(1) Southern Cross University operates within three legal jurisdictions with respect to the governance of political donations (New South Wales, Queensland and Commonwealth). This Policy therefore draws on the guidance around political donations in each jurisdiction, in order to provide a clear basis for SCU members to advance the University's interests in good faith and in a transparent manner consistent with relevant legal obligations. (2) The purpose of this Policy is to govern the use of Southern Cross University (SCU) funds in relation to political parties and entities. (3) This Policy applies to all staff and Council members' use of SCU funds. It does not apply to staff or Council members when attending politically hosted or aligned events in a private and/or self-funded capacity. (4) Nil. (5) As a public institution, Southern Cross University (SCU) strictly prohibits: (6) SCU prohibits paid attendance at politically aligned events (i.e. fundraisers) except in the following limited circumstances: (7) In the case of (6)a or (6)b, the higher the cost of admission per person, the stronger the assumption will be that paid attendance is not an appropriate use of SCU funds. For this purpose, the monetary amount in the Electoral Act 1992 (QLD) that does not fall within the definition of a "gift" for the purposes of that legislation (See section 201A (4) (a)) is a useful guide for considering whether the paid attendance at the event is an appropriate use of SCU funds and therefore able to be approved pursuant to this Policy. (8) Governance Services will retain Political Event Declaration Forms submitted via authorisations@scu.edu.au in accordance with the Records Management Policy. (9) Nil.Political Donations Policy
Section 1 - Preamble, Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Guidelines
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