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- Cash Collection and Receipting ProceduresThis procedure sets out the processes for cash handling within the University.
- Cash Handling PolicyThis policy sets out the controls for cash handling within the University.
- Child Safe Environment PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to set out the University's commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children with whom University staff, students and volunteers interact in the course of their employment or study, and to ensure that the University fulfils its obligations under the: Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW); Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (Qld); and, any other State or Territory based equivalents.
- Child Safe Environment ProceduresThe purpose of this procedure is to set out the University's commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children with whom University staff, students and volunteers interact in the course of their employment or study, and to ensure that the University fulfils its obligations under the: Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 (NSW); Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 (Qld); and, any other State or Territory based equivalents.
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) PolicyEstablishes management principles and procedures for the University's CCTV network.
- Code of ConductThis Code of Conduct establishes the minimum standards and obligations relating to conduct and behaviour.
- Commercial Activities PolicyThis Policy provides principles and processes for evaluating, approving and monitoring the University's commercial activities.
- Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances for Onshore International Students - GuidelinesThe document provides guidance to staff responsible for assessing requests from onshore international students relating to compassionate and compelling circumstances.
- Complaint Policy - StaffThis Policy establishes the principles to be followed for resolving staff complaints.
- Complaint Procedure - StaffThis Procedure establishes the process to be followed for resolving staff grievances and gives effect to the uniform implementation of the Staff Complaint Policy.
- Complaints Policy - Students and Members of the PublicComplaints procedure for students and members of the public.
- Compliance Management PolicyThis policy establishes the fundamental principles of conduct and commitment for the University and its Controlled Entities with respect to achieving compliance.
- Conduct of Members of Academic Board and its Committees - GuidelinesThe Guidelines set out the expected conduct of members of Academic Board and its committees.
- Conferral of Awards and Testamur Integrity ProceduresEstablishes approved processes for confirming conferral of awards and issuing in University testamurs.
- Conflicts of Interest relating to Research - ProceduresThese Procedures set out how the University manages Conflicts of Interest relating to Research.
- Contract Management FrameworkThis framework provides a guide to the University's contract management process as well as tool and templates to assist University staff in effectively managing contracts.
- Contract ProceduresThis document outlines the contract preparation, signing and record keeping process.
- Contractor Safety Induction PolicyThis policy defines the principles under which contractors may enter University campuses.
- Contractor Safety ProceduresThese Procedures set out how the University manages the health and safety requirements for the contractors it engages.
- Copyright PolicyThis Policy establishes principles to ensure compliance with the Copyright Act 1968.
- Corporate Credit Card PolicyThis Policy establishes principles relating to use of the University Corporate Credit Card.
- Corporate Credit Card ProceduresThese Procedures outline the processes to be followed regarding the use of University Corporate Credit Cards.
- Corporate Identity PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to ensure the University projects and promotes a single, consistent identity for Southern Cross University and that the content of all promotional materials and publications is accurate and current.
- Council - Statement of Primary Responsibilities(Expired)Statement of the University Council's Primary Responsibilities.
- Council CharterThe Council Charter summarises the role, responsibilities, structures of the Council and its members. It is part of the University's governance framework.
- Council Membership RuleThis Rule establishes the composition of Council pursuant to section 9(B)(4) of the Act and the election procedures.
The Rule replaces the Composition of Council Membership Rule and Council Elections Rule. - Council Succession Planning GuidelinesThe Guidelines assist Council in identifying and selecting new Council members in the event of an anticipated or unanticipated vacancy.
- Course and Unit Approval AuthoritiesThis document specifies Course and Unit approval authorities on behalf of the Academic Board.
- Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study PolicyThis Policy establishes processes for monitoring and managing international students' enrolment load and progress towards completion.
- Course Progress and Completion Within Expected Duration of Study ProceduresThis document outlines the University's procedures for monitoring course progress of onshore international students and implementing intervention strategies for students identified as being at risk of not making satisfactory course progress.
- Course Review ProceduresThese Procedures set out how Course Reviews are conducted, and apply to all coursework courses.
- Curriculum PolicyThe Policy governs the design and development of courses and units at Southern Cross University.
- Curriculum Amendment and Removal ProceduresThese Procedures set out the process for amending or removing courses, specialisations, majors, minors and units.
- Curriculum Availability ProceduresThe Procedures set out the University's approach and process for determining the availability and publication of its curriculum, consistent with the principles set out in the Student Academic Experience Policy.
- Curriculum Design and Development ProceduresCurriculum design, development, teaching and learning, threshold learning outcomes