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WHSMP05: First Aid, Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the management of risks associated with first aid, emergency preparedness and response to workplace health and safety (WHS) emergency situations at Southern Cross University (SCU) are appropriately managed and controlled. 

(2) The purpose of this procedure is to ensure Southern Cross University’s management, employees, contractors, students, visitors and others are aware of the risks associated with first aid, emergency preparedness and response in the workplace, management strategies and to provide advice on appropriate controls. 

(3) This procedure is to be considered in conjunction with the SCU Emergency and Crisis Management Policy, SCU Emergency & Crisis Management Plan for Lismore and Gold Coast, the SCU Emergency Management Plan for the National Marine Science Centre as well as any other emergency procedures with another organisation (partnership agreements e.g. Coffs Harbour Education Campus).  

(4) All employees, students and others including both independent contractors and contractors under SCU control are to be made aware of and follow this procedure. 

(5) This Procedure applies to all SCU Work Units and sites. The procedure aligns with WHS legislation in the relevant jurisdictions SCU operates in. 

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Section 2 - Definitions 

First Aid Officers 
Employees appointed and trained to provide first aid assistance in the workplace. 
The incident reporting system used by SCU for documenting incidents, including those involving first aid. 
Infection Control and Standard Precautions 
Guidelines for first aid officers to follow during first aid provision, as outlined in First Aid training. 
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) 
An emergency procedure consisting of chest compressions and breaths to manually preserve brain function until further measures can restore spontaneous blood circulation. 
Incident Report 
A report documenting any incident, particularly those requiring first aid, to be completed and submitted via RiskWare following the WHSMP18 procedure 
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Section 3 - General Principles 

First Aid 

First Aid Officers and Assistance 

(6) First aid officers are appointed and trained to provide first aid assistance in the workplace. Those who are providing first aid should not exceed their training or knowledge and seek assistance as required. 

(7) In case of an emergency, refer to the relevant emergency procedures for the site.  

(8) The primary contact in an emergency should be emergency services (000) followed by campus security. A list of campus first aid officers can be located here. In addition, SCU campus security officers are also trained in providing first aid and may assist and provide first aid as required until emergency services arrive. 

Infection Control  

(9) When providing first aid, first aid officers should follow the Infection Control and Standard Precautions outlined in their first aid training. Should any person be exposed to blood or biological contaminants, an Incident Report should be completed on RiskWare following WHSMP18: Incident Management, Reporting and Investigation Procedure and medical advice sought.  


(10) An ambulance should be called in the event of a medical emergency or when necessary.  

Employees requiring specific medical management  

(11) Employees or students who require a specific response in a medical emergency e.g. asthma, diabetes, heart conditions or severe allergies, should discuss their health conditions with their supervisor and determine an appropriate action plan based on medical advice. 

Types of First Aid Officers  

(12) An SCU employee may be required to receive a first aid training qualification for one of the following reasons:  

  1. Role Requirement: A first aid training qualification is part of the inherent job requirements of a role or position e.g. Technical Officers, Facilities Officers, teaching Academics and other frontline employees. 
  2. Activity Requirement: First aid training is required to support a specific University activity within a faculty e.g. travel tour, or fieldwork.  
  3. University First Aid Officer: First aid officers are appointed by the University to meet the requirements of relevant first aid Codes of Practice. 

First Aid Officer Responsibilities  

(13) The responsibilities of first aid officers are:  

  1. To assist with first aid treatment of injuries or illness during emergency and non-emergency incidents whilst undertaking University activities, both on and off SCU sites.  
  2. Assisting in the referral of casualties for medical treatment as required.  
  3. Assisting in ensuring that an Incident Report is completed on RiskWare immediately after first aid is provided following WHSMP18: Incident Management, Reporting and Investigation Procedure.  
  4. Ensuring their first aid training qualification is current by attending any required refresher training.  
  5. Providing a copy of their current first aid qualification certificate to to ensure University records can be maintained.  
  6. Ensuring they advise their supervisor and the WHS team of any changes in employment details that may affect their role as first aid officer, e.g. resignation as a first aid officer, change in workplace location, name, or telephone contact details.  
  7. Ensuring nearby first aid kits to their work area are captured in scheduled servicing and restocked as needed.  
  8. Determining First Aid Training Requirements for the Work Area/Activity  

(14) The University, with the support of the WHS team and Heads of Work Units, are responsible and accountable for ensuring there is enough first aid officers appointed across the University. Certain areas of the University have greater risks of injury and illness due to the nature of the work/study being carried out. The University’s first aid officer coverage has been determined and aligned with the ratio recommendations in the relevant first aid Codes of Practice. Ratios considered have included all persons attending a SCU site eg. staff, students, others. Further guidance on workplace risk categories is provided below:  

  1. Low Risk: A low-risk work area is where individuals are not likely to be exposed to hazards that could result in a sudden serious injury or illness that requires immediate first aid (such as offices, libraries or any areas performing administrative work).  
  2. High Risk: A high-risk work area is where employees are exposed to hazards that could result in a sudden injury or illness that would require immediate first aid assistance. Examples of the nature of work that could determine a work area as high risk are:  
    1. The use of hazardous machinery (for example, the use of mobile plant, power tools, chainsaws etc)  
    2. The use of hazardous substances/chemicals  
    3. Remote/Isolated Field Work: Extra first aid considerations may be necessary for employees in remote or isolated areas and are to be included in the activity/project WHS risk assessment.  

