Assessment Resubmission

(25) The University allows one single resubmission of a failed assessment task per unit in the following limited circumstances:

  1. The assessment task is:
    1. not the final assessment task, or final examination, in the unit;
    2. pertains to a graded 1000 level undergraduate or a 5000 level postgraduate coursework unit; and
    3. is worth 20% or more of the available marks in the unit; and
  2. The student has:
    1. meaningfully attempted the assessment (that is, has made a tangible and genuine attempt to address the requirements of the assessment activity), but achieved a Fail mark; and
    2. submitted the assessment by the due date (either the original due date or an extended due date granted in accordance with Section 5 - Special Consideration)
    3. not received definitive answer guides or exemplars as part of the feedback.

(26) Group assessment activities may be resubmitted by the whole or part of the group responsible for the original submission. A revised grade will be awarded only to those students contributing to the resubmission.

(27) Assessment resubmission is not normally allowed in the following circumstances, and may only be granted at the discretion of the relevant Associate Dean (Education):

  1. internship units;
  2. work-integrated learning (WIL) assessment tasks (e.g. work-based, industry-based or practice-based assessment tasks such as placements, simulations, or projects);
  3. honours projects, major research projects or dissertations;
  4. assessment with externally imposed limitations (e.g. external professional accreditation); and  
  5. units with workload and resource constraints.

Process to resubmit an assessment item

(28) Students intending to resubmit an assessment item must email the Unit Assessor via the Intention to Resubmit an Assessment form within 48 hours of receiving the Fail mark for the original submission.

(29) The maximum due date for resubmission will be 4 consecutive days after the return of the original failed submission, unless otherwise approved by the Unit Assessor.

(30) Students must submit their assessment as per the original submission details and task description outlined in the Unit Outline, and upload via Turnitin where required.

(31) The resubmitted item will be marked against the original assessment criteria and rubrics, and in line with the University’s Academic Integrity Guidelines.

(32) In accordance with the Assessment, Teaching and Learning Procedures, resubmitted assessment tasks submitted on time will be returned to students within 7 days of submission.

(33) The maximum grade obtainable for a resubmitted assessment item is a Pass.

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Section 7 - Examinations

(34) Examinations will be managed in accordance with the Assessment Teaching and Learning Policy and associated Procedures. 

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Section 8 - Grading Categories

(35) The assessment mode for a unit may be either graded or ungraded, as specified in the Unit Outline.

(36) A student who satisfactorily completes a graded unit shall be awarded a grade of High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Pass.

(37) A student who satisfactorily completes an ungraded unit shall be given a grade of Satisfied Requirements.

(38) A student who does not satisfactorily complete either a graded or an ungraded unit shall be given the grade of Fail or the interim grade of Incomplete, Not Available or Special Examination.

(39) A student who submits no assessment items and who is deemed to have abandoned studies shall be given the grade of Absent Fail.

(40) For year-long units, the grade applicable in the first teaching period shall be Continuing Unit. The grade applicable in the second teaching period shall be as specified in clause (27) to (30).

(41) For Thesis/Project units, the grade at the end of each teaching period, until such time as the unit is successfully completed, is Continuing Unit. Upon completion of the assessment process, an appropriate grade will be entered on the student's record.

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Section 9 - Use of Interim Grades of "Incomplete", "Not Available" Resit, and "Special Examination"

(42) Incomplete may be used:

  1. where the Unit Assessor requires further evidence to award a grade;
  2. where special consideration has been awarded and where an extension has been granted beyond the due date of finalisation of grades (refer to clause (18)).

(43) Not Available may be used either where a student has completed a practicum but the report has not been returned to the Unit Assessor from the school, hospital or supervisor, or where the student has submitted or completed all assessment tasks but a grade has not been determined in time for the submission of final grades.

(44) Special Examination may be used where a student has been awarded a special examination.

(45) The Resit grade will be used where a student has been granted approval to resit an examination in designated unit/s which are determined by Faculty Boards.

(46) An Incomplete or Not Available shall be converted to a final grade as soon as possible, and by no later than the end of the next teaching period.  Notwithstanding clause (36), if the interim grade is not converted by that time, a Fail shall be recorded.

(47) If the special consideration extension is granted beyond the time frame outlined in clause (37), Associate Dean (Education) approval is required to extend the interim grade. The interim grade shall be converted to a final grade within 12 months of the final day of the teaching period in which the student was enrolled in the unit.

(48) In any one teaching period, any International student holding a valid Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) who receives an incomplete grade or a special exam will be deemed to be at risk under the Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study Policy.

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Section 10 - Use of Other Grades

(49) A student who withdraws from a unit after the Census Date will have a grade as specified in Section 6 (Withdrawing from Units) of the Rules Relating to Awards - Rule 2 - Coursework Awards - General Provisions.

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Section 11 - Graded Percentages, Distribution and Codes

(50) The following scale of equivalence of grades to percentage marks shall normally apply:

Grade Marks
High Distinction 85 and above
Distinction 75—84
Credit 65—74
Pass 50—64
Fail Below 50

(51) In determining the final grades for students in a unit, an Associate Dean (Education) may seek an explanation from the Unit Assessor regarding the grade distribution for the unit.

