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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
(1) This Policy establishes the framework for the University to:
- manage emergencies and crises affecting the University;
- protect the health, safety and security of staff, students, contractors and visitors in emergencies or crises; and
- support the continuation of, and management of disruption to, the University's business and reputation, caused by an emergency or crisis.
(2) This Policy applies to:
- all staff, students, contractors and visitors to the University; and
- all facilities wholly managed by the University.
(3) Where University staff, students, contractors or visitors are located on the premises of another organisation, the host organisation's emergency procedures apply.
(4) This Policy has been developed with reference to Standards Australia AS 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities and should be read in conjunction with the University’s:
- Business Continuity Management Policy
- Enterprise Risk Management Policy
- Student Critical Incident Management Policy
- Work Health Safety Policy
- Emergency Procedures available on the University's Work Health and Safety webpage.
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
(5) For the purpose of this Policy:
- A Crisis means any situation or circumstance, internally or externally caused, where there is immediate or imminent, risk to the University's business, reputation, or there is a significant risk of serious injury or death to people arising from a situation that involves the University and is beyond the capacity of normal Southern Cross University management structures and processes for effective resolution.
- An Emergency means a Crisis that is within the capacity of normal Southern Cross University management structures and processes for effective resolution.
- An Incident means a situation that is not an Emergency or a Crisis.
Top of PageSection 3 - Content and Priorities
(6) The University takes an all-hazard, whole-of-University approach to emergency and crisis management. This comprehensive approach incorporates prevention/mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery from emergencies and crises.
(7) The University's approach to emergency and crisis management is contained in its Emergency and Crisis Management Framework, which includes:
- This Policy
- Emergency and Crisis Management Plan
- Emergency Procedures
(8) The University's priorities in any Emergency or Crisis are to:
- preserve life and avoid injury;
- preserve the University's brand, assets and operations;
- return to business as usual as soon as practical;
- minimise impact on the local community and environment; and
- support, where possible, local community emergency response.
Top of PageSection 4 - Responsibilities
(9) The Vice President (Operations), in consultation with key stakeholders, is responsible for the:
- ongoing development, review and implementation of this Policy, associated procedures and plans; and
- reviewing the availability and capability of resources, including people, systems and equipment to coordinate a response to an emergency or crisis.