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- Academic Board Appeals Committee's ProceduresThis Procedure defines the processes of the Academic Board Appeals Committee.
- Academic Integrity GuidelinesThis document offers guidance on how to detect, investigate and classify academic integrity breaches and determine appropriate penalties and educative interventions.
- Academic Integrity ProceduresThe Academic Integrity Procedures set out how academic integrity is rigorously assured and proactively defended in all aspects of teaching and scholarship, consistent with the approach set out in the Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity Policy.
- Academic Promotions (Out of Round) PolicyThis policy sets out how, in exceptional circumstances, academic promotions are considered outside the annual promotions round.
- Academic Promotions PolicyThis Policy outlines the University's academic promotions framework and principles.
- Academic Promotions ProceduresThese procedures give effect to the uniform implementation of the Academic Promotions Policy.
- Academic Quality, Standards and Integrity PolicyThis Policy describes the University's approach to upholding and improving the quality, standards and integrity of its academic activities and outcomes. It supports compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 (Cth).
- Academic Staff Teaching Qualifications and Equivalent Professional Experience ProceduresThe Procedures establish how the University ensures that academic staff appointed to teach students enrolled in coursework courses are qualified to an appropriate level in the relevant discipline as required by legislation.
- Academic Workload - Process for Resolution of Workload ConcernsProcess for resolution of workload concerns for academic staff
- Adjunct, Visiting and Conjoint Appointments PolicyThis policy defines the conditions and arrangements under which Adjunct, Visiting or Conjoint Appointments may be made to the University.
Updated to correct approval authorities - Adjunct, Visiting and Conjoint Appointments ProceduresThis Procedure outlines processes for establishing Adjunct, Visiting or Conjoint Appointments.
- Advertising and Marketing PolicyThe purpose of this Policy is to ensure the University's advertising and promotional activities and materials across print, broadcast and online media are accurate and consistent with the University's Corporate Identity Policy and its Editorial Style Guide.
- Alumni Communication PolicyThis policy sets out the University's approach and methods of communication with its alumni.
- Art Collection PolicyThis Policy sets out the principles, controls and processes for managing the University Art Collection.
- Assessment Moderation GuidelinesThe Assessment Moderation Guidelines support establishing comparability of standards of student performance across different markers, locations, subject, providers and course of study.
- Assessment, Teaching and Learning PolicyThis Policy articulates the priciples that underpin the University's approach to teaching and assessment of student learning, and supports compliance with relevant regulatory frameworks.
- Assessment, Teaching and Learning ProceduresThe Assessment Procedures give effect to the University's Assessment Policy and apply to all students enrolled in, and all staff with responsibility for, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework units at Southern Cross University.
- Asset Financial Management PolicyThis Policy establishes principles for purchasing, using, keeping, managing or disposing of assets.
- Asset Financial Management ProceduresThis Procedure establishes processes for purchasing, using, keeping, managing or disposing of assets.
- Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships PolicyThis policy has been created to comply with the Commonwealth Scholarship Guidelines (Research) 2017.