(52) The following grade codes apply:

Grade Description Grade Code
High Distinction HD
Distinction D
Credit C
Pass P
Fail F
Absent Fail AF
Satisfied Requirements SR
Incomplete I
Not Available NA
Resit R
Special Examination SE
Continuing Unit KU
Withdrawn W
Withdrawn with Fail WF
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Section 12 - Grade Point Average

(53) The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a simple numerical index which summarises a student's academic performance in a course in a single teaching period or over the duration of the student's enrolment in the course. The GPA is recorded on a student's Statement of Academic Record/Transcript and Notification of Assessment. The GPA is calculated as:

Sum of (Grade Point x Credit Points) / Sum of (Credit Points)

(54) Grade points are assigned to graded units where High Distinction = 7, Distinction = 6, Credit = 5, Pass = 4, Fail = 0, Absent Fail = 0 and Withdrawn Fail = 0.

(55) Grades not identified above and advanced standing are not included in grade point average calculations.

(56) Credit value is the number of points awarded for the completion of a study package.

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Section 13 - Determining Final Grades

(57) Final grades will be determined and released in accordance with the Grade Release and Quality Assurance Procedures.  

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Section 14 - Student Query of Assessment Results other than Final Grades

(58) Where a student considers that the assessed work for an individual assessment task has been unfairly or inappropriately assessed, the student or nominee shall follow the process below, taking step (a) normally within five (5) working days of notification of the result in that assessment task:

  1. contact the Unit Assessor to discuss the matter;
  2. if dissatisfied with the result of the discussion in (a) above, contact the Course Coordinator for further discussion.
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Section 15 - Query of Final Grade

(59) A student may query the grade awarded for any unit within five working days of the grade publication by contacting the relevant Associate Dean (Education) in writing. 

(60) The Associate Dean (Education) will notify the student of their determination within five working days of receipt of the query. 

(61) If as a result of the query, the Associate Dean (Education) determines to vary the grade, they will formally notify the student and Director, Student Administration Services of that outcome.  

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Section 16 - Appeal Against a Final Grade

(62) A student, other than a student appealing a Fail grade due to termination of Work Integrated Learning, who is not satisfied with the determination of the Associate Dean (Education)  under Section 15 - , may appeal to the Academic Board Appeals Committee on one or more of the following ground. A student appealing a Fail grade due to termination of Work Integrated Learning is restricted to the grounds set out in the Work Integrated Learning Procedures

  1. improper action in the conduct of an assessment task or Honours examination process;
  2. irregularity in the conduct of an assessment task or Honours examination process;
  3. negligence on the part of any person involved in the conduct of the assessment task or Honours examination process;
  4. discrimination against the student which is unlawful under State or Federal legislation;
  5. prejudice or bias on the part of the assessor or any other person involved in determining the grade to be awarded;
  6. the assessment or the assessment process as detailed in the Unit Outline or in the study guide or, similar document, or any subsequent amendment made in accordance with the Assessment Procedures, not being followed;
  7. where additional evidence for special consideration can be provided, or where procedures for consideration of an application for special consideration were not properly followed.

(63) An appeal made under this Rule shall be lodged with the Secretary, Academic Board Appeals Committee, within five working days of the date of sending of formal notification of the Associate Dean (Education) determination. A late appeal may be received at the discretion of the Chair, Academic Board Appeals Committee where the student is able to satisfy the Chair that the appeal is lodged late through no fault of the student.

(64) The appeal will be assessed in accordance with the Academic Board Appeals Committee's Procedures.

(65) The decision of the Chair, Academic Board Appeals Committee whether or not to proceed to a hearing by the Academic Board Appeals Committee shall be final within the University.

(66) An appeal cannot be made on the basis of the absence of one or more items specified in clause (2) from a Unit Outline.

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Section 17 - Additional Detail on Student Performance

(67) After the final grades in a unit have been released, a student may request the Unit Assessor to provide more detail concerning the student's performance. Any such request made within six months of the release of the relevant grade shall be complied with by the relevant Unit Assessor.

(68) After a period of six months following the release of the final grades in a unit, any piece of work related to assessment tasks for that unit, including examination scripts, which have not previously been returned to students may be destroyed and details on performance need not be provided.

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Section 18 - Academic Integrity

(69) Academic integrity is an accepted foundation of excellence in ethical scholarship. Courses and units of study and assessment tasks are designed to educate student in ethical values and the meaning and practice of academic integrity.

(70) The Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules provide the framework for dealing with academic misconduct when it occurs and the fair, reasonable and consistent application of penalties for such misconduct.

(71) All staff are expected to be aware of the values and practice of Academic Integrity, to provide students with a solid foundation in how to practice academic integrity, to take a fair and consistent approach where academic misconduct is suspected or found and to comply with the Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules in referring academic misconduct allegations.

(72) All commencing students, with the exception of those admitted to an ELICOS or Enabling Program, must complete an academic integrity module within their first teaching period. If a student has not successfully completed the academic integrity module before the date on which grades are released at the conclusion of the first teaching period in which the student attempts a unit the following sanctions may be imposed until such time as the module has been successfully completed:

  1. the student’s final grades for that, and future, teaching periods will be withheld; and 
  2. the student may not be permitted to enrol in subsequent teaching periods. 

(73) All students are expected to practice academic integrity and to be aware of and comply with the Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules along with all other relevant Rules, Policies, Procedures and the Code of Conduct.

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Section 19 - Academic Misconduct

(74) Refer to the Rules - Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules.