(1) These Procedures: (2) These Procedures apply to all coursework award courses or pathway programs (including ELICOS) and associated specialisations, majors, minors and units. (3) After consultation with the appropriate Executive Dean or College Dean as set out in the Course and Unit Approval Authorities, the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) approves which courses and specialisations are available for student intake at a particular location and in a particular delivery mode during each intake period. (4) A course or specialisation may only be made available for student intake at a particular location or in a particular delivery mode if: (5) Unless a course or specialisation has an approved availability for student intake, the University will not admit students to the course or specialisation. (6) The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) may determine to suspend all student intake into a course or specialisation after consultation with: (7) If an existing availability of a course or a specialisation for student intake is removed, or all student intake is suspended, the course or specialisation must continue to be delivered to all admitted students in accordance with the provisions of these Procedures and all other policies relating to the University's taught curriculum until: (8) Each course or specialisation will have suitable progressions for each student intake that show the recommended order in which full-time and part-time students should complete units, approved in accordance with the Course and Unit Approval Authorities. (9) Availabilities for student intake and associated progressions of courses and specialisations will normally be approved and published on the University's course web pages on its public website no later than June of the year prior to the corresponding student intake. (10) The information specified in clause (15) of the Student Academic Experience Policy must be published on the University's public website for each course or specialisation as soon as practicable after approval of any changes and will normally be drawn directly from the UCMS or Student Management System as appropriate. (11) The Vice-Chancellor may approve advertising a new course or specialisation to domestic students after approval of a Course Concept Proposal, in accordance with the Curriculum Policy, provided all marketing materials are clear that offering of the course or specialisation remains subject to approval and otherwise comply with the Advertising and Marketing Policy. (12) Changes to the availability of a course or specialisation for student intake may be approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) after publication if there are: (13) Requests for changes to the availability of a course or specialisation for student intake after publication will be made by the Faculty Manager according to the process set by the Course Implementation and Publication team, who will liaise with the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) to seek approval and notify Marketing, the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality, and Southern Cross Global (if appropriate) if changes are approved. (14) If the availability of a course or specialisation for student intake is removed after publication: (15) The content and distribution of communications to students under clause (14)b must be approved by the Vice President (Students) and Registrar, and include: (16) After consultation with the appropriate Executive Dean or College Dean as set out in the Course and Unit Approval Authorities The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) approves the availability of majors and minors for student selection. (17) The availability of majors and minors for student selection may be changed at any time in accordance with clauses (16) and (33). Requests for such changes will be made by the Faculty Manager according to the process set by the Course Implementation and Publication team, who will liaise with the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) to seek approval. (18) The availability of majors and minors for selection by students at particular locations and in particular delivery modes is determined by the setting of availabilities of the units that comprise the major or minor for student enrolment. (19) A major or minor must be available for student selection if completion of the major or minor is required: (20) If the availability of a major or minor for student selection is removed: (21) Details on the University's public website must be updated to reflect any changes to the availability of majors or minors as soon as practicable after approval of any changes. (22) After consultation with the appropriate Executive Dean or College Dean, as set out in the Course and Unit Approval Authorities, the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) approves which units are available for student enrolment at a particular location and in a particular delivery mode during each teaching period. (23) A unit may only be made available for student enrolment at a particular location or in a particular delivery mode if: (24) Student Administration Services will develop a Unit Availability List for each calendar year in consultation with the Course Coordinators and Associate Dean (Education) from each Faculty or College for approval by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation). (25) The availability of units for student enrolment will be set: (26) For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of clause (25)a do not apply to students who do not to follow the appropriate published course progression, are required to repeat units, or are awarded Advanced Standing for specified units in their course. (27) The availability of units for each calendar year, as specified in the approved Unit Availability List, will normally be published on the University's public website no later than September of the year prior to the corresponding student enrolment. (28) Changes to unit availabilities for student enrolment may be approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) after publication of the annual Unit Availability List provided that: (29) Requests for changes to unit availabilities for student enrolment after publication of the annual Unit Availability List will be made by the Faculty Manager according to the process set by the Course Implementation and Publication team, who will liaise with the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) to seek approval. (30) A change to the availability of a unit less than two weeks before the delivery of the unit is due to commence may only be approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) if there are serious unforeseen circumstances beyond the University's control that would prevent effective delivery of the unit and must be reported to the next meeting of the Student Academic Experience Committee. (31) If the availability of a unit for student enrolment is removed after publication of the annual Unit Availability List: (32) The content and distribution of communications to students under clause (31) must be approved by the Vice President (Students) and Registrar, and include: (33) Availabilities of course and specialisations for student intake, and of major, minors and units for student enrolment, are maintained in the Student Management System by Student Administration Services and must be updated as soon as practicable after approval of any changes. (34) Any changes to the locations at which courses and specialisations are available for intake of International Onshore Students must be updated in CRICOS by the Office of Business Intelligence and Quality as soon as practicable after approval.Curriculum Availability Procedures
Section 1 - Purpose and Scope
Section 2 - Procedures
Availability of Courses and Specialisations
Student Intake into a Course or Specialisation
Publication and Advertising of Information on Courses and Specialisations
Changes to the Availability of Courses and Specialisations after Publication
Availability of Majors and Minors
Availability of Units
Approval of Unit Availabilities for Student Enrolment
Setting of Unit Availabilities for Student Enrolment
Publication of Unit Availabilities
Changes to Unit Availabilities for Student Enrolment after Publication
Record Keeping
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