(15) A portable first aid kit is mandatory for all remote activities and field trips.  
First aid officer and kit coverage at the University is determined following consideration of guidance included in relevant first aid Codes of Practice and risk assessment. Assistance for work unit and project specific first aid risk assessment can be sought from the WHS team.   


(16) Training required is: 

  1. Funded by WHS for appointed First Aid Officers, 
  2. Funded by the Work Unit for employees who require the training for a role requirement.  

University First Aid Appointment Process 


(17) First aid officers must be SCU employees and can successfully complete and obtain a first aid qualification from a registered training organisation. 


(18) The Head of Work Unit provides a written recommendation to WHS Team when a first aid officer is required. The recommendation should include details of the employee nominated for the appointment and either a certified copy of the employee's original nationally recognised Australian first aid qualification or a request that first aid training be arranged for the employee. 

(19) Where the appointment is approved by the WHS Team; WHS will send a letter of offer to the employee detailing the duties and the terms and conditions of the appointment to the employee. 


(20) First aid officers will be required to complete accredited first aid training provided by an external first aid training supplier. Where an employee has independently undertaken training, and are identified as being an appointable first aid officer, they are required to submit their qualifications to the WHS team at for validation. Where staff have a higher level of current medical training e.g. Medical Practitioner, Registered Nurses and Paramedicine staff trained in CPR, they may be appointed as a first aid officer without undertaking further formal first aid training. Evidence of current registration will be required. 

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training  

(21) First aid officers receive initial CPR training during their accredited first aid training course and must recertify their CPR qualifications on an annual basis.  

Installation and Provision of First Aid Kits  

(22) The location of first aid kits across the University are determined following a risk assessment. First aid kits and equipment shall be labeled as per the relevant standards and Codes of Practice including Australian Standard AS 1319: Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment.  

First Aid Kit Supplies  

(23) The contents of the first aid kit shall be in accordance with relevant first aid Codes of Practice. Any additional first aid items that are required due to the nature of the work being undertaken, such as a Scale F first aid kit for vessels, and Epipens, are to be determined following a risk assessment and funded by the relevant Work Unit. Paracetamol and other medications are not to be stored in the first aid kits and first aid officers are not to supply medication to employees, students or others.  

First Aid Kit Servicing  

(24) First aid kit servicing occurs regularly throughout the year by an external provider. This includes servicing of defibrillators. The WHS team will advise first aid officers of any upcoming services.  

(25) The first aid officer should:  

  1. Confirm that the nearby first aid kits to their work area is listed on the location of first aid kits registry list for the relevant campus location.  
  2. Monitor the usage and restocking of first aid kit contents between workplace inspections and first aid kit servicing.  
  3. Confirm that the nearby first aid kits to their work area were serviced following attendance by SCU’s external provider. 
  4. Check that the labeling on the first aid kit is intact and that the names and locations of the nearest first aid officers are provided.  

(26) First aid kits are also checked during the routine workplace inspections which are the responsibility of Work Unit Safety Support Officers. If additional supplies are required between scheduled servicing, please contact   

Emergency Preparedness and Response 

(27) SCU has a duty to prepare, maintain and implement an emergency plan. SCU has detailed the emergency plans which sets out the requirements and instructions for employees and others to follow in case of an emergency or fire situation. 

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Section 4 - Roles and Responsibilities

(28) Refer to the WHS Responsibility and Accountability Statement

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Section 5 - Records of Documentation  

(29) All relevant documentation will be recorded and kept in accordance with WHS Legislation and other legislative obligations including:  

  1. Risk assessments 
  2. First aid and emergency response plans  
  3. First and emergency response training records 
  4. First aid kit and equipment records 
  5. First aid incident and treatment records 
  6. Consultation records 
  7. Inspection records 
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Section 6 - Revision and approval history 

(30) This procedure will be reviewed as per nominated review dates or because of other events, such as: 

  1. Internal and external audit outcomes. 
  2. Legislative changes. 
  3. Outcomes from management reviews. 
  4. Incidents. 
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Section 7 - References 

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
Work Health and Safety Regulation in applicable jurisdiction that SCU operates  
First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (Qld) 2021 
First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (NSW) 2015 
Australian Standards  
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Section 8 - Related Documents 

WHS Responsibility and Accountability Statement