(1) This Policy sets out the principles and processes for approving and managing events and the hiring of University facilities for non-core activities. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) Terms used in this Policy are defined as follows: (4) Southern Cross University's facilities are primarily used for activities associated with its core activities of teaching and research. However, to the extent that the University's facilities are not fully utilised for teaching and research, they may be made available for public use, subject to certain conditions. (5) Approval of an event not associated with teaching or research and the hire of University facilities for that event does not constitute endorsement of the event by the University. (6) Any Hirer wanting to hold an Event on University land or using University's facilities must obtain prior approval in accordance with this Policy. The Hirer must comply with the University's booking procedures and provide such information as requested by the University in relation to the conduct of the proposed Event, including information relating to public safety and security issues. (7) Core Activities will be scheduled in accordance with the Timetable Policy. (8) All Non-Core Events must be approved by the Vice President (Operations). (9) Before providing approval for a Non-Core Event, the Vice President (Operations) must consider the risks associated with the Event, including reputational risk factors such as (but not limited to): (10) Where there is the possibility of adverse and extended media coverage as a result of approving or refusing a Non-Core Event, the Vice President (Operations) must consult with the Vice-Chancellor before making a decision under clause (8). (11) Approval to hold a Non-Core Event on University land or using University facilities may be refused where the proposed Event will, or is likely to: (12) In recognition of the University’s object under the Southern Cross University Act 1993 to promote free inquiry and subject to clause (11) above, approval for a Non-Core Event will not be refused solely on the basis of the views likely to be expressed at the Event or the likely content of any proposed speeches. However, the University may place reasonable conditions on the approval. (13) Approval for an external Hirer to hold a Non-Core Event on University land or using University facilities is subject to acceptance of the quote and the University's terms and conditions for the holding of the Event. (14) Non-Core Events will be managed by the Manager, University Events unless the Hirer is notified otherwise by the Manager, University Events or the Vice President (Operations). (15) The Hirer will provide the Manager, University Events with sufficient lead time to allow the University to provide appropriate support for the Event. Where the Manager, University Events is unable to provide appropriate support for an Event due to insufficient lead time, at the discretion of the Manager, University Events: (16) All Events involving alcohol are subject to the University's Drug and Alcohol Policy. (17) Hire fees for internal and external bookings will be set by the Vice President (Operations) and reviewed at least annually. (18) The hire of University facilities to an external Hirer will generally incur a hire fee. (19) The use of University facilities for Non-Core Events by University Students or Staff will generally not incur a hire fee. (20) The hire of University facilities to affiliated student clubs, associations and societies will generally not incur a hire fee. (21) The Vice President (Operations) will determine whether to waive or impose the hire fee. (22) Any direct costs (such as catering, security, IT/AV support and cleaning) associated with an Event held by an external hirer will be on-charged to that Hirer. (23) Where additional direct costs (such as out-of-hours security or IT/AV support) are incurred for an event by an internal hirer, these changes will be on-charged to that Hirer. (24) All marketing and communications for Events must be in accordance with the Advertising and Marketing Policy and the Social Media Policy and Procedures. (25) Nil.Events and Facilities Hire Policy
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Top of PageSection 2 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Hire fees and other costs
Section 4 - Guidelines
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